
201 lines
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package apple2
import (
- "Understanding the Apple II", http://www.applelogic.org/files/UNDERSTANDINGTHEAII.pdf
- "Apple II Reference Manual"
- "More Colors for your Apple", https://archive.org/details/byte-magazine-1979-06/page/n61
// Snapshot the currently visible screen
func Snapshot(a *Apple2) *image.RGBA {
return activeSnapshot(a, false)
func activeSnapshot(a *Apple2, raw bool) *image.RGBA {
isColor := a.isColor
isTextMode := a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioFlagText)
isHiResMode := a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioFlagHiRes)
isMixMode := a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioFlagMixed)
is80Columns := a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioFlag80Col)
isDoubleResMode := !isTextMode && is80Columns && !a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioFlagAnnunciator3)
isSecondPage := a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioFlagSecondPage) && !a.mmu.store80Active
isSuperHighResMode := a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioDataNewVideo)
rgbFlag1 := a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioFlag1RGBCard)
rgbFlag2 := a.io.isSoftSwitchActive(ioFlag2RGBCard)
isMono560 := isDoubleResMode && !rgbFlag1 && !rgbFlag2
isRGBMixMode := isDoubleResMode && !rgbFlag1 && rgbFlag2
var lightColor color.Color
if isColor {
lightColor = color.White
} else {
// Color for typical Apple ][ period green P1 phosphor monitors
// See: https://superuser.com/questions/361297/what-colour-is-the-dark-green-on-old-fashioned-green-screen-computer-displays
lightColor = color.RGBA{65, 255, 0, 255}
var snap *image.RGBA
var ntscMask *image.Alpha
if isSuperHighResMode { // Has to be first and disables the rest
snap = snapshotSuperHiResMode(a)
} else if isTextMode {
snap = snapshotTextMode(a, is80Columns, isSecondPage, false /*isMixMode*/, lightColor)
} else {
if isHiResMode {
if isDoubleResMode {
snap, ntscMask = snapshotDoubleHiResModeMono(a, isSecondPage, isMixMode, isRGBMixMode, lightColor)
} else {
snap = snapshotHiResModeMono(a, isSecondPage, isMixMode, lightColor)
} else {
snap = snapshotLoResModeMono(a, isDoubleResMode, isSecondPage, isMixMode, lightColor)
if isMixMode {
snapText := snapshotTextMode(a, is80Columns, false /*isSecondPage*/, true /*isMixMode*/, lightColor)
snap = mixSnapshots(snap, snapText)
if isColor && !(raw || isMono560) {
snap = filterNTSCColor(snap, ntscMask)
if !raw && !isSuperHighResMode {
snap = linesSeparatedFilter(snap)
return snap
// SnapshotHGRModes to get all modes mixed
func SnapshotHGRModes(a *Apple2) *image.RGBA {
bwSnap := activeSnapshot(a, true)
if bwSnap.Bounds().Dx() == hiResWidth {
bwSnap = doubleWidthFilter(bwSnap)
colorSnap := filterNTSCColor(bwSnap, nil)
page1Snap := filterNTSCColor(snapshotHiResModeMono(a, false /*2nd page*/, false /*mix*/, color.White), nil) // HGR 1
page2Snap := filterNTSCColor(snapshotHiResModeMono(a, true /*2nd page*/, false /*mix*/, color.White), nil) // HGR 2
size := image.Rect(0, 0, hiResWidth*4, hiResHeight*2)
out := image.NewRGBA(size)
for y := 0; y < hiResHeight; y++ {
for x := 0; x < hiResWidth*2; x++ {
out.Set(x, y, colorSnap.At(x, y))
out.Set(x+hiResWidth*2, y, bwSnap.At(x, y))
out.Set(x, y+hiResHeight, page1Snap.At(x, y))
out.Set(x+hiResWidth*2, y+hiResHeight, page2Snap.At(x, y))
return out
func mixSnapshots(top, bottom *image.RGBA) *image.RGBA {
topBounds := top.Bounds()
topWidth := topBounds.Dx()
topHeight := topBounds.Dy()
bottomBounds := bottom.Bounds()
bottomWidth := bottomBounds.Dx()
bottomHeight := bottomBounds.Dy()
factor := topWidth / bottomWidth
size := image.Rect(0, 0, topWidth, topHeight+bottomHeight)
out := image.NewRGBA(size)
// Copy top
for y := topBounds.Min.Y; y < topBounds.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := topBounds.Min.X; x < topBounds.Max.X; x++ {
c := top.At(x, y)
out.Set(x, y, c)
// Copy bottom, applying the factor
for y := bottomBounds.Min.Y; y < bottomBounds.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := bottomBounds.Min.X; x < bottomBounds.Max.X; x++ {
c := bottom.At(x, y)
for f := 0; f < factor; f++ {
out.Set(x*factor+f, topHeight+y, c)
return out
// SaveSnapshot saves a snapshot of the screen to a png file
func SaveSnapshot(a *Apple2, filename string) error {
img := Snapshot(a)
img = squarishPixelsFilter(img)
f, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
png.Encode(f, img)
return nil
func squarishPixelsFilter(in *image.RGBA) *image.RGBA {
b := in.Bounds()
factor := 1200 / b.Dx()
size := image.Rect(0, 0, factor*b.Dx(), b.Dy())
out := image.NewRGBA(size)
for x := b.Min.X; x < b.Max.X; x++ {
for y := b.Min.Y; y < b.Max.Y; y++ {
c := in.At(x, y)
for i := 0; i < factor; i++ {
out.Set(factor*x+i, y, c)
return out
func linesSeparatedFilter(in *image.RGBA) *image.RGBA {
b := in.Bounds()
size := image.Rect(0, 0, b.Dx(), 4*b.Dy())
out := image.NewRGBA(size)
for y := b.Min.Y; y < b.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := b.Min.X; x < b.Max.X; x++ {
c := in.At(x, y)
out.Set(x, 4*y, c)
out.Set(x, 4*y+1, c)
out.Set(x, 4*y+2, c)
out.Set(x, 4*y+3, color.Black)
return out
func doubleWidthFilter(in *image.RGBA) *image.RGBA {
b := in.Bounds()
size := image.Rect(0, 0, 2*b.Dx(), b.Dy())
out := image.NewRGBA(size)
for y := b.Min.Y; y < b.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := b.Min.X; x < b.Max.X; x++ {
c := in.At(x, y)
out.Set(2*x, y, c)
out.Set(2*x+1, y, c)
return out