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synced 2025-03-12 03:34:16 +00:00
387 lines
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387 lines
10 KiB
package izapple2
import "fmt"
type traceProDOS struct {
a *Apple2
callPending bool // We assume MLI is not reentrant
functionCode uint8
paramsAdddress uint16
returnAddress uint16
deviceDrivers []uint16
const (
mliAddress uint16 = 0xbf00
biAddress uint16 = 0xbe03
deviceCountAddress uint16 = 0xbf31 // DEVCNT
deviceListAddress uint16 = 0xbf32
deviceDriverVectors uint16 = 0xbf10 // DEVADR01
deviceDateTimeVector uint16 = 0xbf07 // DATETIME+1
func newTraceProDOS() *traceProDOS {
var t traceProDOS
t.deviceDrivers = make([]uint16, 0)
return &t
func (t *traceProDOS) connect(a *Apple2) {
t.a = a
func (t *traceProDOS) inspect() {
if t.a.dmaActive {
pc, _ := t.a.cpu.GetPCAndSP()
if pc == mliAddress {
MLI has been called (provided we are running proDOS and the proper page)
Calls to MLI must be:
DFB function_code
DW addr_op_parms
if t.callPending {
if t.functionCode == 0x65 {
// QUIT when successful does not return
fmt.Printf("Ok \n")
} else {
fmt.Print("<there was a call pending>\n")
t.callPending = true
} else if t.callPending && pc == t.returnAddress {
t.callPending = false
} else if pc == biAddress {
} else if /*t.callPending &&*/ t.isDriverAddress(pc) {
func (t *traceProDOS) dumpMLICall() {
_, sp := t.a.cpu.GetPCAndSP()
caller := uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(0x100+uint16(sp+1))) +
uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(0x100+uint16(sp+2)))<<8 - 2
t.functionCode = t.a.mmu.Peek(caller + 3)
t.paramsAdddress = uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(caller+4)) + uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(caller+5))<<8
t.returnAddress = caller + 6
fmt.Printf("MLI call $%02x from $%04x", t.functionCode, caller)
switch t.functionCode {
case 0x40:
fmt.Printf(" ALLOC_INTERRUPT()")
case 0x41:
fmt.Printf(" DEALLOC_INTERRUPT()")
case 0x65:
fmt.Printf(" QUIT()")
case 0x80:
fmt.Printf(" READ_BLOCK(unit=%s, block=$%04x)", parseUnit(t.paramByte(1)), t.paramWord(4))
case 0x81:
fmt.Printf(" WRITE_BLOCK(unit=%s, block=$%04x)", parseUnit(t.paramByte(1)), t.paramWord(4))
case 0x82:
fmt.Printf(" GET_TIME()")
case 0xc0:
fmt.Printf(" CREATE(\"%s\")", t.paramString(1))
case 0xc1:
fmt.Printf(" DESTROY(\"%s\")", t.paramString(1))
case 0xc2:
fmt.Printf(" RENAME(old=\"%s\", new=\"%s\")", t.paramString(1), t.paramString(3))
case 0xc3:
fmt.Printf(" GET_FILE_INFO(\"%s\")", t.paramString(1))
case 0xc4:
fmt.Printf(" SET_FILE_INFO(\"%s\")", t.paramString(1))
case 0xc5:
fmt.Printf(" ONLINE(unit=%s)", parseUnit(t.paramByte(1)))
case 0xc6:
fmt.Printf(" SET_PREFIX(\"%s\")", t.paramString(1))
case 0xc7:
fmt.Printf(" GET_PREFIX()")
case 0xc8:
fmt.Printf(" OPEN(\"%s\")", t.paramString(1))
case 0xc9:
fmt.Printf(" NEWLINE(ref=%v, mask=$%02x, char=$%02x)", t.paramByte(1), t.paramByte(2), t.paramByte(3))
case 0xca:
fmt.Printf(" READ(ref=%v, len=%v)", t.paramByte(1), t.paramWord(4))
case 0xcb:
fmt.Printf(" WRITE(ref=%v, len=%v)", t.paramByte(1), t.paramWord(4))
case 0xcc:
fmt.Printf(" CLOSE(ref=%v)", t.paramByte(1))
case 0xcd:
fmt.Printf(" FLUSH(ref=%v)", t.paramByte(1))
case 0xce:
fmt.Printf(" SET_MARK(ref=%v, pos=%v)", t.paramByte(1), t.paramLen(2))
case 0xcf:
fmt.Printf(" GET_MARK(ref=%v)", t.paramByte(1))
case 0xd1:
fmt.Printf(" GET_EOF(ref=%v)", t.paramByte(1))
case 0xd2:
fmt.Printf(" SET_BUF(ref=%v)", t.paramByte(1))
case 0xd3:
fmt.Printf(" GET_BUF(ref=%v)", t.paramByte(1))
fmt.Printf(" => ")
func (t *traceProDOS) dumpMLIReturn() {
error, acc := t.a.cpu.GetCarryAndAcc()
if error {
fmt.Printf("error $%02x: %v\n", acc, getMliErrorText(acc))
} else {
switch t.functionCode {
case 0x82: // Get Time
// Globals will be updated
date := uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(0xbf90)) + uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(0xbf91))<<8
minute := t.a.mmu.Peek(0xbf92)
hour := t.a.mmu.Peek(0xbf93)
fmt.Printf("%04v-%02v-%02v %02v:%02v\n",
date>>9+1900, (date>>5)&0x0f, date&0x1f, // Review Y2K
hour, minute)
case 0xc5: // Online
dataAddress := t.paramWord(2)
for {
b := t.a.mmu.Peek(dataAddress)
if b == 0 {
unit := parseUnit(b)
size := b & 0xf
if size != 0 {
// No error
name := ""
for i := uint8(0); i < size; i++ {
name += string(t.a.mmu.Peek(dataAddress+uint16(i)) & 0x7f)
fmt.Printf("%s: \"%s\" ", unit, name)
} else {
err := t.a.mmu.Peek(dataAddress)
fmt.Printf("%s: error $%02x ", unit, err)
if t.paramByte(1) != 0 {
break // Only one entry requested
dataAddress += 15
case 0xc7: // Get prefix
fmt.Printf("\"%v\"\n", t.paramString(1))
case 0xc8: // Open file
fmt.Printf("ref: %v\n", t.paramByte(5))
case 0xca: // Read
fmt.Printf("%v bytes read \n", t.paramWord(6))
case 0xcb: // Write
fmt.Printf("%v bytes written \n", t.paramWord(6))
case 0xcf: // File position
fmt.Printf("%v\n", t.paramLen(2))
case 0xd1: // File size
fmt.Printf("%v bytes\n", t.paramLen(2))
func (t *traceProDOS) dumpBIExec() {
s := ""
for i := uint16(1); i < 256; i++ {
ch := t.a.mmu.Peek(0x200 + i)
if ch == 0 || ch == 0x8d {
s += string(ch)
fmt.Printf("Prodos BI exec: \"%s\".\n", s)
var proDosCommandNames = []string{"STATUS", "READ", "WRITE", "FORMAT"}
func (t *traceProDOS) dumpDriverCall() {
pc, _ := t.a.cpu.GetPCAndSP()
command := t.a.mmu.Peek(0x42)
unit := t.a.mmu.Peek(0x43)
address := uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(0x44)) + uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(0x45))<<8
block := uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(0x46)) + uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(0x47))<<8
commandName := "OTHER"
if int(command) < len(proDosCommandNames) {
commandName = proDosCommandNames[command]
fmt.Printf("\n Prodos driver $%04x command %02x-%s on unit $%x, block %v to/from $%04x ==> ", pc, command, commandName, unit, block, address)
//lint:ignore U1000 unused but stays as reference
func (t *traceProDOS) dumpDevices() {
// Active disk devices
// See https://prodos8.com/docs/techref/writing-a-prodos-system-program/#page94
// See https://prodos8.com/docs/technote/21/
mem := t.a.mmu.getPhysicalMainRAM(false)
count := mem.peek(deviceCountAddress) + 1
fmt.Printf("Prodos disk devices: \n")
for i := uint8(0); i < count; i++ {
value := mem.peek(deviceListAddress + uint16(i))
id := "unknown"
switch value & 0xf {
case 0x0:
id = "DiskII"
case 0x4:
id = "ProFile" // Used also be the Memory Expansion Ram disk
case 0xf:
id = "RAM"
fmt.Printf((" S%vD%v %s($%02x)\n"), (value>>4)&7, (value>>7)+1, id, value)
// Device drivers
fmt.Printf("ProDOS device drivers:\n")
for slot := uint16(0); slot <= 7; slot++ {
for drive := uint16(0); drive < 2; drive++ {
address := deviceDriverVectors + (slot+drive*8)*2
value := uint16(mem.peek(address)) + 0x100*uint16(mem.peek(address+1))
fmt.Printf(" S%vD%v: $%04x\n", slot, drive+1, value)
// Datetime
value := uint16(mem.peek(deviceDateTimeVector)) + 0x100*uint16(mem.peek(deviceDateTimeVector+1))
fmt.Printf(" Datetime: $%04x\n", value)
func (t *traceProDOS) refreshDeviceDrives() {
mem := t.a.mmu.getPhysicalMainRAM(false)
drivers := make([]uint16, 0, 15)
for i := uint16(0); i < 16; i++ {
address := deviceDriverVectors + i*2
value := uint16(mem.peek(address)) + 0x100*uint16(mem.peek(address+1))
drivers = append(drivers, value)
// Datetime
value := uint16(mem.peek(deviceDateTimeVector)) + 0x100*uint16(mem.peek(deviceDateTimeVector+1))
drivers = append(drivers, value)
t.deviceDrivers = drivers
func (t *traceProDOS) isDriverAddress(pc uint16) bool {
for _, vector := range t.deviceDrivers {
if vector == pc {
return true
return false
func (t *traceProDOS) paramByte(pos uint16) uint8 {
return t.a.mmu.Peek(t.paramsAdddress + pos)
func (t *traceProDOS) paramWord(pos uint16) uint16 {
// Two bytes
return uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(t.paramsAdddress+pos)) + uint16(t.a.mmu.Peek(t.paramsAdddress+pos+1))<<8
func (t *traceProDOS) paramLen(pos uint16) uint32 {
// Three bytes
return uint32(t.paramWord(pos)) + uint32(t.paramByte(pos+2))<<16
func (t *traceProDOS) paramString(pos uint16) string {
address := t.paramWord(pos)
size := t.a.mmu.Peek(address)
s := ""
for i := uint8(0); i < size; i++ {
s += string(t.a.mmu.Peek(address+1+uint16(i)) & 0x7f)
return s
func parseUnit(unit uint8) string {
if unit == 0 {
return "All"
drive := unit >> 7
slot := (unit >> 4) & 7
return fmt.Sprintf("S%v,D%v", slot, drive+1)
func getMliErrorText(code uint8) string {
// From https://prodos8.com/docs/techref/quick-reference-card/
switch code {
case 0x00:
return "No error"
case 0x01:
return "Bad system call number"
case 0x04:
return "Bad system call parameter count"
case 0x25:
return "Interrupt table full"
case 0x27:
return "I/O error"
case 0x28:
return "No device connected"
case 0x2B:
return "Disk write protected"
case 0x2E:
return "Disk switched"
case 0x40:
return "Invalid pathname"
case 0x42:
return "Maximum number of files open"
case 0x43:
return "Invalid reference number"
case 0x44:
return "Directory not found"
case 0x45:
return "Volume not found"
case 0x46:
return "File not found"
case 0x47:
return "Duplicate filename"
case 0x48:
return "Volume full"
case 0x49:
return "Volume directory full"
case 0x4A:
return "Incompatible file format, also a ProDOS directory"
case 0x4B:
return "Unsupported storage_type"
case 0x4C:
return "End of file encountered"
case 0x4D:
return "Position out of range"
case 0x4E:
return "File access error, also file locked"
case 0x50:
return "File is open"
case 0x51:
return "Directory structure damaged"
case 0x52:
return "Not a ProDOS volume"
case 0x53:
return "Invalid system call parameter"
case 0x55:
return "Volume Control Block table full"
case 0x56:
return "Bad buffer address"
case 0x57:
return "Duplicate volume"
case 0x5A:
return "File structure damaged"
return "Unknown error"