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Apple ][+, //e emulator

Portable emulator of an Apple II+ or //e. Written in Go.



  • Models:
    • Apple ][+ with 48Kb of base RAM
    • Apple //e with 128Kb of RAM
    • Apple //e enhanced with 128Kb of RAM
    • Base64A clone with 48Kb of base RAM and paginated ROM
  • Storage
    • 16 Sector diskettes in NIB, DSK or PO format
    • 16 Sector diskettes in WOZ 1.0 or 2.0 format (read only)
    • Hard disk with ProDOS and SmartPort support
  • Emulated extension cards:
    • DiskII controller
    • 16Kb Language Card
    • 256Kb Saturn RAM
    • 1Mb Memory Expansion Card
    • ThunderClock Plus real time clock
    • Bootable hard disk card
    • Apple //e 80 columns with 64Kb extra RAM and optional RGB modes
    • VidHd, limited to the ROM signature and SHR as used by Total Replay, only for //e models with 128Kb
    • FASTChip, limited to what Total Replay needs to set and clear fast mode
  • Graphic modes:
    • Text 40 columns
    • Text 80 columns (Apple //e only)
    • Low-Resolution graphics
    • Double-Width Low-Resolution graphics (Apple //e only)
    • High-Resolution graphics
    • Double-Width High-Resolution graphics (Apple //e only)
    • Super High Resolution (VidHD only)
    • Mixed mode
    • RGB card text 40 columns with 16 colors for foreground and background
    • RGB card mode 11, mono 560x192
    • RGB card mode 13, ntsc 140*192 (regular DHGR)
    • RGB card mode 14, mix of modes 11 and 13 on the fly
  • Displays:
    • Green monochrome monitor with half width pixel support
    • NTSC Color TV (extracting the phase from the mono signal)
    • RGB for Super High Resolution and RGB card
    • ANSI Console, avoiding the SDL2 dependency
    • Debug mode: shows four panels with actual screen, page1, page2 and extra info dependant of the video mode
  • Other features:
    • Sound
    • Joystick support. Up to two joysticks or four paddles
    • Adjustable speed
    • Fast disk mode to set max speed while using the disks
    • Single file executable with embedded ROMs and DOS 3.3
    • Pause (thanks a2geek)
    • ProDOS MLI calls tracing

Running the emulator

No installation required. Download the single file executable apple2xxx_xxx for linux or Mac, SDL2 graphics or console. Build from source to get the latest features.

Default mode

Execute without parameters to have an emulated Apple //e Enhanced with 128kb booting DOS 3.3 ready to run Applesoft:

casa@servidor:~$ ./apple2sdl

DOS 3.3 started

Play games

Download a DSK or WOZ file or use an URL (Asimov is an excellent source) with the -disk parameter:

casa@servidor:~$ ./apple2sdl -disk "https://www.apple.asimov.net/images/games/action/karateka/karateka (includes intro).dsk"


Play the Total Replay collection

Download the excellent Total Replay compilation by a2-4am. Run it with the -hd parameter:

casa@servidor:~$ ./apple2sdl -hd "Total Replay v3.0.2mg"

Displays super hi-res box art as seen with the VidHD card.

Total Replay

Terminal mode

To run text mode right on the terminal without the SDL2 dependency, use apple2console. It runs on the console using ANSI escape codes. Input is sent to the emulated Apple II one line at a time:

casa@servidor:~$ ./apple2console -model 2plus

#                                          #
#                APPLE II                  #
#                                          #
#     DOS VERSION 3.3  SYSTEM MASTER       #
#                                          #
#                                          #
#            JANUARY 1, 1983               #
#                                          #
#                                          #
#                                          #
#                                          #
# ]10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"                  #
#                                          #
# ]LIST                                    #
#                                          #
# 10  PRINT "HELLO WORLD"                  #
#                                          #
# ]RUN                                     #
# HELLO WORLD                              #
#                                          #
# ]_                                       #
#                                          #
#                                          #


  • Ctrl-F1: Reset button
  • F5: Toggle speed between real and fastest
  • Ctrl-F5: Show current speed in Mhz
  • F6: Toggle between NTSC color TV and green phosphor monochrome monitor
  • Ctrl-F6: Show the video mode and a split screen with the views for NTSC color TV, page 1, page 2 and extra info.
  • F7: Save current state to disk (incomplete)
  • F8: Restore state from disk (incomplete)
  • F10: Cycle character generator code pages. Only if the character generator ROM has more than one 2Kb page.
  • F11: Toggle on and off the trace to console of the CPU execution
  • F12: Save a screen snapshot to a file snapshot.png
  • Pause: Pause the emulation

Only valid on SDL mode

Command line options

  -charRom string
        rom file for the character generator (default "<default>")
  -disk string
        file to load on the first disk drive (default "<internal>/dos33.dsk")
  -disk2Slot int
        slot for the disk driver. -1 for none. (default 6)
  -diskRom string
        rom file for the disk drive controller (default "<internal>/DISK2.rom")
  -diskb string
        file to load on the second disk drive
        shows the character map
  -fastChipSlot int
        slot for the FASTChip accelerator card, -1 for none (default 3)
        set fast mode when the disks are spinning (default true)
  -hd string
        file to load on the hard disk
  -hdSlot int
        slot for the hard drive if present. -1 for none. (default -1)
  -languageCardSlot int
        slot for the 16kb language card. -1 for none
  -memoryExpSlot int
        slot for the Memory Expansion card with 1GB. -1 for none (default 4)
  -mhz float
        cpu speed in Mhz, use 0 for full speed. Use F5 to toggle. (default 1.0227142857142857)
  -model string
        set base model. Models available 2plus, 2e, 2enh, base64a (default "2enh")
        emulate a green phosphor monitor instead of a NTSC color TV. Use F6 to toggle.
        panic if a not implemented softswitch is used
        generate profile trace to analyse with pprof
        emulate the RGB modes of the 80col RGB card for DHGR (default true)
  -rom string
        main rom file (default "<default>")
  -saturnCardSlot int
        slot for the 256kb Saturn card. -1 for none (default -1)
  -thunderClockCardSlot int
        slot for the ThunderClock Plus card. -1 for none (default 5)
        dump to the console the CPU execution. Use F11 to toggle.
        dump to the console the hd commands
        dump to the console the calls to ProDOS machine language interface calls to $BF00
        dump to the console the sofswitches calls
  -vidHDSlot int
        slot for the VidHD card, only for //e models. -1 for none (default 2)
  -woz string
        show WOZ file information

Building from source


The only dependency is having a working Go installation on any platform.


go get github.com/ivanizag/apple2/apple2console
go build github.com/ivanizag/apple2/apple2console


Besides having a working Go installation, install the SDL2 developer files. Valid for any platform


go get github.com/ivanizag/apple2/apple2sdl
go build github.com/ivanizag/apple2/apple2sdl

Use docker to cross compile for Linux and Windows

To create executables for Linux and Windows without installing Go, SDL2 or the Windows cross compilation toosl, run:

cd docker

To run in Windows, copy the file SDL2.dll on the same folder as apple2sdl.exe. The latest SDL2.dll can be found in the Runtime binary for Windows 64-bit.

Portable emulator of an Apple ][+ or //e. Written in Go. Runs Total Replay.
Readme GPL-3.0 14 MiB
Go 99.1%
Shell 0.8%
Dockerfile 0.1%