/************************************************************************/ /* KEGS: Apple //gs Emulator */ /* Copyright 2002 by Kent Dickey */ /* */ /* This code is covered by the GNU GPL */ /* */ /* The KEGS web page is kegs.sourceforge.net */ /* You may contact the author at: kadickey@alumni.princeton.edu */ /************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "libkegs" #define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__) #include "defc.h" JNIEnv *g_env; jobject g_thiz; jobject g_bitmap; AndroidBitmapInfo g_bitmap_info; jobject g_eventqueue; extern int Verbose; extern int g_warp_pointer; extern int g_screen_depth; extern int g_force_depth; int g_screen_mdepth = 0; int g_android_mouse_x = 0; int g_android_mouse_y = 0; extern int g_joystick_type; extern int g_paddle_buttons; extern int g_paddle_val[]; extern Kimage g_mainwin_kimage; extern int g_send_sound_to_file; extern int g_config_kegs_update_needed; extern int g_limit_speed; extern int g_quit_sim_now; int g_has_focus = 0; int g_auto_repeat_on = -1; int g_x_shift_control_state = 0; int g_use_shmem = 0; int g_needs_cmap = 0; extern word32 g_red_mask; extern word32 g_green_mask; extern word32 g_blue_mask; extern int g_red_left_shift; extern int g_green_left_shift; extern int g_blue_left_shift; extern int g_red_right_shift; extern int g_green_right_shift; extern int g_blue_right_shift; extern int Max_color_size; extern word32 g_palette_8to1624[256]; extern word32 g_a2palette_8to1624[256]; int g_alt_left_up = 1; int g_alt_right_up = 1; extern word32 g_full_refresh_needed; extern int g_border_sides_refresh_needed; extern int g_border_special_refresh_needed; extern int g_status_refresh_needed; extern int g_lores_colors[]; extern int g_cur_a2_stat; extern int g_a2vid_palette; extern int g_installed_full_superhires_colormap; extern int g_screen_redraw_skip_amt; extern word32 g_a2_screen_buffer_changed; extern char *g_status_ptrs[MAX_STATUS_LINES]; void x_dialog_create_kegs_conf(const char *str) { /* do nothing -- not implemented yet */ return; } int x_show_alert(int is_fatal, const char *str) { /* Not implemented yet */ adb_all_keys_up(); clear_fatal_logs(); return 0; } void xdriver_end() { printf("xdriver_end\n"); } void x_get_kimage(Kimage *kimage_ptr) { byte *ptr; int width; int height; int depth, mdepth; int size; width = kimage_ptr->width_req; height = kimage_ptr->height; depth = kimage_ptr->depth; mdepth = kimage_ptr->mdepth; size = (width*height*mdepth) >> 3; ptr = (byte *)malloc(size); if(ptr == 0) { mac_printf("malloc for data fail, mdepth:%d\n", mdepth); exit(2); } kimage_ptr->data_ptr = ptr; kimage_ptr->dev_handle = (void *)-1; } extern Kimage g_kimage_superhires; void x_push_kimage(Kimage *kimage_ptr, int destx, int desty, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height) { void *pixels; int ret; #if 0 static int pushed = 60; pushed++; if (pushed >= 60) { LOGE("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PUSH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); pushed=0; } #endif if ((ret = AndroidBitmap_lockPixels(g_env, g_bitmap, &pixels)) < 0) { LOGE("AndroidBitmap_lockPixels() failed ! error=%d", ret); return; } // FILL PIXELS word32 *palptr; if(kimage_ptr == &g_kimage_superhires) { palptr = &(g_palette_8to1624[0]); } else { palptr = &(g_a2palette_8to1624[0]); } if(kimage_ptr->depth != 8) { LOGE("convert_kimage_depth from non-8 bit depth"); return; } byte *indata, *inptr; indata = (byte *)kimage_ptr->data_ptr; int in_width = kimage_ptr->width_act; int x, y; indata += (srcy * in_width) + srcx; #ifdef ANDROID_ARGB_8888 pixels = ((char *)pixels + (g_bitmap_info.stride * desty)) + (destx * 4); for (y=0; yGetObjectClass(g_env, g_thiz); jmethodID mid = (*g_env)->GetMethodID(g_env, cls, "updateScreen", "()V"); if (mid == NULL) { return; } (*g_env)->CallVoidMethod(g_env, g_thiz, mid); (*g_env)->DeleteLocalRef(g_env, cls); #if 0 if (pushed == 0) { LOGE("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AFTER afterUpdate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); } #endif } void x_update_physical_colormap() { } void x_redraw_status_lines() { } void x_hide_pointer(int do_hide) { } void x_full_screen(int do_full) { return; } void x_auto_repeat_on(int must) { } void x_auto_repeat_off(int must) { } void show_xcolor_array() { } void x_push_done() { } void x_update_color(int col_num, int red, int green, int blue, word32 rgb) { } // Instead of 'KegsView$KegsThread', the $ is encoded as _00024. JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_froop_app_kegs_KegsView_00024KegsThread_mainLoop( JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jobject bitmap, jobject eventqueue ) { int ret; #if 0 LOGE("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX enter mainLoop"); #endif g_env = env; g_thiz = thiz; g_bitmap = bitmap; g_eventqueue = eventqueue; if ((ret = AndroidBitmap_getInfo(env, bitmap, &g_bitmap_info)) < 0) { LOGE("AndroidBitmap_getInfo() failed"); return; } #ifdef ANDROID_ARGB_8888 if (g_bitmap_info.format != ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB_8888) { LOGE("Bitmap format must be ARGB_8888"); return; } #else if (g_bitmap_info.format != ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB_565) { LOGE("Bitmap format must be RGB_565"); return; } #endif kegsmain(0, NULL); } void dev_video_init() { int i; int lores_col; // We tell KEGS we have an 8bit display, // but then when it asks us to push it, we transform the update area // into ARGB_8888. g_screen_mdepth = 8; g_screen_depth = g_screen_mdepth; #ifdef ANDROID_ARGB_8888 g_red_left_shift = 0; g_green_left_shift = 8; g_blue_left_shift = 16; #else // RGB_565 g_red_right_shift = 3; g_green_right_shift = 2; g_blue_right_shift = 3; g_red_left_shift = 11; g_green_left_shift = 5; g_blue_left_shift = 0; #endif video_get_kimages(); if(g_screen_depth != 8) { // Allocate g_mainwin_kimage video_get_kimage(&g_mainwin_kimage, 0, g_screen_depth, g_screen_mdepth); } for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { lores_col = g_lores_colors[i & 0xf]; video_update_color_raw(i, lores_col); g_a2palette_8to1624[i] = g_palette_8to1624[i]; } x_update_physical_colormap(); g_installed_full_superhires_colormap = 1; } void joystick_init() { g_paddle_val[0] = 32767; // x g_paddle_val[1] = 32767; // y g_paddle_val[2] = 32767; // x #2 g_paddle_val[3] = 32767; // y #2 g_paddle_buttons = 0x0C; if (g_joystick_type != JOYSTICK_TYPE_NATIVE_1) { g_joystick_type = JOYSTICK_TYPE_NATIVE_1; g_config_kegs_update_needed = 1; } } void joystick_update(double dcycs) { paddle_update_trigger_dcycs(dcycs); } void joystick_update_buttons() { } void joystick_shut() { } int x_joystick_update(jclass joystick_class, jobject joystick_event) { static int button_last = 0; jfieldID fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, joystick_class, "x", "I"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID"); return 0; } jint x = (*g_env)->GetIntField(g_env, joystick_event, fid); fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, joystick_class, "y", "I"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID"); return 0; } jint y = (*g_env)->GetIntField(g_env, joystick_event, fid); fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, joystick_class, "buttons", "I"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID"); return 0; } jint buttons = (*g_env)->GetIntField(g_env, joystick_event, fid); if (x != 0xFFFF) { g_paddle_val[0] = MIN(32767, MAX(-32767, x)); } if (y != 0xFFFF) { g_paddle_val[1] = MIN(32767, MAX(-32767, y)); } g_paddle_buttons = (g_paddle_buttons & ~3) + (buttons & 3); if (buttons != button_last) { button_last = buttons; return 0; // wait until the next cycle to process more events } return 1; } int x_mouse_update(jclass mouse_class, jobject mouse_event) { static int button_last = 0; jfieldID fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, mouse_class, "x", "I"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID"); return 0; } jint x = (*g_env)->GetIntField(g_env, mouse_event, fid); fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, mouse_class, "y", "I"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID"); return 0; } jint y = (*g_env)->GetIntField(g_env, mouse_event, fid); fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, mouse_class, "buttons", "I"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID"); return 0; } jint buttons = (*g_env)->GetIntField(g_env, mouse_event, fid); fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, mouse_class, "buttons_valid", "I"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID"); return 0; } jint buttons_valid = (*g_env)->GetIntField(g_env, mouse_event, fid); g_android_mouse_x += x; g_android_mouse_y += y; g_android_mouse_x = MIN(639, g_android_mouse_x); g_android_mouse_x = MAX(0, g_android_mouse_x); g_android_mouse_y = MIN(399, g_android_mouse_y); g_android_mouse_y = MAX(0, g_android_mouse_y); update_mouse(g_android_mouse_x, g_android_mouse_y, buttons, buttons_valid); if (buttons != button_last) { button_last = buttons; return 0; // wait until the next cycle to process more events } return 1; } void x_key_special(int key_id) { key_id = key_id & 0x7f; switch(key_id) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: g_limit_speed = key_id; g_config_kegs_update_needed = 1; break; } } int x_key_update(jclass key_class, jobject key_event) { jfieldID fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, key_class, "key_id", "I"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID"); return 0; } jint key_id = (*g_env)->GetIntField(g_env, key_event, fid); fid = (*g_env)->GetFieldID(g_env, key_class, "up", "Z"); if (fid == NULL) { LOGE("NO FID2"); return 0; } jboolean key_up = (*g_env)->GetBooleanField(g_env, key_event, fid); #if 0 LOGE("got key_id %d %d", key_id, key_up); #endif if (key_id >= 0 && key_id < 0x80) { adb_physical_key_update(key_id, key_up); } else if (key_id >= 0x80) { x_key_special(key_id); } if (!key_up) { return 0; // only process one key down event per loop // (if we did key a key down and key up event for the same key on the same loop, it would be lost) } return 1; } // If we do both the "down" and "up" of a click in a single pass // of check_input_events(), it loses the click. // // So, only process mouse events until the mouse button status changes. // // This allows us to stuff the event queue with both DOWN and UP, // the first pass will see "DOWN", and 1/60th of a second later the "UP" // will go through. // // Same thing with keyboard -- we can process both any number of // "key up" events, but only one "key down" event per loop. // (actually we could keep doing keys as long as the key is different) void check_input_events() { int keep_going = 1; jobject event_item; // check if paused, first jclass cls = (*g_env)->GetObjectClass(g_env, g_thiz); jmethodID mid = (*g_env)->GetMethodID(g_env, cls, "checkForPause", "()V"); (*g_env)->DeleteLocalRef(g_env, cls); if (mid == NULL) { return; } (*g_env)->CallVoidMethod(g_env, g_thiz, mid); do { cls = (*g_env)->GetObjectClass(g_env, g_eventqueue); mid = (*g_env)->GetMethodID(g_env, cls, "poll", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"); (*g_env)->DeleteLocalRef(g_env, cls); if (mid == NULL) { return; } event_item = (*g_env)->CallObjectMethod(g_env, g_eventqueue, mid); if (event_item != NULL) { jclass mouse_class = (*g_env)->FindClass(g_env, "com/froop/app/kegs/Event$MouseKegsEvent"); jclass joystick_class = (*g_env)->FindClass(g_env, "com/froop/app/kegs/Event$JoystickKegsEvent"); jclass key_class = (*g_env)->FindClass(g_env, "com/froop/app/kegs/Event$KeyKegsEvent"); if (mouse_class != NULL && (*g_env)->IsInstanceOf(g_env, event_item, mouse_class)) { keep_going = x_mouse_update(mouse_class, event_item); } else if (joystick_class != NULL && (*g_env)->IsInstanceOf(g_env, event_item, joystick_class)) { keep_going = x_joystick_update(joystick_class, event_item); } else if (key_class != NULL && (*g_env)->IsInstanceOf(g_env, event_item, key_class)) { keep_going = x_key_update(key_class, event_item); } (*g_env)->DeleteLocalRef(g_env, mouse_class); (*g_env)->DeleteLocalRef(g_env, joystick_class); (*g_env)->DeleteLocalRef(g_env, key_class); (*g_env)->DeleteLocalRef(g_env, event_item); } } while(event_item != NULL && keep_going); } // OG void x_release_kimage(Kimage* kimage_ptr) { if (kimage_ptr->dev_handle == (void*)-1) { free(kimage_ptr->data_ptr); kimage_ptr->data_ptr = NULL; } } // OG Addding ratio int x_calc_ratio(float x,float y) { return 1; }