/* * NuFX archive manipulation library * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 by Andy McFadden, All Rights Reserved. * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Library General Public License, see the file COPYING-LIB. * * Implementation of DataSource and DataSink objects. */ #include "NufxLibPriv.h" /* * =========================================================================== * NuDataSource * =========================================================================== */ /* * Allocate a new DataSource structure. */ static NuError Nu_DataSourceNew(NuDataSource** ppDataSource) { Assert(ppDataSource != nil); *ppDataSource = Nu_Malloc(nil, sizeof(**ppDataSource)); if (*ppDataSource == nil) return kNuErrMalloc; (*ppDataSource)->sourceType = kNuDataSourceUnknown; return kNuErrNone; } /* * Make a copy of a DataSource. * * IMPORTANT: if the original had the "doClose" flag set, it will be cleared, * but left set in the duplicate. The assumption is that the original will * be thrown out before the duplicate. If this isn't the case, you will * need to fix the flags on the copied data. * * Returns nil on error. */ NuDataSource* Nu_DataSourceCopy(NuDataSource* pDataSource) { NuDataSource* pNewDataSource; Assert(pDataSource != nil); if (Nu_DataSourceNew(&pNewDataSource) != kNuErrNone) return nil; Assert(pNewDataSource != nil); /* this gets most of it */ memcpy(pNewDataSource, pDataSource, sizeof(*pNewDataSource)); /* copy anything we're sure to free up */ if (pDataSource->sourceType == kNuDataSourceFromFile) { Assert(pDataSource->fromFile.fp == nil); /* does this matter? */ pNewDataSource->fromFile.pathname = strdup(pDataSource->fromFile.pathname); } /* don't let the original free up the resources */ if (pDataSource->common.doClose) { DBUG(("--- clearing doClose on source-copy of data source\n")); pDataSource->common.doClose = false; } return pNewDataSource; } /* * Free a data source structure, and any type-specific elements. */ NuError Nu_DataSourceFree(NuDataSource* pDataSource) { if (pDataSource == nil) return kNuErrNone; switch (pDataSource->sourceType) { case kNuDataSourceFromFile: Nu_Free(nil, pDataSource->fromFile.pathname); if (pDataSource->fromFile.fp != nil) { fclose(pDataSource->fromFile.fp); pDataSource->fromFile.fp = nil; } break; case kNuDataSourceFromFP: if (pDataSource->common.doClose) { fclose(pDataSource->fromFile.fp); pDataSource->fromFile.fp = nil; } break; case kNuDataSourceFromBuffer: if (pDataSource->common.doClose) { Nu_Free(nil, (char*)pDataSource->fromBuffer.buffer); pDataSource->fromBuffer.buffer = nil; } break; case kNuDataSourceUnknown: break; default: Assert(0); return kNuErrInternal; } Nu_Free(nil, pDataSource); return kNuErrNone; } /* * Create a data source for an unopened file. */ NuError Nu_DataSourceFile_New(NuThreadFormat threadFormat, Boolean doClose, ulong otherLen, const char* pathname, Boolean isFromRsrcFork, NuDataSource** ppDataSource) { NuError err; if (!(doClose == true || doClose == false) || pathname == nil || !(isFromRsrcFork == true || isFromRsrcFork == false) || ppDataSource == nil) { return kNuErrInvalidArg; } err = Nu_DataSourceNew(ppDataSource); BailErrorQuiet(err); (*ppDataSource)->common.sourceType = kNuDataSourceFromFile; (*ppDataSource)->common.threadFormat = threadFormat; (*ppDataSource)->common.doClose = doClose; (*ppDataSource)->common.otherLen = otherLen; (*ppDataSource)->fromFile.pathname = strdup(pathname); (*ppDataSource)->fromFile.fromRsrcFork = isFromRsrcFork; (*ppDataSource)->common.dataLen = 0; /* to be filled in later */ (*ppDataSource)->fromFile.fp = nil; /* to be filled in later */ bail: return err; } /* * Create a data source for an open file at a specific offset. The FILE* * must be seekable. */ NuError Nu_DataSourceFP_New(NuThreadFormat threadFormat, Boolean doClose, ulong otherLen, FILE* fp, long offset, long length, NuDataSource** ppDataSource) { NuError err; if (!(doClose == true || doClose == false) || fp == nil || offset < 0 || length < 0 || ppDataSource == nil) { return kNuErrInvalidArg; } if (otherLen && otherLen < (ulong)length) { DBUG(("--- rejecting FP len=%ld other=%ld\n", length, otherLen)); err = kNuErrPreSizeOverflow; goto bail; } err = Nu_DataSourceNew(ppDataSource); BailErrorQuiet(err); (*ppDataSource)->common.sourceType = kNuDataSourceFromFP; (*ppDataSource)->common.threadFormat = threadFormat; (*ppDataSource)->common.doClose = doClose; (*ppDataSource)->common.dataLen = length; (*ppDataSource)->common.otherLen = otherLen; (*ppDataSource)->fromFP.fp = fp; (*ppDataSource)->fromFP.offset = offset; bail: return err; } /* * Create a data source for a buffer. * * We allow "buffer" to be nil so long as "offset" and "length" are also * nil. This is useful for creating empty pre-sized buffers, such as * blank comment fields. */ NuError Nu_DataSourceBuffer_New(NuThreadFormat threadFormat, Boolean doClose, ulong otherLen, const uchar* buffer, long offset, long length, NuDataSource** ppDataSource) { NuError err; if (!(doClose == true || doClose == false) || offset < 0 || length < 0 || ppDataSource == nil) { return kNuErrInvalidArg; } if (buffer == nil && (offset != 0 || length != 0)) { return kNuErrInvalidArg; } if (buffer == nil) doClose = false; if (otherLen && otherLen < (ulong)length) { DBUG(("--- rejecting buffer len=%ld other=%ld\n", length, otherLen)); err = kNuErrPreSizeOverflow; goto bail; } err = Nu_DataSourceNew(ppDataSource); BailErrorQuiet(err); (*ppDataSource)->common.sourceType = kNuDataSourceFromBuffer; (*ppDataSource)->common.threadFormat = threadFormat; (*ppDataSource)->common.doClose = doClose; (*ppDataSource)->common.dataLen = length; (*ppDataSource)->common.otherLen = otherLen; (*ppDataSource)->fromBuffer.buffer = buffer; (*ppDataSource)->fromBuffer.offset = offset; (*ppDataSource)->fromBuffer.curOffset = offset; (*ppDataSource)->fromBuffer.curDataLen = length; bail: return err; } /* * Get the type of a NuDataSource. */ NuDataSourceType Nu_DataSourceGetType(const NuDataSource* pDataSource) { Assert(pDataSource != nil); return pDataSource->sourceType; } /* * Get the threadFormat for a data source. */ NuThreadFormat Nu_DataSourceGetThreadFormat(const NuDataSource* pDataSource) { Assert(pDataSource != nil); return pDataSource->common.threadFormat; } /* * Get "dataLen" from a dataSource. */ ulong Nu_DataSourceGetDataLen(const NuDataSource* pDataSource) { Assert(pDataSource != nil); if (pDataSource->sourceType == kNuDataSourceFromFile) { /* dataLen can only be valid if file has been opened */ Assert(pDataSource->fromFile.fp != nil); } return pDataSource->common.dataLen; } /* * Get "otherLen" from a dataSource. */ ulong Nu_DataSourceGetOtherLen(const NuDataSource* pDataSource) { Assert(pDataSource != nil); return pDataSource->common.otherLen; } /* * Change the "otherLen" value. */ void Nu_DataSourceSetOtherLen(NuDataSource* pDataSource, long otherLen) { Assert(pDataSource != nil && otherLen > 0); pDataSource->common.otherLen = otherLen; } /* * Get the "raw CRC" value. */ ushort Nu_DataSourceGetRawCrc(const NuDataSource* pDataSource) { Assert(pDataSource != nil); return pDataSource->common.rawCrc; } /* * Set the "raw CRC" value. You would want to do this if the input was * already-compressed data, and you wanted to propagate the thread CRC. */ void Nu_DataSourceSetRawCrc(NuDataSource* pDataSource, ushort crc) { Assert(pDataSource != nil); pDataSource->common.rawCrc = crc; } /* * Prepare a data source for action. */ NuError Nu_DataSourcePrepareInput(NuArchive* pArchive, NuDataSource* pDataSource) { NuError err = kNuErrNone; FILE* fileFp = nil; /* * Doesn't apply to buffer sources. */ if (Nu_DataSourceGetType(pDataSource) == kNuDataSourceFromBuffer) goto bail; /* * FP sources can be used several times, so we need to seek them * to the correct offset before we begin. */ if (Nu_DataSourceGetType(pDataSource) == kNuDataSourceFromFP) { err = Nu_FSeek(pDataSource->fromFP.fp, pDataSource->fromFP.offset, SEEK_SET); goto bail; /* return this err */ } /* * We're adding from a file on disk. Open it. */ err = Nu_OpenInputFile(pArchive, pDataSource->fromFile.pathname, pDataSource->fromFile.fromRsrcFork, &fileFp); BailError(err); Assert(fileFp != nil); pDataSource->fromFile.fp = fileFp; err = Nu_GetFileLength(pArchive, fileFp, (long*)&pDataSource->common.dataLen); BailError(err); if (pDataSource->common.otherLen && pDataSource->common.otherLen < pDataSource->common.dataLen) { DBUG(("--- Uh oh, looks like file len is too small for presized\n")); } bail: return err; } /* * Un-prepare a data source. This really only affects "file" sources, and * is only here so we don't end up with 200+ FILE* structures hanging around. * If we don't do this, the first resource we're likely to run out of is * file descriptors. * * It's not necessary to do this in all error cases -- the DataSource "Free" * call will take care of this eventually -- but for normal operation on * a large number of files, it's vital. */ void Nu_DataSourceUnPrepareInput(NuArchive* pArchive, NuDataSource* pDataSource) { if (Nu_DataSourceGetType(pDataSource) != kNuDataSourceFromFile) return; if (pDataSource->fromFile.fp != nil) { fclose(pDataSource->fromFile.fp); pDataSource->fromFile.fp = nil; pDataSource->common.dataLen = 0; } } /* * Get the pathname from a "from-file" dataSource. */ const char* Nu_DataSourceFile_GetPathname(NuDataSource* pDataSource) { Assert(pDataSource != nil); Assert(pDataSource->sourceType == kNuDataSourceFromFile); Assert(pDataSource->fromFile.pathname != nil); return pDataSource->fromFile.pathname; } /* * Read a block of data from a dataSource. */ NuError Nu_DataSourceGetBlock(NuDataSource* pDataSource, uchar* buf, ulong len) { NuError err; Assert(pDataSource != nil); Assert(buf != nil); Assert(len > 0); switch (pDataSource->sourceType) { case kNuDataSourceFromFile: Assert(pDataSource->fromFile.fp != nil); err = Nu_FRead(pDataSource->fromFile.fp, buf, len); if (feof(pDataSource->fromFile.fp)) Nu_ReportError(NU_NILBLOB, err, "EOF hit unexpectedly"); return err; case kNuDataSourceFromFP: err = Nu_FRead(pDataSource->fromFP.fp, buf, len); if (feof(pDataSource->fromFP.fp)) Nu_ReportError(NU_NILBLOB, err, "EOF hit unexpectedly"); return err; case kNuDataSourceFromBuffer: if ((long)len > pDataSource->fromBuffer.curDataLen) { /* buffer underrun */ return kNuErrBufferUnderrun; } memcpy(buf, pDataSource->fromBuffer.buffer + pDataSource->fromBuffer.curOffset, len); pDataSource->fromBuffer.curOffset += len; pDataSource->fromBuffer.curDataLen -= len; return kNuErrNone; default: Assert(false); return kNuErrInternal; } } /* * Rewind a data source to the start of its input. */ NuError Nu_DataSourceRewind(NuDataSource* pDataSource) { NuError err; Assert(pDataSource != nil); switch (pDataSource->sourceType) { case kNuDataSourceFromFile: Assert(pDataSource->fromFile.fp != nil); err = Nu_FSeek(pDataSource->fromFile.fp, 0, SEEK_SET); break; /* fall through with error */ case kNuDataSourceFromFP: err = Nu_FSeek(pDataSource->fromFP.fp, pDataSource->fromFP.offset, SEEK_SET); break; /* fall through with error */ case kNuDataSourceFromBuffer: pDataSource->fromBuffer.curOffset = pDataSource->fromBuffer.offset; pDataSource->fromBuffer.curDataLen = pDataSource->common.dataLen; err = kNuErrNone; break; default: Assert(false); err = kNuErrInternal; } return err; } /* * =========================================================================== * NuDataSink * =========================================================================== */ /* * Allocate a new DataSink structure. */ static NuError Nu_DataSinkNew(NuDataSink** ppDataSink) { Assert(ppDataSink != nil); *ppDataSink = Nu_Malloc(nil, sizeof(**ppDataSink)); if (*ppDataSink == nil) return kNuErrMalloc; (*ppDataSink)->sinkType = kNuDataSinkUnknown; return kNuErrNone; } /* * Free a data sink structure, and any type-specific elements. */ NuError Nu_DataSinkFree(NuDataSink* pDataSink) { if (pDataSink == nil) return kNuErrNone; switch (pDataSink->sinkType) { case kNuDataSinkToFile: Nu_DataSinkFile_Close(pDataSink); Nu_Free(nil, pDataSink->toFile.pathname); break; case kNuDataSinkToFP: break; case kNuDataSinkToBuffer: break; case kNuDataSinkToVoid: break; case kNuDataSinkUnknown: break; default: Assert(0); return kNuErrInternal; } Nu_Free(nil, pDataSink); return kNuErrNone; } /* * Create a data sink for an unopened file. */ NuError Nu_DataSinkFile_New(Boolean doExpand, NuValue convertEOL, const char* pathname, char fssep, NuDataSink** ppDataSink) { NuError err; if ((doExpand != true && doExpand != false) || (convertEOL != kNuConvertOff && convertEOL != kNuConvertOn && convertEOL != kNuConvertAuto) || pathname == nil || fssep == 0 || ppDataSink == nil) { return kNuErrInvalidArg; } err = Nu_DataSinkNew(ppDataSink); BailErrorQuiet(err); (*ppDataSink)->common.sinkType = kNuDataSinkToFile; (*ppDataSink)->common.doExpand = doExpand; if (doExpand) (*ppDataSink)->common.convertEOL = convertEOL; else (*ppDataSink)->common.convertEOL = kNuConvertOff; (*ppDataSink)->common.outCount = 0; (*ppDataSink)->toFile.pathname = strdup(pathname); (*ppDataSink)->toFile.fssep = fssep; (*ppDataSink)->toFile.fp = nil; bail: return err; } /* * Create a data sink based on a file pointer. */ NuError Nu_DataSinkFP_New(Boolean doExpand, NuValue convertEOL, FILE* fp, NuDataSink** ppDataSink) { NuError err; if ((doExpand != true && doExpand != false) || (convertEOL != kNuConvertOff && convertEOL != kNuConvertOn && convertEOL != kNuConvertAuto) || fp == nil || ppDataSink == nil) { return kNuErrInvalidArg; } err = Nu_DataSinkNew(ppDataSink); BailErrorQuiet(err); (*ppDataSink)->common.sinkType = kNuDataSinkToFP; (*ppDataSink)->common.doExpand = doExpand; if (doExpand) (*ppDataSink)->common.convertEOL = convertEOL; else (*ppDataSink)->common.convertEOL = kNuConvertOff; (*ppDataSink)->common.outCount = 0; (*ppDataSink)->toFP.fp = fp; bail: return err; } /* * Create a data sink for a buffer in memory. */ NuError Nu_DataSinkBuffer_New(Boolean doExpand, NuValue convertEOL, uchar* buffer, ulong bufLen, NuDataSink** ppDataSink) { NuError err; if ((doExpand != true && doExpand != false) || (convertEOL != kNuConvertOff && convertEOL != kNuConvertOn && convertEOL != kNuConvertAuto) || buffer == nil || bufLen == 0 || ppDataSink == nil) { return kNuErrInvalidArg; } err = Nu_DataSinkNew(ppDataSink); BailErrorQuiet(err); (*ppDataSink)->common.sinkType = kNuDataSinkToBuffer; (*ppDataSink)->common.doExpand = doExpand; if (doExpand) (*ppDataSink)->common.convertEOL = convertEOL; else (*ppDataSink)->common.convertEOL = kNuConvertOff; (*ppDataSink)->common.convertEOL = convertEOL; (*ppDataSink)->common.outCount = 0; (*ppDataSink)->toBuffer.buffer = buffer; (*ppDataSink)->toBuffer.bufLen = bufLen; (*ppDataSink)->toBuffer.stickyErr = kNuErrNone; bail: return err; } /* * Create a data sink that goes nowhere. */ NuError Nu_DataSinkVoid_New(Boolean doExpand, NuValue convertEOL, NuDataSink** ppDataSink) { NuError err; Assert(doExpand == true || doExpand == false); Assert(ppDataSink != nil); err = Nu_DataSinkNew(ppDataSink); BailErrorQuiet(err); (*ppDataSink)->common.sinkType = kNuDataSinkToVoid; (*ppDataSink)->common.doExpand = doExpand; (*ppDataSink)->common.convertEOL = convertEOL; (*ppDataSink)->common.outCount = 0; bail: return err; } /* * Get the type of a NuDataSink. */ NuDataSinkType Nu_DataSinkGetType(const NuDataSink* pDataSink) { Assert(pDataSink != nil); return pDataSink->sinkType; } /* * Return the "doExpand" parameter from any kind of sink. */ Boolean Nu_DataSinkGetDoExpand(const NuDataSink* pDataSink) { return pDataSink->common.doExpand; } /* * Return the "convertEOL" parameter from any kind of sink. */ NuValue Nu_DataSinkGetConvertEOL(const NuDataSink* pDataSink) { return pDataSink->common.convertEOL; } /* * Return the #of bytes written to the sink. */ ulong Nu_DataSinkGetOutCount(const NuDataSink* pDataSink) { return pDataSink->common.outCount; } /* * Get "pathname" from a to-file sink. */ const char* Nu_DataSinkFile_GetPathname(const NuDataSink* pDataSink) { Assert(pDataSink != nil); Assert(pDataSink->sinkType == kNuDataSinkToFile); return pDataSink->toFile.pathname; } /* * Get "fssep" from a to-file sink. */ char Nu_DataSinkFile_GetFssep(const NuDataSink* pDataSink) { Assert(pDataSink != nil); Assert(pDataSink->sinkType == kNuDataSinkToFile); return pDataSink->toFile.fssep; } /* * Get the "fp" for a file sink. */ FILE* Nu_DataSinkFile_GetFP(const NuDataSink* pDataSink) { Assert(pDataSink != nil); Assert(pDataSink->sinkType == kNuDataSinkToFile); return pDataSink->toFile.fp; } /* * Set the "fp" for a file sink. */ void Nu_DataSinkFile_SetFP(NuDataSink* pDataSink, FILE* fp) { Assert(pDataSink != nil); Assert(pDataSink->sinkType == kNuDataSinkToFile); pDataSink->toFile.fp = fp; } /* * Close a to-file sink. */ void Nu_DataSinkFile_Close(NuDataSink* pDataSink) { Assert(pDataSink != nil); if (pDataSink->toFile.fp != nil) { fclose(pDataSink->toFile.fp); pDataSink->toFile.fp = nil; } } /* * Write a block of data to a DataSink. */ NuError Nu_DataSinkPutBlock(NuDataSink* pDataSink, const uchar* buf, ulong len) { NuError err; Assert(pDataSink != nil); Assert(buf != nil); Assert(len > 0); switch (pDataSink->sinkType) { case kNuDataSinkToFile: err = Nu_FWrite(pDataSink->toFile.fp, buf, len); if (err != kNuErrNone) return err; break; case kNuDataSinkToFP: err = Nu_FWrite(pDataSink->toFP.fp, buf, len); if (err != kNuErrNone) return err; break; case kNuDataSinkToBuffer: if (len > pDataSink->toBuffer.bufLen) { /* buffer overrun; set a "sticky" error, like FILE* does */ err = kNuErrBufferOverrun; pDataSink->toBuffer.stickyErr = err; return err; } memcpy(pDataSink->toBuffer.buffer, buf, len); pDataSink->toBuffer.buffer += len; pDataSink->toBuffer.bufLen -= len; break; case kNuDataSinkToVoid: /* do nothing */ break; default: Assert(false); return kNuErrInternal; } pDataSink->common.outCount += len; return kNuErrNone; } /* * Figure out if one of our earlier writes has failed. */ NuError Nu_DataSinkGetError(NuDataSink* pDataSink) { NuError err = kNuErrNone; Assert(pDataSink != nil); switch (pDataSink->sinkType) { case kNuDataSinkToFile: if (ferror(pDataSink->toFile.fp)) err = kNuErrFileWrite; break; case kNuDataSinkToFP: if (ferror(pDataSink->toFP.fp)) err = kNuErrFileWrite; break; case kNuDataSinkToBuffer: err = pDataSink->toBuffer.stickyErr; break; case kNuDataSinkToVoid: /* do nothing */ break; default: Assert(false); err = kNuErrInternal; break; } return err; }