# # Makefile for Microsoft C compilers. Tested against Visual C++ 6.0. # Not pretty but it seems to work. # # Run with "nmake /f Makefile.msc". Expects NufxLib to have been built # in "..". # # To build without debugging info, use "nmake nodebug=1". # To build with libz, use "nmake libz=1". # To build with libbz2, use "nmake libbz2=1". # If you're linking against nufxlib as a DLL, you don't need to specify # libraries. You probably need to specify DLL=1 and the same setting # of the NODEBUG flag as you used when building the DLL. If you don't, # "test-extract" will fail in the fwrite() call in Nu_FWrite, because # the non-debug /MD libc does something peculiar with FILE*. # # For libz/libbz2, you need to have the appropriate library either # in this directory or in a standard location that the linker can find. # # Windows magic TARGETOS = BOTH !include NUFXSRCDIR = .. LIB_PRODUCT = $(NUFXSRCDIR)\nufxlib.lib !ifdef DLL ### build using the same libc as the DLL !ifdef NODEBUG OPT = /D NUFXLIB_DLL /MD /Ogityb2 LIB_FLAGS = /nodefaultlib:libcd.lib /nologo setargv.obj !else OPT = /D NUFXLIB_DLL /D DEBUG_MSGS /MDd /Od LIB_FLAGS = /nodefaultlib:libc.lib /nologo setargv.obj !endif !else ### build against static lib !ifdef NODEBUG OPT = /ML /Ogityb2 LIB_FLAGS = /nodefaultlib:libcd.lib /nologo libc.lib setargv.obj !else OPT = /D DEBUG_MSGS /MLd /Od LIB_FLAGS = /nodefaultlib:libc.lib /nologo libcd.lib setargv.obj !endif !endif BUILD_FLAGS = /W3 /GX /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /I "$(NUFXSRCDIR)" !MESSAGE Using OPT = $(OPT) !ifdef LIBZ LIB_FLAGS = zlib.lib $(LIB_FLAGS) !endif !ifdef LIBBZ2 LIB_FLAGS = libbz2.lib $(LIB_FLAGS) !endif # how to compile sources .c.obj: @$(cc) $(cdebug) $(OPT) $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(cflags) $(cvars) -o $@ $< PRODUCTS = exerciser.exe imgconv.exe launder.exe test-basic.exe test-extract.exe test-simple.exe all: $(PRODUCTS) exerciser.exe: Exerciser.obj $(LIB_PRODUCT) $(link) $(ldebug) Exerciser.obj -out:$@ $(NUFXSRCDIR)\nufxlib.lib $(LIB_FLAGS) imgconv.exe: ImgConv.obj $(LIB_PRODUCT) $(link) $(ldebug) ImgConv.obj -out:$@ $(NUFXSRCDIR)\nufxlib.lib $(LIB_FLAGS) launder.exe: Launder.obj $(LIB_PRODUCT) $(link) $(ldebug) Launder.obj -out:$@ $(NUFXSRCDIR)\nufxlib.lib $(LIB_FLAGS) test-basic.exe: TestBasic.obj $(LIB_PRODUCT) $(link) $(ldebug) TestBasic.obj -out:$@ $(NUFXSRCDIR)\nufxlib.lib $(LIB_FLAGS) test-simple.exe: TestSimple.obj $(LIB_PRODUCT) $(link) $(ldebug) TestSimple.obj -out:$@ $(NUFXSRCDIR)\nufxlib.lib $(LIB_FLAGS) test-extract.exe: TestExtract.obj $(LIB_PRODUCT) $(link) $(ldebug) TestExtract.obj -out:$@ $(NUFXSRCDIR)\nufxlib.lib $(LIB_FLAGS) clean: -del *.obj -del *.pdb -del *.ilk -del *.exp -del exerciser.exe -del imgconv.exe -del launder.exe -del test-basic.exe -del test-simple.exe -del test-extract.exe Exerciser.obj: Exerciser.c Common.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\NufxLib.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\SysDefs.h ImgConv.obj: ImgConv.c Common.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\NufxLib.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\SysDefs.h Launder.obj: Launder.c Common.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\NufxLib.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\SysDefs.h TestBasic.obj: TestBasic.c Common.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\NufxLib.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\SysDefs.h TestSimple.obj: TestSimple.c Common.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\NufxLib.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\SysDefs.h TestExtract.obj: TestExtract.c Common.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\NufxLib.h $(NUFXSRCDIR)\SysDefs.h