/* * NuLib2 * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 by Andy McFadden, All Rights Reserved. * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the BSD License, see the file COPYING. * * Global-ish state object. */ #include "NuLib2.h" static const char* gProgramVersion = "3.0.0"; /* * Allocate and initialize the semi-global NuLib2 state object. */ NuError NState_Init(NulibState** ppState) { Assert(ppState != NULL); *ppState = Calloc(sizeof(**ppState)); if (*ppState == NULL) return kNuErrMalloc; /* * Initialize the contents to default values. */ (*ppState)->systemPathSeparator = PATH_SEP; #ifdef PATH_SEP2 (*ppState)->altSystemPathSeparator = PATH_SEP2; #else (*ppState)->altSystemPathSeparator = '\0'; #endif (*ppState)->programVersion = gProgramVersion; return kNuErrNone; } /* * A little extra initialization, performed after arguments are parsed. */ NuError NState_ExtraInit(NulibState* pState) { NuError err; NuValue convertEOL; /* * Create a data sink for "stdout", in case we use the "-p" command. * Set the EOL conversion according to the "-l" modifier. */ convertEOL = kNuConvertOff; if (pState->modConvertText) convertEOL = kNuConvertAuto; if (pState->modConvertAll) convertEOL = kNuConvertOn; err = NuCreateDataSinkForFP(true, convertEOL, stdout, &pState->pPipeSink); if (err != kNuErrNone) return err; /* * Create a data sink for "stdout", in case we use the "-c" modifier. * The EOL conversion is always on. */ err = NuCreateDataSinkForFP(true, kNuConvertOn, stdout, &pState->pCommentSink); return err; } /* * Free up the state structure and its contents. */ void NState_Free(NulibState* pState) { if (pState == NULL) return; Free(pState->renameToStr); /* ?? */ Free(pState->tempPathnameBuf); if (pState->pPipeSink != NULL) NuFreeDataSink(pState->pPipeSink); if (pState->pCommentSink != NULL) NuFreeDataSink(pState->pCommentSink); Free(pState); } #ifdef DEBUG_MSGS void NState_DebugDump(const NulibState* pState) { /* this table will break if the code changes, but it's just for debugging */ static const char* kCommandNames[] = { "", "add", "delete", "extract", "extractToPipe", "listShort", "listVerbose", "listDebug", "test", "help", }; Assert(pState != NULL); printf("NState:\n"); printf(" programVersion: '%s'\n", pState->programVersion); printf(" systemPathSeparator: '%c'\n", pState->systemPathSeparator); if (pState->altSystemPathSeparator != '\0') printf(" altSystemPathSeparator: '%c'\n", pState->altSystemPathSeparator); printf(" archiveFilename: '%s'\n", pState->archiveFilename); printf(" filespec: %ld (%s ...)\n", pState->filespecCount, !pState->filespecCount ? "" : *pState->filespecPointer); printf(" command: %d (%s); modifiers:\n", pState->command, kCommandNames[pState->command]); if (pState->modUpdate) printf(" update\n"); if (pState->modFreshen) printf(" freshen\n"); if (pState->modRecurse) printf(" recurse\n"); if (pState->modJunkPaths) printf(" junkPaths\n"); if (pState->modNoCompression) printf(" noCompression\n"); if (pState->modCompressDeflate) printf(" compressDeflate\n"); if (pState->modCompressBzip2) printf(" compressBzip2\n"); if (pState->modComments) printf(" comments\n"); if (pState->modBinaryII) printf(" binaryII\n"); if (pState->modConvertText) printf(" convertText\n"); if (pState->modConvertAll) printf(" convertAll\n"); if (pState->modOverwriteExisting) printf(" overwriteExisting\n"); if (pState->modPreserveType) printf(" preserveType\n"); if (pState->modPreserveTypeExtended) printf(" preserveTypeExtended\n"); printf("\n"); } #endif /* * =========================================================================== * Simple set/get functions * =========================================================================== */ char NState_GetSystemPathSeparator(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->systemPathSeparator; } char NState_GetAltSystemPathSeparator(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->altSystemPathSeparator; } const char* NState_GetProgramVersion(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->programVersion; } NuArchive* NState_GetNuArchive(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->pArchive; } void NState_SetNuArchive(NulibState* pState, NuArchive* pArchive) { pState->pArchive = pArchive; } Boolean NState_GetSuppressOutput(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->suppressOutput; } void NState_SetSuppressOutput(NulibState* pState, Boolean doSuppress) { pState->suppressOutput = doSuppress; } Boolean NState_GetInputUnavailable(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->inputUnavailable; } void NState_SetInputUnavailable(NulibState* pState, Boolean isUnavailable) { pState->inputUnavailable = isUnavailable; } NuRecordIdx NState_GetRenameFromIdx(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->renameFromIdx; } void NState_SetRenameFromIdx(NulibState* pState, NuRecordIdx recordIdx) { pState->renameFromIdx = recordIdx; } char* NState_GetRenameToStr(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->renameToStr; } void NState_SetRenameToStr(NulibState* pState, char* str) { Free(pState->renameToStr); pState->renameToStr = str; } NuDataSink* NState_GetPipeSink(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->pPipeSink; } NuDataSink* NState_GetCommentSink(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->pCommentSink; } long NState_GetMatchCount(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->matchCount; } void NState_SetMatchCount(NulibState* pState, long count) { pState->matchCount = count; } void NState_IncMatchCount(NulibState* pState) { pState->matchCount++; } void NState_AddToTotals(NulibState* pState, long len, long compLen) { pState->totalLen += len; pState->totalCompLen += compLen; } void NState_GetTotals(NulibState* pState, long* pTotalLen, long* pTotalCompLen) { *pTotalLen = pState->totalLen; *pTotalCompLen = pState->totalCompLen; } long NState_GetTempPathnameLen(NulibState* pState) { return pState->tempPathnameAlloc; } void NState_SetTempPathnameLen(NulibState* pState, long len) { char* newBuf; len++; /* add one for the '\0' */ if (pState->tempPathnameAlloc < len) { if (pState->tempPathnameBuf == NULL) newBuf = Malloc(len); else newBuf = Realloc(pState->tempPathnameBuf, len); Assert(newBuf != NULL); if (newBuf == NULL) { Free(pState->tempPathnameBuf); pState->tempPathnameBuf = NULL; pState->tempPathnameAlloc = 0; ReportError(kNuErrMalloc, "buf realloc failed (%ld)", len); return; } pState->tempPathnameBuf = newBuf; pState->tempPathnameAlloc = len; } } char* NState_GetTempPathnameBuf(NulibState* pState) { return pState->tempPathnameBuf; } Command NState_GetCommand(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->command; } void NState_SetCommand(NulibState* pState, Command cmd) { pState->command = cmd; } const char* NState_GetArchiveFilename(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->archiveFilename; } void NState_SetArchiveFilename(NulibState* pState, const char* archiveFilename) { pState->archiveFilename = archiveFilename; } char* const* NState_GetFilespecPointer(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->filespecPointer; } void NState_SetFilespecPointer(NulibState* pState, char* const* filespecPointer) { pState->filespecPointer = filespecPointer; } long NState_GetFilespecCount(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->filespecCount; } void NState_SetFilespecCount(NulibState* pState, long filespecCount) { pState->filespecCount = filespecCount; } Boolean NState_GetModUpdate(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modUpdate; } void NState_SetModUpdate(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modUpdate = val; } Boolean NState_GetModFreshen(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modFreshen; } void NState_SetModFreshen(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modFreshen = val; } Boolean NState_GetModRecurse(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modRecurse; } void NState_SetModRecurse(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modRecurse = val; } Boolean NState_GetModJunkPaths(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modJunkPaths; } void NState_SetModJunkPaths(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modJunkPaths = val; } Boolean NState_GetModNoCompression(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modNoCompression; } void NState_SetModNoCompression(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modNoCompression = val; } Boolean NState_GetModCompressDeflate(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modCompressDeflate; } void NState_SetModCompressDeflate(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modCompressDeflate = val; } Boolean NState_GetModCompressBzip2(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modCompressBzip2; } void NState_SetModCompressBzip2(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modCompressBzip2 = val; } Boolean NState_GetModComments(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modComments; } void NState_SetModComments(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modComments = val; } Boolean NState_GetModBinaryII(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modBinaryII; } void NState_SetModBinaryII(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modBinaryII = val; } Boolean NState_GetModConvertText(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modConvertText; } void NState_SetModConvertText(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modConvertText = val; } Boolean NState_GetModConvertAll(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modConvertAll; } void NState_SetModConvertAll(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modConvertAll = val; } Boolean NState_GetModOverwriteExisting(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modOverwriteExisting; } void NState_SetModOverwriteExisting(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modOverwriteExisting = val; } Boolean NState_GetModAddAsDisk(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modAddAsDisk; } void NState_SetModAddAsDisk(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modAddAsDisk = val; } Boolean NState_GetModPreserveType(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modPreserveType; } void NState_SetModPreserveType(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modPreserveType = val; } Boolean NState_GetModPreserveTypeExtended(const NulibState* pState) { return pState->modPreserveTypeExtended; } void NState_SetModPreserveTypeExtended(NulibState* pState, Boolean val) { pState->modPreserveTypeExtended = val; }