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2020-08-01 21:57:38 -04:00
import io
import sys
import os
import os.path
def _validate_mode(mode):
# strips "t" format, adds "b" format, and checks if the
# base file needs to be created.
# full validation will be handled by
r = False
w = False
plus = False
rmode = "b"
for x in mode:
if x == "r": r = True
elif x in ["a", "x", "w"]: w = True
elif x in ["+"]: plus = True
else: continue
rmode += x
mode = ["r", "a"][w] # create if it does not exist.
return (mode, rmode)
# There's a better way to handle this but I don't recall it offhand.
# - open() opener=argument! opener(file,flags) -> fd
# - ... but that can't force it to be opened in binary mode.
def _open2(file, rfile, mode):
a = None
b = None
(mode, rmode) = _validate_mode(mode)
a =, mode)
b =, rmode)
except Exception as e:
if a: a.close()
return b
_finder_magic = {
(0x00, 0x0000): b"BINApdos",
(0x04, 0x0000): b"TEXTpdos",
(0xff, 0x0000): b"PSYSpdos",
(0xb3, 0x0000): b"PS16pdos",
(0xd7, 0x0000): b"MIDIpdos",
(0xd8, 0x0000): b"AIFFpdos",
(0xd7, 0x0001): b"AIFCpdos",
(0xe0, 0x0005): b"dImgdCpy",
_z24 = bytearray(24)
def _make_finder_data(filetype, auxtype):
k = (filetype, auxtype)
x = _finder_magic.get((filetype, auxtype))
if not x:
x = struct.pack(">cBH4s", b'p', filetype & 0xff, auxtype & 0xffff, b"pdos")
return x
if sys.platform == "win32":
def open_rfork(file, mode="r"):
# protect against c -> c:stream
file = os.path.realpath(file)
rfile = file + ":AFP_Resource"
return _open2(file, rfile, mode)
def set_file_type(path, filetype, auxtype):
path = os.path.realpath(path)
path += ":AFP_AfpInfo"
f = open(path, "wb")
data = struct.pack("<IIII8s24xHI8x",
0x00504641, 0x00010000, 0, 0x80000000,
_make_finder_data(filetype, auxtype),
filetype, auxtype
return True
if sys.platform == "darwin":
def open_rfork(file, mode="r"):
file = os.path.realpath(file)
rfile = file + "/..namedfork/rsrc"
return _open2(file, rfile, mode)
# os.setxattr only available in linux.
import ctypes
_libc = ctypes.CDLL(None)
_setxattr = _libc.setxattr
_setxattr.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p,
ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_size_t,
ctypes.c_uint32, ctypes.c_int]
def set_file_type(path, filetype, auxtype):
data = struct.pack(">8s24x", _make_finder_data(filetype, auxtype))
ok = _setxattr(path.encode("utf-8"), b"", data, 32, 0, 0)
e = ctypes.get_errno()
if ok < 0: return False
return True
if sys.platform == "linux":
def open_rfork(file, mode="r"):
raise NotImplementedError("open_rfork")
def set_file_type(path, filetype, auxtype):
data = struct.pack(">8s24x", _make_finder_data(filetype, auxtype))
os.setxattr(path, "", data, 0, 0)
return True