rComment(""" FROTZ V2.55 An interpreter for all Infocom and other Z-Machine games. Complies with the Z-Machine Standard version 1.1. Originally written by Stefan Jokisch in 1995-1997. Ported to Unix by Galen Hazelwood. Reference code Unix and DOS ports are maintained by David Griffith. IIgs .console port by Kelvin Sherlock. Frotz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it \ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by \ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or \ (at your option) any later version. """) rVersion( '0.0.0a2', verUS, "Frotz 2.55", "Kelvin Sherlock\nDavid Griffith, et alia") rToolStartup( mode640 | fFastPortAware | fUseShadowing, 3, (4, 0x0308), 5, 6, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, export="kStartStop" ) rMenuBar( rMenu("@", rMenuItem("About Frotz…", export="kAboutMenuItem"), rMenuItem("Preferences…", ",", export="kPreferencesMenuItem"), DividerMenuItem(), export="kAppleMenu" ), rMenu(" File ", # rMenuItem("New ", "Nn", export="kNewMenuItem"), rMenuItem("Open…", "Oo", export="kOpenMenuItem"), rMenuItem("Restart", "Rr", export="kRestartMenuItem"), # rMenuItem("Save", "Ss", disabled=True, export="kSaveMenuItem"), # DividerMenuItem(), # rMenuItem("Close", "Ww", id=0xff, export="kCloseMenuItem"), DividerMenuItem(), rMenuItem("Quit", "Qq", export="kQuitMenuItem"), export = "kFileMenu" ), rMenu(" Edit ", UndoMenuItem(), # shortcut for doing it manually, DividerMenuItem(), CutMenuItem(), CopyMenuItem(), PasteMenuItem(), ClearMenuItem(), export = "kEditMenu" ), export = "kMenuBar" ) AboutRect = rect(x = 0, y = 0, height = 100, width = 400) rWindParam1( AboutRect.center(), None, rStatTextControl( AboutRect, rTextForLETextBox2( TBCenterJust, TBFont, TBVenice, b"\x00", b"\x18", # Venice 24-point "Frotz", TBFont, TBMonaco, b"\x00", b"\x09", # monaco, 9-point "\nv 2.55\n", "Stefan Jokisch, Galen Hazel, David Griffith, et alia\n", "IIgs version by Kelvin Sherlock (alpha 2)" ) ), frameBits = fVis, export = "kAboutWindow" )