from base import rObject import struct __all__ = ["rIcon"] def rez_hex(bb, width=16, indent = 0, comma = False): max = (len(bb) + width-1) // width data = [bb[x*width:x*width+width] for x in range(0, max)] prefix = "\t" * indent tmp = "\n".join([prefix + '$"' + x.hex() + '"' for x in data]) if comma: tmp += ",\n" else: tmp += "\n" return tmp class rIcon(rObject): rName = "rIcon" rType = 0x8001 def __init__(self, *, height = None, width = None, # size = None, # height / width tuple image = None, # bytes/byte array mask = None, # bytes/ bytearray color = True, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) if height == None and width == None: raise TypeError("rIcon: missing height/width or size") if type(image) == str: image = bytes.fromhex(image) if type(mask) == str: mask = bytes.fromhex(mask) if type(image) not in (bytes, bytearray): raise TypeError("rIcon: bad image type ({})".format(type(image))) if type(mask) not in (bytes, bytearray): raise TypeError("rIcon: bad mask type ({})".format(type(mask))) # can't support, eg 1 x 1 since that's only half a byte. if width & 0x01: raise ValueError("rIcon: width must be even.") expected = height * width // 2 if len(image) != expected: raise ValueError("rIcon: bad image size") if len(mask) != expected: raise ValueError("rIcon: bad mask size") self.type = 0x8000 if color else 0x0000 self.image = bytes(image) self.mask = bytes(mask) self.height = height self.width = width def __bytes__(self): bb = struct.pack("<4H", self.type, len(self.image), self.height, self.width ) return b"".join([bb, self.image, self.mask]) def _rez_string(self): s = ( "\t0x{:04x}, /* type */\n" "\t{:d}, /* height */\n" "\t{:d}, /* width */\n" ).format(self.type, self.height, self.width) s += "\n\t/*image */\n" s += rez_hex(self.image, width = self.width // 2, indent = 1, comma = True) s += "\n\t/*mask */\n" s += rez_hex(self.mask, width = self.width // 2, indent = 1, comma = False) return s