Kelvin Sherlock 895957c14b rToolStartup
2020-08-01 22:58:53 -04:00

531 lines
11 KiB

import struct
from bisect import bisect_left
from rect import *
from utils import *
import sys
from resource_writer import ResourceWriter
from constants import *
__all__ = ["rObject", "rText", "rTextBlock", "rTextForLETextBox2",
"rAlertString", "rErrorString", "rComment", "rPString",
"rCString", "rWString", "rC1InputString", "rStringList",
"rTwoRects", "rRectList", "rToolStartup"]
#define KeyEquiv array[1]{ char; char; _mybase_ word; _mybase_ word; }
# ( "Ss", 0x..., 0x.... )
class rObject:
rName = None
rType = None
rRange = range(1,0x07FF0000)
_rmap = {}
_resources = {}
_rnames = {}
def __init__(self, id=None, attr=0, **kwargs):
rType = self.rType
if kwargs.get("attrPage", False): attr |= attrPage
if kwargs.get("attrNoSpec", False): attr |= attrNoSpec
if kwargs.get("attrNoCross", False): attr |= attrNoCross
if kwargs.get("resPreLoad", False): attr |= resPreLoad
if kwargs.get("resProtected", False): attr |= resProtected
if kwargs.get("attrPurge1", False): attr |= attrPurge1
if kwargs.get("attrPurge2", False): attr |= attrPurge2
if kwargs.get("attrPurge3", False): attr |= attrPurge3
if kwargs.get("resAbsLoad", False): attr |= resAbsLoad
if kwargs.get("resConverter", False): attr |= resConverter
if kwargs.get("attrFixed", False): attr |= attrFixed
if kwargs.get("attrLocked", False): attr |= attrLocked
if kwargs.get("attrPurge", False): attr |= attrPurge
self._id = id
self._attr = attr
self._export = None
self._name = None
if "export" in kwargs: self._export = kwargs["export"]
if "name" in kwargs:["name"])
def _check_id(self):
rType = self.rType
rID = self._id
if rType in self._resources:
xx = self._resources[rType]
xx = []
self._resources[rType] = xx
if type(rID) == int:
if rType in self._rmap:
xx = self._rmap[rType]
xx = set()
self._rmap[rType] = xx
if rID in xx:
raise ValueError("{} (${:04x}) ${:08x} already defined".format(self.rName, rType, rID))
def name(self, name):
if not name: return
self._name = name
rType = self.rType
if self.rType in self._rnames:
r = self._rnames[rType]
r = rResName(id = 0x00010000 + rType)
self._rnames[rType] = r
return self
def export(self, name):
self._export = name
return self
# .attr(attrNoSpec, attrLocked, attrFixed)
# .attr(attrNoSpec + attrLocked + attrFixed)
def attr(self, *attrs):
for x in attrs:
self._attr |= x
return self
def get_id(self):
rID = self._id
rType = self.rType
if type(rID) == int: return rID
if rType in self._rmap:
xx = self._rmap[rType]
xx = set()
self._rmap[rType] = xx
used = list(xx)
rr = self.rRange
if type(rID) == range:
rr = rID
ix = bisect_left(used, rr.start)
for rID in rr:
if ix >= len(used) or used[ix] > rID : = rID
ix += 1
raise Exception("Unable to allocate id for resource")
# # just append
# if len(xx) == 0:
# = 1
# xx.add(
# return
# rID = used[-1] + 1
# = rID
# xx.add(
# return
def dump_exports(type="c", io=None):
type = type.lower()
if type not in ("c", "equ", "gequ"): return
fmt = {
"c": "#define {} 0x{:08x}",
"equ": "{} equ ${:08x}",
"gequ": "{} gequ ${:08x}",
for rType,rList in rObject._resources.items():
for r in rList:
if r._export:
print(fmt.format(r._export, r.get_id()), file=io)
def _format_attr(self):
attr = self._attr
if not attr: return ""
opts = [""]
if attr & attrPage: opts.append("attrPage")
if attr & attrNoSpec: opts.append("attrNoSpec")
if attr & attrNoCross: opts.append("attrNoCross")
if attr & resPreLoad: opts.append("resPreLoad")
if attr & resProtected: opts.append("resProtected")
if attr & attrPurge1: opts.append("attrPurge1")
if attr & attrPurge2: opts.append("attrPurge2")
if attr & attrPurge3: opts.append("attrPurge3")
if attr & resAbsLoad: opts.append("resAbsLoad")
if attr & resConverter: opts.append("resConverter")
if attr & attrFixed: opts.append("attrFixed")
if attr & attrLocked: opts.append("attrLocked")
return ", ".join(opts)
def dump(io=None):
for rType,rList in rObject._resources.items():
for r in rList:
print("${:04x} {} - ${:08x}".format(rType, r.rName, r.get_id()), file=io)
def dump_hex(io=None):
for rType,rList in rObject._resources.items():
for r in rList:
bb = bytes(r)
data = [bb[x*16:x*16+16] for x in range(0, len(bb)+15>>4)]
print("data {}(${:08x}{}) {{".format(
r.rName, r.get_id(), r._format_attr()
), file=io)
for x in data:
print("\t$\"" + x.hex() + "\"", file=io)
print("}\n", file=io)
def dump_rez(io=None):
for rType,rList in rObject._resources.items():
for r in rList:
content = r._rez_string()
print("resource {}(${:08x}{}) {{".format(
r.rName, r.get_id(), r._format_attr()
), file=io)
print(content, file=io)
print("}\n", file=io)
def save_resources(io):
rw = ResourceWriter()
for rType,rList in rObject._resources.items():
if rType == 0x8014: continue # rResName handled via rw
for r in rList:
attr = r._attr,
name = r._name
# container for a 0-terminated list of resource ids.
class rList(rObject):
def __init__(self, *children, **kwargs):
self.children = children
tt = self.rChildType
for x in self.children:
if not isinstance(x, tt):
raise TypeError("bad type: {}".format(type(x)))
def __bytes__(self):
bb = bytearray(4 + len(self.children) * 4)
offset = 0
for x in self.children:
struct.pack_into("<I", bb, offset, x.get_id())
offset += 4
return bytes(bb)
def _rez_string(self):
if not self.children: return "\t{}"
rv = "\t{\n"
ids = [x.get_id() for x in self.children]
rv += ",\n".join(["\t\t0x{:08x}".format(x) for x in ids])
rv += "\n\t}"
return rv
# id = 0x0001xxxx where xxxx = resource type
class rResName(rObject):
rName = "rResName"
rType = 0x8014
def __init__(self, id, attr=None):
super().__init__(id=id, attr=attr)
self.children = []
def add(self, r):
def __bytes__(self):
count = len(self.children)
bb = struct.pack("<HI",
1, # version
for x in self.children:
name = str_to_bytes(x._name)
id = x.get_id()
bb += struct.pack("<IB", id, len(name))
bb + str_to_bytes(name)
return bb
def _rez_string(self):
rv = "\t1, /* version */\n\t{\n"
tmp = [
x.get_id(), format_string(str_to_bytes(x._name))
for x in self.children
rv += ",\n".join(tmp)
rv += "\n\t}"
return rv
# abstract parent for text objects.
class rTextObject(rObject):
def make_string(cls, text):
rType = cls
# if not rType: rType = rPString
if type(text) == rType: return text
if type(text) in (str, bytes, bytearray): return rType(text)
raise TypeError("Bad text type: {}".format(type(text)))
def __init__(self, text, **kwargs): # id=None, attr=None):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # id=id, attr=attr
# text is a string or bytes.
# bytes is assumed to be macroman
self.text = str_to_bytes(text)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.text)
def __bytes__(self):
return self.text
def _rez_string(self):
if not self.text: return '\t""\n'
return multi_format_string(self.text, "\t")
class rText(rTextObject):
rName = "rText"
rType = 0x8016
class rTextBlock(rTextObject):
rName = "rTextBlock"
rType = 0x8011
class rTextForLETextBox2(rTextObject):
rName = "rTextForLETextBox2"
rType = 0x800b
class rAlertString(rTextObject):
rName = "rAlertString"
rType = 0x8015
class rErrorString(rTextObject):
rName = "rErrorString"
rType = 0x8020
class rComment(rTextObject):
rName = "rComment"
rType = 0x802a
class rPString(rTextObject):
rName = "rPString"
rType = 0x8006
def __bytes__(self):
bb = super().__bytes__()
return struct.pack("<B", len(bb)) + bb
class rCString(rTextObject):
rName = "rCString"
rType = 0x801d
def __bytes__(self):
bb = super().__bytes__()
return bb + b"\x00"
class rWString(rTextObject):
rName = "rWString"
rType = 0x8022
def __bytes__(self):
bb = super().__bytes__()
return struct.pack("<H", len(bb)) + bb
class rC1InputString(rTextObject):
rName = "rC1InputString"
rType = 0x8023
def __bytes__(self):
bb = super().__bytes__()
return struct.pack("<H", len(bb)) + bb
class rStringList(rObject):
rName = "rStringList"
rType = 0x8007
def __init__(self, strings, **kwargs):
self.children = [str_to_bytes(x) for x in strings]
def __bytes__(self):
bb = struct.pack("<H", len(self._strings))
for x in self.children:
bb += bytes( [len(x)] ) # pstring
bb += x
return bb
def _rez_string(self):
rv = "\t{\n"
rv += ",\n".join([format_string_multi(x) for x in self.children])
if self.children: rv += "\n"
rv += "\t}"
return rv
class rTwoRects(rObject):
rName = "rTwoRects"
rType = 0x801a
def __init__(self, r1, r2, **kwargs):
self.r1 = r1
self.r2 = r2
def __bytes__(self):
return struct.pack("<4H4H", *self.r1, *self.r2)
def _rez_string(self):
return (
"\t{{ {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d} }},\n"
"\t{{ {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d} }}\n"
).format(*self.r1, *self.r2)
class rRectList(rObject):
rName = "rRectList"
rType = 0xc001
def __init__(self, *rects, **kwargs):
self.rects = rects
def __bytes__(self):
bb = struct.pack("<H", len(self.rects))
for x in self.rects:
bb += struct.pack("<4H", *x)
return bb
def _rez_string(self):
rv = "\t{\n"
fx = lambda x: "\t\t{{ {:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d} }}".format(*x)
rv += ",\n".join([fx(x) for x in self.rects])
if self.rects: rv += "\n"
rv += "\t}"
return rv;
class rToolStartup(rObject):
mode: 320 or 640
tools: tool number or (tool number, version)
rName = "rToolStartup"
rType = 0x8013
def __init__(self, *tools, mode=640, **kwargs):
self.mode = 640 = tools
if mode not in (320,640): raise ValueError("Bad mode: {}".format(mode))
for x in tools:
if type(x) == int: continue
if type(x) == tuple and len(x) == 2:
a,b = x
if type(a) == int and type(b) == int: continue
raise ValueError("Bad tool: {}".format(x))
def __bytes__(self):
bb = struct.pack("<HHHIH",
0, # flags,
0x80 if self.mode == 640 else 0x00,
0, 0,
for x in
if type(x) == tuple: a,b = x
else: a = x; b = 0
bb += struct.pack("<HH", a, b)
return bb
def _rez_string(self):
rv = (
"\t{}, /* mode */\n"
"mode640" if self.mode == 640 else "mode320"
tmp = []
for x in
if type(x) == tuple: a,b = x
else: a = x; b = 0
tmp.append("\t\t{}, 0x{:04x}".format(a, b))
rv += ",\n".join(tmp)
if rv += "\n"
rv += "\t}"
return rv