
458 lines
8.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "File.h"
#include "../auto.h"
#include "../Endian.h"
#include "../BlockDevice.h"
#include "../BlockCache.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
using namespace LittleEndian;
using namespace Pascal;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark DirEntry
_firstBlock = 0;
_lastBlock = 0;
_fileKind = 0;
_inode = 0;
_parent = NULL;
Entry::Entry(void *vp)
void Entry::init(void *vp)
_firstBlock = Read16(vp, 0x00);
_lastBlock = Read16(vp, 0x02);
_fileKind = Read8(vp, 0x04);
_inode = 0;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark VolumeEntry
_fileNameLength = 0;
std::memset(_fileName, 0, 8);
_lastVolumeBlock = 0;
_fileCount = 0;
_accessTime = 0;
_inodeGenerator = 1;
_cache = NULL;
_device = NULL;
VolumeEntry::VolumeEntry(ProFUSE::BlockDevice *device)
auto_array<uint8_t> buffer(new uint8_t[512]);
unsigned blockCount;
// read the header block, then load up all the header
// blocks.
_device = device;
_cache = device->blockCache();
device->read(2, buffer.get());
// todo -- verify reasonable values.
//printf("%u %u\n", blocks(), _lastBlock - _firstBlock);
// why the fuck didn't this work????
blockCount = blocks();
if (blockCount > 1)
buffer.reset(new uint8_t[512 * blockCount]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i)
device->read(2 + i, buffer.get() + 512 * i);
// now load up all the children.
// if this throws, memory could be lost...
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= _fileCount; ++i)
std::auto_ptr<FileEntry> child;
child.reset(new FileEntry(buffer.get() + i * 0x1a));
child->_parent = this;
catch (...)
std::vector<FileEntry *>::iterator iter;
for(iter = _files.begin(); iter != _files.end(); ++iter)
if (*iter) delete *iter;
std::vector<FileEntry *>::iterator iter;
for(iter = _files.begin(); iter != _files.end(); ++iter)
if (*iter) delete *iter;
// _blockCache does not need deleting.
delete _device;
void VolumeEntry::init(void *vp)
_fileNameLength = Read8(vp, 6);
// verify filenamelength <= 7
// verify fileKind == 0
std::memcpy(_fileName, 7 + (uint8_t *)vp, _fileNameLength);
_lastVolumeBlock = Read16(vp, 0x0e);
_fileCount = Read16(vp, 0x10);
_accessTime = Read16(vp, 0x12);
_lastBoot = Date(Read16(vp, 0x14));
_inodeGenerator = 1;
FileEntry *VolumeEntry::fileAtIndex(unsigned i) const
return i < _files.size() ? _files[i] : NULL;
void *VolumeEntry::loadBlock(unsigned block)
return _cache->load(block);
void VolumeEntry::unloadBlock(unsigned block, bool dirty)
return _cache->unload(block, dirty);
void VolumeEntry::readBlock(unsigned block, void *buffer)
_device->read(block, buffer);
void VolumeEntry::writeBlock(unsigned block, void *buffer)
_device->write(block, buffer);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark FileEntry
FileEntry::FileEntry(void *vp) :
_status = Read8(vp, 0x05) & 0x01;
_fileNameLength = Read8(vp, 0x06);
std::memset(_fileName, 0, 16);
std::memcpy(_fileName, 0x07 + (uint8_t *)vp, _fileNameLength);
_lastByte = Read16(vp, 0x16);
_modification = Date(Read16(vp, 0x18));
_fileSize = 0;
_pageSize = NULL;
delete _pageSize;
unsigned FileEntry::fileSize()
case kTextFile:
return textFileSize();
return dataFileSize();
int FileEntry::read(uint8_t *buffer, unsigned size, unsigned offset)
unsigned fsize = fileSize();
if (offset + size > fsize) size = fsize - offset;
if (offset >= fsize) return 0;
case kTextFile:
return textRead(buffer, size, offset);
return dataRead(buffer, size, offset);
unsigned FileEntry::dataFileSize()
return blocks() * 512 - 512 + _lastByte;
unsigned FileEntry::textFileSize()
if (!_pageSize) textInit();
return _fileSize;
int FileEntry::dataRead(uint8_t *buffer, unsigned size, unsigned offset)
uint8_t tmp[512];
unsigned count = 0;
unsigned block = 0;
block = _firstBlock + (offset / 512);
// returned value (count) is equal to size at this point.
// (no partial reads).
* 1. Block align everything
if (offset % 512)
unsigned bytes = std::min(offset % 512, size);
parent()->readBlock(block++, tmp);
std::memcpy(buffer, tmp + 512 - bytes, bytes);
buffer += bytes;
count += bytes;
size -= bytes;
* 2. read full blocks into the buffer.
while (size >= 512)
parent()->readBlock(block++, buffer);
buffer += 512;
count += 512;
size -= 512;
* 3. Read any trailing blocks.
if (size)
parent()->readBlock(block, tmp);
std::memcpy(buffer, tmp, size);
count += size;
return count;
int FileEntry::textRead(uint8_t *buffer, unsigned size, unsigned offset)
unsigned page = 0;
unsigned to = 0;
unsigned block;
unsigned l;
unsigned count = 0;
auto_array<uint8_t> tmp;
unsigned tmpSize = 0;
if (!_pageSize) textInit();
l = _pageSize->size();
// find the first page.
for (page = 1; page < l; ++page)
unsigned pageSize = (*_pageSize)[page];
if (to + pageSize > offset)
to += pageSize;
block = _firstBlock + 2 + (page * 2);
// offset not needed anymore,
// convert to offset from *this* page.
offset -= to;
while (size)
unsigned pageSize = (*_pageSize)[page];
unsigned bytes = std::min(size, pageSize - offset);
if (pageSize > tmpSize)
tmp.reset(new uint8_t[pageSize]);
tmpSize = pageSize;
// can decode straight to buffer if size >= bytes && offset = 0.
textDecodePage(block, tmp.get());
std::memcpy(buffer, tmp.get() + offset, bytes);
block += 2;
page += 1;
size -= bytes;
buffer += bytes;
count += bytes;
offset = 0;
return count;
unsigned FileEntry::textDecodePage(unsigned block, uint8_t *out)
uint8_t buffer[1024];
unsigned size = 0;
unsigned bytes = textReadPage(block, buffer);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bytes; ++i)
uint8_t c = buffer[i];
if (!c) break;
if (c == 16 && i != bytes - 1)
// DLE
// 16, n -> n-32 spaces.
unsigned x = buffer[++i] - 32;
if (out) for (unsigned i = 0; i < x; ++i) *out++ = ' ';
size += x;
if (out) *out++ = c;
size += 1;
return size;
unsigned FileEntry::textReadPage(unsigned block, uint8_t *in)
// reads up to 2 blocks.
// assumes block within _startBlock ... _lastBlock - 1
parent()->readBlock(block, in);
if (block + 1 == _lastBlock)
return _lastByte;
parent()->readBlock(block + 1, in + 512);
if (block +2 == _lastBlock)
return 512 + _lastByte;
return 1024;
void FileEntry::textInit()
// calculate the file size and page offsets.
_pageSize->reserve((_lastBlock - _firstBlock + 1 - 2) / 2);
_fileSize = 0;
for (unsigned block = _firstBlock + 2; block < _lastBlock; block += 2)
unsigned size = textDecodePage(block, NULL);
_fileSize += size;