/* * FileMan utilities. * * L - list dir * E - */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum commands { kCommandLS = 1, kCommandCAT, kCommandCP, kCommandMV, kCommandRM, kCommandGET, kCommandPUT, kCommandKRUNCH }; void usage() { std::fputs( "Pascal File Manager v 0.0\n\n" "Usage: apfm [-h] [-f format] diskimage action ...\n" "Options:\n" " -h Show usage information.\n" " -f format Specify disk format. Valid values are:\n" " po: ProDOS order disk image\n" " do: DOS Order disk image\n" "\n" "Actions:\n" " cat\n" " krunch\n" " ls\n" " cp\n" " mv\n" " rm\n" " get\n" " put\n", stdout ); } void commandUsage(unsigned command) { const char *text = ""; switch(command) { case kCommandLS: text = "List the volume contents.\n\n" "apfm file ls [-l]\n" "Options:\n" " -l Extended listing\n" ; break; case kCommandKRUNCH: text = "Move free blocks to the end of the volume.\n\n" "apfm krunch [-fi]\n" "Options:\n" " -f Force\n" " -i Interactive\n" ; break; case kCommandCAT: text = "Print the contents of a file to stdout.\n\n" "apfm cat file ...\n" ; break; case kCommandCP: text = "Copy a file.\n\n" "apfm cp [-fi] source target\n" "Options:\n" " -f Force\n" " -i Interactive\n" ; break; case kCommandMV: text = "Rename a file.\n\n" "apfm mv [-fi] source target\n" "Options:\n" " -f Force\n" " -i Interactive\n" ; break; case kCommandGET: text = "Copy a file from the Pascal volume to the native file system.\n\n" "apfm get [-fi] source [target]\n" "Options:\n" " -f Force\n" " -i Interactive\n" ; break; case kCommandPUT: text = "Copy a file from the native file system to the Pascal volume.\n\n" "apfm put [-fi] source [target]\n" "Options:\n" " -f Force\n" " -i Interactive\n" " -t type Set the file type. Valid values:\n" " code\n" " data\n" " foto\n" " graf\n" " info\n" " text\n" ; break; } std::fputs(text, stdout); } unsigned command(const char *command) { if (!::strcasecmp(command, "ls")) return kCommandLS; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "list")) return kCommandLS; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "cat")) return kCommandCAT; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "get")) return kCommandGET; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "put")) return kCommandPUT; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "cp")) return kCommandCP; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "copy")) return kCommandCP; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "rm")) return kCommandRM; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "remove")) return kCommandRM; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "del")) return kCommandRM; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "delete")) return kCommandRM; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "mv")) return kCommandMV; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "move")) return kCommandMV; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "rename")) return kCommandMV; if (!::strcasecmp(command, "krunch")) return kCommandKRUNCH; return -1; } File::FileFlags commandFlags(unsigned command) { switch (command) { case kCommandPUT: case kCommandKRUNCH: case kCommandRM: case kCommandMV: case kCommandCP: return File::ReadWrite; default: return File::ReadOnly; } } // from BSD rm, prompt question on stderr. bool yes_or_no(const char *format, ...) { int ch, first; va_list va; va_start(va, format); std::vfprintf(stderr, format, va); va_end(va); std::fputc(' ', stderr); std::fflush(stderr); first = ch = getchar(); while (ch != '\n' && ch != EOF) ch = getchar(); return (first == 'y' || first == 'Y'); } const char *MonthName(unsigned m) { static const char *months[] = { "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; if (m > 12) return ""; return months[m]; } const char *FileType(unsigned ft) { static const char *types[] = { "Unknown", "Badblocks", "Codefile", "Textfile", "Infofile", "Datafile", "Graffile", "Fotofile", "SecureDir" }; if (ft < 8) return types[ft]; return ""; } void printUnusedEntry(unsigned block, unsigned size) { std::printf("< UNUSED > %4u %4u\n", size, block); } void printFileEntry(Pascal::FileEntryPointer e, bool extended) { Pascal::Date dt = e->modification(); if (extended) { std::printf("%-15s %4u %2u-%s-%2u %5u %5u %s\n", e->name(), e->blocks(), dt.day(), MonthName(dt.month()), dt.year() % 100, e->firstBlock(), e->lastByte(), FileType(e->fileKind()) ); } else { std::printf("%-15s %4u %2u-%s-%2u\n", e->name(), e->blocks(), dt.day(), MonthName(dt.month()), dt.year() % 100 ); } } int action_ls(int argc, char **argv, Pascal::VolumeEntry *volume) { bool extended = false; unsigned fileCount = volume->fileCount(); unsigned used = volume->blocks(); unsigned max = 0; unsigned volumeSize = volume->volumeBlocks(); unsigned lastBlock = volume->lastBlock(); int c; std::fprintf(stdout, "%s:\n", volume->name()); //argv[0] = "afpm ls"; while ((c = ::getopt(argc, argv, "lh")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'l': extended = true; break; case 'h': default: commandUsage(kCommandLS); return c == 'h' ? 0 : 1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; // only print listed files? for (unsigned i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i) { Pascal::FileEntryPointer e = volume->fileAtIndex(i); if (!e) continue; if (lastBlock != e->firstBlock()) { unsigned size = e->firstBlock() - lastBlock; max = std::max(max, size); if (extended) { printUnusedEntry(lastBlock, size); } } printFileEntry(e, extended); lastBlock = e->lastBlock(); used += e->blocks(); } if (lastBlock != volumeSize) { unsigned size = volumeSize - lastBlock; max = std::max(max, size); if (extended) printUnusedEntry(lastBlock, size); } std::fprintf(stdout, "%u/%u files , " "%u blocks used, " "%u unused, " "%u in largest\n", fileCount, fileCount, used, volumeSize - used, max ); return 0; } int action_cat(unsigned argc, char **argv, Pascal::VolumeEntry *volume) { // cat file1, file2... //argv[0] = "afpm cat"; int c; while ((c = ::getopt(argc, argv, "h")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'h': default: commandUsage(kCommandCAT); return c == 'h' ? 0 : 1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc < 1) { commandUsage(kCommandCAT); return -1; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { const char *fname = argv[i]; unsigned fileSize; unsigned offset; uint8_t buffer[512]; Pascal::FileEntryPointer e; // find it... e = volume->fileByName(argv[i]); if (!e) { std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm cat: %s: no such file.\n", fname); continue; } fileSize = e->fileSize(); offset = 0; while (offset < fileSize) { unsigned count = std::min(512u, fileSize - offset); e->read(buffer, count, offset); std::fwrite(buffer, count, 1, stdout); offset += count; } } return 0; } int action_mv(int argc, char **argv, Pascal::VolumeEntry *volume) { // mv src dest bool iFlag = ::isatty(STDIN_FILENO); int c; while ((c = ::getopt(argc, argv, "fih")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'f': iFlag = false; break; case 'i': iFlag = true; break; case 'h': default: commandUsage(kCommandMV); return c == 'h' ? 0 : 1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 2) { commandUsage(kCommandMV); return -1; } const char *source = argv[0]; const char *dest = argv[1]; if (!volume->fileByName(source)) { std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm mv: %s: no such file.\n", source); return -1; } // if -i and destination file exists, confirm overwritting it. if (iFlag && volume->fileByName(dest)) { bool ok = yes_or_no("Overwrite %s?", dest); if (!ok) { std::fprintf(stderr, "Not overwritten.\n"); return -1; } } volume->rename(source, dest); return 0; } int action_cp(int argc, char **argv, Pascal::VolumeEntry *volume) { // cp src dest bool iFlag = ::isatty(STDIN_FILENO); int c; while ((c = ::getopt(argc, argv, "fih")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'f': iFlag = false; break; case 'i': iFlag = true; break; case 'h': default: commandUsage(kCommandCP); return c == 'h' ? 0 : 1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 2) { commandUsage(kCommandCP); return -1; } const char *source = argv[0]; const char *dest = argv[1]; if (!volume->fileByName(source)) { std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm cp: %s: no such file.\n", source); return -1; } // if -i and destination file exists, confirm overwritting it. if (iFlag && volume->fileByName(dest)) { bool ok = yes_or_no("Overwrite %s?", dest); if (!ok) { std::fprintf(stderr, "Not overwritten.\n"); return -1; } } volume->copy(source, dest); return 0; } int action_rm(int argc, char **argv, Pascal::VolumeEntry *volume) { // rm file [file ....] bool iFlag = ::isatty(STDIN_FILENO); int c; while ((c = ::getopt(argc, argv, "fih")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'f': iFlag = false; break; case 'i': iFlag = true; break; case 'h': default: commandUsage(kCommandRM); return c == 'h' ? 0 : 1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; // TODO -- catch errors ? for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { Pascal::FileEntryPointer e = volume->fileByName(argv[i]); if (!e) { if (iFlag) std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm rm: %s: No such file.\n", argv[i]); continue; } if (iFlag) { bool ok = yes_or_no("Remove %s?", argv[i]); if (!ok) continue; } volume->unlink(argv[i]); } return 0; } int action_krunch(int argc, char **argv, Pascal::VolumeEntry *volume) { // compress file to remove gaps. bool iFlag = ::isatty(STDIN_FILENO); int c; while ((c = ::getopt(argc, argv, "fih")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'f': iFlag = false; break; case 'i': iFlag = true; break; case 'h': default: commandUsage(kCommandKRUNCH); return c == 'h' ? 0 : 1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (!volume->canKrunch()) { if (iFlag) std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm krunch: Volume already optimized.\n"); return 0; } if (iFlag) { bool ok = yes_or_no("Are you sure you want to krunch this volume?"); if (!ok) return -1; } volume->krunch(); return 0; } int action_get(int argc, char **argv, Pascal::VolumeEntry *volume) { // get [-f] pascal_file [native file]; char *infile; char *outfile; bool iFlag = ::isatty(STDIN_FILENO); int c; while ((c = ::getopt(argc, argv, "fih")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'f': iFlag = false; break; case 'i': iFlag = true; break; case 'h': default: commandUsage(kCommandGET); return c == 'h' ? 0 : -1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; Pascal::FileEntryPointer entry; switch(argc) { case 1: infile = outfile = argv[0]; break; case 2: infile = argv[0]; outfile = argv[1]; break; default: commandUsage(kCommandGET); return -1; break; } entry = volume->fileByName(infile); if (!entry) { std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm get: %s: no such file.\n", infile); return -1; } // if not -f, check before overwriting file. if (iFlag) { struct stat st; if (::stat(outfile, &st) == 0) { bool ok = yes_or_no("Overwrite %s?", outfile); if (!ok) { std::fprintf(stderr, "Not overwritten.\n"); return -1; } } } File::File file(outfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); unsigned fileSize = entry->fileSize(); unsigned offset = 0; while (offset < fileSize) { uint8_t buffer[512]; unsigned count = std::min(512u, fileSize - offset); entry->read(buffer, count, offset); ::write(file.fd(), buffer, count); offset += count; } return 0; } int action_put(int argc, char **argv, Pascal::VolumeEntry *volume) { // put [-t type] native_file [pascal_file] unsigned type = Pascal::kUntypedFile; struct stat st; int c; char *infile; char *outfile; char *tmp; bool iFlag = ::isatty(STDIN_FILENO); bool tFlag = false; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "fhit:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 't': tFlag = true; if (!::strcasecmp("text", optarg)) type = Pascal::kTextFile; else if (!::strcasecmp("txt", optarg)) type = Pascal::kTextFile; else if (!::strcasecmp("code", optarg)) type = Pascal::kCodeFile; else if (!::strcasecmp("info", optarg)) type = Pascal::kInfoFile; else if (!::strcasecmp("data", optarg)) type = Pascal::kDataFile; else if (!::strcasecmp("graf", optarg)) type = Pascal::kGrafFile; else if (!::strcasecmp("foto", optarg)) type = Pascal::kFotoFile; else type = Pascal::kUntypedFile; break; case 'i': iFlag = true; break; case 'f': iFlag = false; break; case 'h': default: commandUsage(kCommandPUT); return c == 'h' ? 0 : -1; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; switch (argc) { case 1: infile = outfile = argv[0]; // need to run basename on outfile. tmp = strrchr(outfile, '/'); if (tmp) outfile = tmp + 1; break; case 2: infile = argv[0]; outfile = argv[1]; break; default: commandUsage(kCommandPUT); return -1; break; } // if no tFlag specified, check .text/.txt if (!tFlag) { tmp = strrchr(outfile, '.'); if (tmp) { if (::strcasecmp(tmp, ".text") == 0 || strcasecmp(tmp, ".txt") == 0) type = Pascal::kTextFile; } } if (!Pascal::FileEntry::ValidName(outfile)) { std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm put: `%s' is not a valid pascal name.\n", outfile); } if (::stat(infile, &st) != 0) { std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm put: %s: no such file.\n", infile); return -1; } if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm put: %s: not a regular file.\n", infile); return -1; } unsigned blocks = (st.st_size + 511) / 512; if (blocks > (0xffff - 6)) { std::fprintf(stderr, "apfm put: %s: file is too large.\n", infile); return -1; } File file(infile, File::ReadOnly); MappedFile mf(file, File::ReadOnly, st.st_size); if (type == Pascal::kTextFile) { Pascal::TextWriter text; const char *address = (const char *)mf.address(); unsigned start = 0; unsigned length = st.st_size; for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { char c = address[i]; if (c == 0x0d || c == 0x0a) { //std::fprintf(stdout, "%.*s\n", i - start, address + start); text.writeLine(address + start, i - start); start = i + 1; if (c == 0x0a && i < length && address[i +1 ] == 0x0d) { ++start; ++i; } } } //any remainder. if (start != length) text.writeLine(address + start, length - start); blocks = text.blocks(); Pascal::FileEntryPointer entry = volume->create(outfile, blocks); if (!entry) { perror(NULL); return -1; } entry->setFileKind(type); entry->write(text); } else { Pascal::FileEntryPointer entry = volume->create(outfile, blocks); if (!entry) { perror(NULL); return -1; } entry->setFileKind(type); unsigned remaining = st.st_size; unsigned offset = 0; const uint8_t *address = (const uint8_t *)mf.address(); while (remaining) { int rv; unsigned count = std::min(512u, remaining); rv = entry->write(address + offset, count, offset); if (rv == -1) { perror(NULL); return -1; } offset += count; remaining -= count; } } volume->sync(); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Pascal::VolumeEntryPointer volume; Device::BlockDevicePointer device; unsigned fmt = 0; int c; #ifdef __linux__ putenv((char *)"POSIXLY_CORRECT=1"); // fix getopt to not mutate #endif // getop stops at first non '-' arg so it will not affect action flags. while ((c = ::getopt(argc, argv, "f:h")) != -1) { std::printf("%c\n", c); switch(c) { case 'f': fmt = Device::BlockDevice::ImageType(optarg); if (!fmt) { std::fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid file format: ``%s''.\n", optarg); } break; case 'h': default: usage(); return c == 'h' ? 0 : 1; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifdef __linux__ optind = 0; #else optreset = 1; optind = 1; #endif if (argc < 2) { usage(); return 0; } const char *file = argv[0]; const char *action = argv[1]; try { unsigned actionCode = command(action); device = Device::BlockDevice::Open(file, commandFlags(actionCode), fmt); volume = Pascal::VolumeEntry::Open(device); device.reset(); switch (actionCode) { case kCommandCAT: return action_cat(argc - 1, argv + 1, volume.get()); break; case kCommandCP: return action_cp(argc - 1, argv + 1, volume.get()); break; case kCommandKRUNCH: return action_krunch(argc - 1, argv + 1, volume.get()); break; case kCommandLS: return action_ls(argc - 1, argv + 1, volume.get()); break; case kCommandMV: return action_mv(argc - 1, argv + 1, volume.get()); break; case kCommandRM: return action_rm(argc - 1, argv + 1, volume.get()); break; case kCommandGET: return action_get(argc -1, argv + 1, volume.get()); break; case kCommandPUT: return action_put(argc -1, argv + 1, volume.get()); break; } usage(); return 3; } catch (ProFUSE::Exception& e) { std::fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what()); std::fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.errorString()); } return 0; }