ksherlock c6165e16d2 clean up sdk code.
git-svn-id: aa027e90-d47c-11dd-86d7-074df07e0730
2011-03-07 00:44:14 +00:00

248 lines
5.3 KiB

// SDKImage.cpp
// profuse
// Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 3/6/2011.
// Copyright 2011 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#include "SDKImage.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cerrno>
#include <NufxLib.h>
#include <File/File.h>
#include <File/MappedFile.h>
#include <ProFUSE/Exception.h>
using ProFUSE::Exception;
using ProFUSE::POSIXException;
class NuFXException : public Exception
NuFXException(const char *cp, NuError error);
NuFXException(const std::string& string, NuError error);
virtual const char *errorString();
inline NuFXException::NuFXException(const char *cp, NuError error) :
Exception(cp, error)
inline NuFXException::NuFXException(const std::string& string, NuError error) :
Exception(string, error)
const char *NuFXException::errorString()
return ::NuStrError((NuError)error());
using namespace Device;
struct record_thread
NuRecordIdx record_index;
NuThreadIdx thread_index;
* callback function to scan contents.
* (not used).
static NuResult ContentFunction(NuArchive *archive, void *vp)
const NuRecord *record = (const NuRecord *)vp;
* The application must not attempt to retain a copy of "pRecord"
* after the callback returns, as the structure may be freed.
* Anything of interest should be copied out.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NuRecordGetNumThreads(record); ++i)
const NuThread *thread = NuGetThread(record, i);
printf("%ld, %ld\n", (long)record->recordIdx, (long)thread->threadIdx);
if (NuGetThreadID(thread) == kNuThreadIDDiskImage)
record_thread *rt;
NuGetExtraData(archive, (void **)&rt);
if (rt)
rt->record_index = record->recordIdx;
rt->thread_index = thread->threadIdx;
return kNuAbort;
return kNuOK;
static record_thread FindDiskImageThread(NuArchive *archive)
#undef __METHOD__
#define __METHOD__ "SDKImage::FindThread"
record_thread rt;
NuError e;
NuAttr recordCount;
e = NuGetAttr(archive, kNuAttrNumRecords, &recordCount);
if (e)
throw NuFXException(__METHOD__ ": NuGetAttr", e);
for (unsigned position = 0; position < recordCount; ++position)
NuRecordIdx rIndex;
const NuRecord *record;
e = NuGetRecordIdxByPosition(archive, position, &rIndex);
if (e)
throw NuFXException(__METHOD__ ": NuGetRecordIdxByPosition", e);
e = NuGetRecord(archive, rIndex, &record);
if (e)
throw NuFXException(__METHOD__ ": NuGetRecord", e);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NuRecordGetNumThreads(record); ++i)
const NuThread *thread = NuGetThread(record, i);
if (NuGetThreadID(thread) == kNuThreadIDDiskImage)
rt.thread_index = thread->threadIdx;
rt.record_index = record->recordIdx;
return rt;
throw Exception(__METHOD__ ": not a disk image");
* helper function to extract SDK image to /tmp and return a
* ProDOSDiskImage of the /tmp file.
BlockDevicePointer SDKImage::Open(const char *name)
#undef __METHOD__
#define __METHOD__ "SDKImage::Open"
char tmp[] = "/tmp/pfuse.XXXXXXXX";
int fd = -1;
FILE *fp = NULL;
NuArchive *archive = NULL;
//const NuThread *thread = NULL;
//const NuRecord *record = NULL;
NuDataSink *sink = NULL;
//NuRecordIdx rIndex;
//NuThreadIdx tIndex;
NuError e;
record_thread rt = {0, 0};
try {
e = NuOpenRO(name, &archive);
if (e)
throw NuFXException(__METHOD__ ": NuOpenRO", e);
rt = FindDiskImageThread(archive);
fd = mkstemp(tmp);
if (fd < 0)
throw POSIXException(__METHOD__ ": mkstemp", errno);
fp = fdopen(fd, "w");
if (!fp)
throw POSIXException(__METHOD__ ": fdopen", errno);
e = NuCreateDataSinkForFP(true, kNuConvertOff, fp, &sink);
if (e)
throw NuFXException(__METHOD__ ": NuCreateDataSinkForFP", e);
e = NuExtractThread(archive, rt.thread_index, sink);
if (e)
throw NuFXException(__METHOD__ ": NuExtractThread", e);
fprintf(stderr, "Extracted disk image to %s\n", tmp);
fp = NULL;
archive = NULL;
sink = NULL;
if (fp) fclose(fp);
if (archive) NuClose(archive);
if (sink) NuFreeDataSink(sink);
// todo -- maybe SDKImage should extend ProDOSOrderDiskImage, have destructor
// that unklinks the temp file.
MappedFile file(tmp, File::ReadOnly);
return ProDOSOrderDiskImage::Open(&file);