
368 lines
14 KiB

import anomaly
import applesoft
import container
import disk as disklib
import utils
import bitstring
class FileType(object):
def __init__(self, short_type, long_type, parser=None):
self.short_type = short_type
self.long_type = long_type
self.parser = parser
# TODO: add handlers for parsing the rest
0x00: FileType('T', 'TEXT'),
0x01: FileType('I', 'INTEGER BASIC'),
0x02: FileType('A', 'APPLESOFT BASIC', applesoft.AppleSoft),
0x04: FileType('B', 'BINARY'),
# TODO: add anomalies for these
0x08: FileType('S', 'Type S File'),
0x10: FileType('R', 'Relocatable object module file'),
0x20: FileType('a', 'Type a File'),
0x40: FileType('b', 'Type b File'),
# TODO: unknown file type
class VTOCSector(disklib.Sector):
def __init__(self, disk, track, sector, data):
super(VTOCSector, self).__init__(disk, track, sector, data)
catalog_track, catalog_sector, dos_release, volume, max_track_sector_pairs,
last_track_allocated, track_direction, tracks_per_disk, sectors_per_track,
bytes_per_sector, freemap
) = data.unpack(
'pad:8, uint:8, uint:8, uint:8, pad:16, uint:8, pad:256, uint:8, pad:64, uint:8, ' +
'int:8, pad:16, uint:8, uint:8, uintle:16, bits:1600'
# TODO: throw a better exception here to reject the identification as a DOS 3.3 disk
assert dos_release == 3
assert bytes_per_sector == disklib.SECTOR_SIZE
assert sectors_per_track == disklib.SECTORS_PER_TRACK
# Max number of track/sector pairs which will fit in one file track/sector
# list sector (122 for 256 byte sectors)
assert max_track_sector_pairs == 122
if tracks_per_disk != disklib.TRACKS_PER_DISK:
self, anomaly.UNUSUAL, 'Disk has %d tracks > %d' % (
tracks_per_disk, disklib.TRACKS_PER_DISK)
self.catalog_track = catalog_track
self.catalog_sector = catalog_sector
if (catalog_track, catalog_sector) != (0x11, 0x0f):
self, anomaly.UNUSUAL, 'Catalog begins in unusual place: T$%02X S$%02X' % (
catalog_track, catalog_sector)
# TODO: why does DOS 3.3 sometimes display e.g. volume 254 when the VTOC says 178
self.volume = volume
# Process freemap
offset = 0
track = 0
while offset < len(freemap):
track_freemap = freemap[offset:offset+32]
# Each track freemap is a 32-bit sequence where the sector order is
# FEDCBA9876543210................
for sector in xrange(disklib.SECTORS_PER_TRACK):
free = track_freemap[15-sector]
if free:
if track == 0:
self, anomaly.CORRUPTION,
'Freemap claims free sector in track 0: T$%02X S$%02X (cannot be allocated in DOS '
'3.3)' % (track, sector)
if track >= tracks_per_disk:
self, anomaly.CORRUPTION,
'Freemap claims free sector beyond last track: T$%02X S$%02X' % (track, sector)
old_sector = self.disk.ReadSector(track, sector)
# check first this is an unclaimed sector
# TODO: we haven't yet parsed the catalog so this won't yet have claimed the sectors. We
# need to validate the freemap once everything else is done.
if type(old_sector) != disklib.Sector:
self, anomaly.CORRUPTION, 'VTOC claims used sector is free: %s' % old_sector
# TODO: also handle sectors that are claimed to be used but don't end up getting referenced by anything
track += 1
offset += 32
class CatalogSector(disklib.Sector):
TYPE = 'DOS 3.3 Catalog'
def __init__(self, disk, track, sector, data):
super(CatalogSector, self).__init__(disk, track, sector, data)
(next_track, next_sector, file_entries) = data.unpack(
'pad:8, int:8, int:8, pad:64, bits:1960'
catalog_entries = []
offset = 0
while offset < len(file_entries):
file_entry = file_entries[offset:offset+(35*8)]
(file_track, file_sector, file_type, file_name, file_length) = file_entry.unpack(
'uint:8, uint:8, uint:8, bytes:30, uintle:16'
if file_track and file_sector:
entry = CatalogEntry(file_track, file_sector, file_type, file_name, file_length)
offset += (35*8)
self.next_track = next_track
self.next_sector = next_sector
self.catalog_entries = catalog_entries
class FileMetadataSector(disklib.Sector):
def __init__(self, disk, track, sector, data, filename):
super(FileMetadataSector, self).__init__(disk, track, sector, data)
self.filename = filename
self.TYPE = 'DOS 3.3 File Metadata (%s)' % filename
(next_track, next_sector, sector_offset, data_sectors) = data.unpack(
'pad:8, uint:8, uint:8, pad:16, uintle:16, pad:40, bits:1952'
offset = 0
data_track_sectors = []
while offset < len(data_sectors):
ds = data_sectors[offset:offset + 16]
(t, s) = ds.unpack(
'uint:8, uint:8'
if t:
# This may not be the end of the file, it can be sparse.
data_track_sectors.append((t, s))
# TODO: should I append a hole here if this is not the last entry?
offset += 16
self.next_track = next_track
self.next_sector = next_sector
self.sector_offset = sector_offset
self.data_track_sectors = data_track_sectors
class FileDataSector(disklib.Sector):
def __init__(self, disk, track, sector, data, filename):
super(FileDataSector, self).__init__(disk, track, sector, data)
self.filename = filename
self.TYPE = 'DOS 3.3 File Contents (%s)' % filename
class FreeSector(disklib.Sector):
TYPE = "DOS 3.3 Free Sector"
def __init__(self, disk, track, sector, data):
super(FreeSector, self).__init__(disk, track, sector, data)
class Dos33Disk(disklib.Disk):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Dos33Disk, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# TODO: read DOS tracks and compare to known images
self.vtoc = self._ReadVTOC()
self.catalog_track = self.vtoc.catalog_track
self.catalog_sector = self.vtoc.catalog_sector
# TODO: why does DOS 3.3 sometimes display e.g. volume 254 when the VTOC says 178
self.volume = self.vtoc.volume
# List of stripped filenames in catalog order
self.filenames = []
# Maps stripped filenames to CatalogEntry objects
self.catalog = {}
# Maps stripped filename to File() object
self.files = {}
for catalog_entry in self.catalog.itervalues():
newfile = self.ReadCatalogEntry(catalog_entry)
# TODO: last character has special meaning for deleted files and may legitimately be whitespace. Could collide with a non-deleted file of the same stripped name
self.files[catalog_entry.FileName().rstrip()] = newfile
def _ReadVTOC(self):
return VTOCSector.fromSector(self.ReadSector(0x11, 0x0))
def ReadCatalog(self):
next_track = self.catalog_track
next_sector = self.catalog_sector
catalog = {}
catalog_entries = []
while next_track and next_sector:
cs = CatalogSector.fromSector(self.ReadSector(next_track, next_sector))
(next_track, next_sector, new_entries) = (cs.next_track, cs.next_sector, cs.catalog_entries)
filenames = []
for entry in catalog_entries:
filename = entry.FileName().rstrip()
catalog[entry.FileName().rstrip()] = entry
self.filenames = filenames
self.catalog = catalog
def ReadCatalogEntry(self, entry):
next_track = entry.track
next_sector = entry.sector
sector_list = [None] * entry.length
# entry.length counts the number of data sectors as well as track/sector list sectors
track_sector_count = 0
while next_track and next_sector:
track_sector_count += 1
if next_track == 0x00:
# This entry has never been used, skip it
if next_track == 0xff:
# Deleted file
# TODO: add sector type for this. What to do about sectors claimed by this file that are in use by another file? May discover this before or after this entry
print "Found deleted file %s" % entry.FileName()
fs = FileMetadataSector.fromSector(self.ReadSector(next_track, next_sector), entry.FileName())
(next_track, next_sector) = (fs.next_track, fs.next_sector)
num_sectors = len(fs.data_track_sectors)
sector_list[fs.sector_offset:fs.sector_offset + num_sectors] = fs.data_track_sectors
except disklib.IOError, e:
# TODO: add a flag indicating truncated file?
self, anomaly.CORRUPTION, 'File metadata sector out of bounds for file %s: %s' % (
entry.FileName(), e)
(next_track, next_sector) = (None, None)
# TODO: Assert we didn't have any holes. Or is this fine e.g. for a sparse text file?
# We allocated space up-front for an unknown number of t/s list sectors, trim them from the end
sector_list = sector_list[:entry.length - track_sector_count]
contents = bitstring.BitString()
for ts in sector_list:
if not ts:
#print "XXX found a sparse sector?"
(t, s) = ts
fds = FileDataSector.fromSector(self.ReadSector(t, s), entry.FileName())
except disklib.IOError, e:
self, anomaly.CORRUPTION, 'File data sector out of bounds for file %s: %s' % (
entry.FileName(), e)
newfile = File(entry, contents)
return newfile
def Catalog(self):
catalog = ['DISK VOLUME %d\n' % self.volume]
for filename in self.filenames:
entry = self.catalog[filename]
file_type = entry.file_type.short_type
'%s%s %03d %s' % (
'*' if entry.locked else ' ',
file_type, entry.length,
return '\n'.join(catalog)
def __str__(self):
return '%s (DOS 3.3 disk)' % (
class CatalogEntry(container.Container):
def __init__(self, track, sector, file_type, file_name, length):
super(CatalogEntry, self).__init__()
self.track = track
self.sector = sector
# TODO: add anomaly for unknown file type
self.file_type = FILE_TYPES[file_type & 0x7f]
self.locked = bool(file_type & 0x80)
self.file_name = file_name
self.length = length
# TODO: handle deleted files (track = 0xff, original track in file_name[0x20])
def FileName(self):
return '%s' % ''.join([chr(ord(b) & 0x7f) for b in self.file_name])
def __str__(self):
type_string = self.file_type.long_type
if self.locked:
type_string += ' (LOCKED)'
return "Track $%02x Sector $%02x Type %s Name: %s Length: %d" % (self.track, self.sector, type_string, self.FileName(), self.length)
class File(container.Container):
def __init__(self, catalog_entry, contents):
super(File, self).__init__()
self.catalog_entry = catalog_entry
self.contents = contents
self.parsed_contents = None
parser = catalog_entry.file_type.parser
if parser:
self.parsed_contents = parser(catalog_entry.FileName(), contents)
except Exception, e:
self, anomaly.CORRUPTION, 'Failed to parse file %s: %s' % (self.catalog_entry, e)
def __str__(self):
return 'File(%s)' % self.catalog_entry.FileName()