UNIT SANE; { Apple IIGS SANE Interfaces See the Apple Numerics Manual for complete documentation Copyright (c) 1986-1988 by TML Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. } { The SANE environment word (Integer) is defined as follows: } INTERFACE CONST DecStrLen = 255; TYPE { Standard housekeeping routines } PROCEDURE SANEStartUp PROCEDURE SANEShutDown; FUNCTION SANEVersion: Integer; PROCEDURE SANEReset; FUNCTION SANEStatus: Integer; { Conversions between numeric binary types } FUNCTION Num2Integer FUNCTION Num2Longint FUNCTION Num2Real FUNCTION Num2Double FUNCTION Num2Extended FUNCTION Num2Comp { Conversions between binary and decimal } PROCEDURE Num2Dec FUNCTION Dec2Num { Conversions between decimal formats } PROCEDURE Str2Dec PROCEDURE CStr2Dec PROCEDURE Dec2Str { Arithmetic, auxiliary and elementary functions } FUNCTION Remainder FUNCTION Rint FUNCTION Scalb FUNCTION Logb FUNCTION Log2 FUNCTION Ln1 FUNCTION Exp2 FUNCTION Exp1 FUNCTION Tan FUNCTION CopySign FUNCTION NextExtended FUNCTION XpwrI FUNCTION XpwrY FUNCTION Compound FUNCTION Annuity FUNCTION RandomX { Inquirty routines } FUNCTION ClassReal FUNCTION ClassDouble FUNCTION ClassComp FUNCTION ClassExtended FUNCTION SignNum { NaN function } FUNCTION NAN { Environment control routines } FUNCTION GetHaltVector: Integer; PROCEDURE SetHaltVector { Environment access routines } PROCEDURE SetEnvironment PROCEDURE GetEnvironment PROCEDURE ProcEntry PROCEDURE ProcExit { Comparison routine } FUNCTION Relation IMPLEMENTATION END.