/* reinette II plus, a french Apple II emulator, using SDL2 and powered by puce6502 - a MOS 6502 cpu emulator by the same autor Last modified 1st of August 2020 Copyright (c) 2020 Arthur Ferreira (arthur.ferreira2@gmail.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "puce6502.h" //================================================================ SOFT SWITCHES uint8_t TEXT = 0; // start of text (0=full text, 20=mixed or 24=full GR) uint8_t PAGE = 1; // 0xC054 for page1 or 0xC055 for page2 bool HIRES = false; // 0xC056 (off: GR) or 0xC057 (on: HGR) bool SPKR = false; // 0xC030 Speaker toggle bool MUTED = false; // not an Apple II Soft Switch, press F9 to mute/unmute uint8_t KBD = 0; // 0xC000, 0xC010 ascii value of keyboard input uint8_t PB0 = 0; // 0xC061 Push Button 0 (bit 7) / Open Apple uint8_t PB1 = 0; // 0xC062 Push Button 1 (bit 7) / Solid Apple uint8_t GC0 = 0; // 0xC064 Game Controller 0 (bit 7) uint8_t GC1 = 0; // 0xC065 Game Controller 1 (bit 7) float TGC0, TGC1; // Timers for GC0 and GC1 float trimGC = .24; // Game Controller trim use F5 and F6 to adjust it //======================================================================== AUDIO #define audioBufferSize 512 // found to be large enought #define rate 50 // 1 Mhz / 20000 Hz (the wavSpec.freq) SDL_AudioDeviceID audioDevice; uint8_t audioBuffer[2][audioBufferSize]; // see main() for more details long long int lastTick = 0LL; //====================================================================== DISK ][ uint8_t slot6[256] = {0}; // disk ][ PROM in slot 6 struct drive{ char filename[512]; // the full disk image path bool readOnly; // based on the image file attributes uint8_t data[232960]; // nibblelized disk image bool motorOn; // motor status bool writeMode; // writes to file are not implemented uint8_t track; // current track position uint16_t nibble; // current nibble under head position } disk[2] = {0}; // two disk ][ drive units int curDrv = 0; // only one can be enabled at a time void stepMotor(uint16_t address){ static bool phases[2][4] = {0}; // phases states (for both drives) static bool phasesB[2][4] = {0}; // phases states Before static bool phasesBB[2][4] = {0}; // phases states Before Before static int pIdx[2] = {0}; // phase index (for both drives) static int pIdxB[2] = {0}; // phase index Before static int halfTrackPos[2] = {0}; address &= 7; int phase = address >> 1; phasesBB[curDrv][pIdxB[curDrv]] = phasesB[curDrv][pIdxB[curDrv]]; phasesB[curDrv][pIdx[curDrv]] = phases[curDrv][pIdx[curDrv]]; pIdxB[curDrv] = pIdx[curDrv]; pIdx[curDrv] = phase; if ((address & 1) == 0){ // head not moving (PHASE X OFF) phases[curDrv][phase] = false; return; } // head is moving in if ((phasesBB[curDrv][(phase + 1) & 3]) && (--halfTrackPos[curDrv] < 0)) halfTrackPos[curDrv] = 0; // head is moving out if ((phasesBB[curDrv][(phase - 1) & 3]) && (++halfTrackPos[curDrv] > 140)) halfTrackPos[curDrv] = 140; // update track phases[curDrv][phase] = true; disk[curDrv].track = (halfTrackPos[curDrv] + 1) / 2; } //========================================== MEMORY MAPPED SOFT SWITCHES HANDLER // this function is called from readMem and writeMem in puce6502 // it complements both functions when address is between 0xC000 and 0xCFFF uint8_t softSwitches(uint16_t address, uint8_t value){ static uint8_t dLatch = 0; // disk ][ I/O reg if (address>>8 == 0xC6) return(slot6[address - 0xC600]); // disk ][ PROM switch (address){ case 0xC000: return(KBD); // keyboard case 0xC010: KBD &= 0x7F; return(KBD); // key strobe case 0xC030: // Sound SPKR = !SPKR; // toggle speaker if (!MUTED){ uint16_t length = (ticks - lastTick) / rate; if (length > audioBufferSize) length = audioBufferSize; ticks -= length << 2; // speed up lastTick = ticks; SDL_QueueAudio(audioDevice, audioBuffer[SPKR], length); } break; case 0xC050: if (!TEXT) TEXT = 20; break; // Graphics case 0xC051: TEXT = 0; break; // Text case 0xC052: TEXT = 24; break; // Full Screen case 0xC053: TEXT = 20; break; // Mixed Screen case 0xC054: PAGE = 1; break; // Page 1 case 0xC055: PAGE = 2; if (HIRES) TEXT = 24; break; // Page 2 case 0xC056: HIRES = false; break; // HiRes off case 0xC057: HIRES = true; break; // HiRes on case 0xC061: return(PB0); // Push Button 0 case 0xC062: return(PB1); // Push Button 1 case 0xC064: return((TGC0-=trimGC) > 192? 0x80: 0x00); // Paddle 0 case 0xC065: return((TGC1-=trimGC) > 192? 0x80: 0x00); // Paddle 1 case 0xC070: TGC0 = GC0; TGC1 = GC1; break; // paddle timer RST case 0xC0E0: // PHASE0OFF case 0xC0E1: // PHASE0ON case 0xC0E2: // PHASE1OFF case 0xC0E3: // PHASE1ON case 0xC0E4: // PHASE2OFF case 0xC0E5: // PHASE2ON case 0xC0E6: // PHASE3OFF case 0xC0E7: stepMotor(address); break; // PHASE3ON case 0xC0E8: disk[curDrv].motorOn = false; break; // MOTOROFF case 0xC0E9: disk[curDrv].motorOn = true; break; // MOTORON case 0xC0EA: // DRIVE0EN disk[0].motorOn = disk[1].motorOn || disk[0].motorOn; disk[1].motorOn = false; curDrv = 0; break; case 0xC0EB: // DRIVE1EN disk[1].motorOn = disk[0].motorOn || disk[1].motorOn; disk[0].motorOn = false; curDrv = 1; break; case 0xC0EC: // Shift Data Latch if (disk[curDrv].writeMode) // writting disk[curDrv].data[disk[curDrv].track*0x1A00+disk[curDrv].nibble]=dLatch; else // reading dLatch=disk[curDrv].data[disk[curDrv].track*0x1A00+disk[curDrv].nibble]; disk[curDrv].nibble = (disk[curDrv].nibble+1)%0x1A00; // turn floppy return(dLatch); case 0xC0ED: dLatch = value; break; // Load Data Latch case 0xC0EE: // latch for READ disk[curDrv].writeMode = false; return(disk[curDrv].readOnly ? 0x80 : 0); // check protection case 0xC0EF: disk[curDrv].writeMode = true; break; // latch for WRITE } return(0); // catch all } //========================================================== PROGRAM ENTRY POINT int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ // VM INITIALIZATION FILE *f = fopen("appleII+.rom", "rb"); // load the Apple II+ ROM fread(rom, 1, ROMSIZE, f); fclose(f); f=fopen("diskII.rom", "rb"); // load the disk ][ PROM fread(slot6, 1, 256, f); fclose(f); if (argc == 2){ // load .nib in drive 0 f = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); // open it in read binary fread(disk[0].data, 1, 232960, f); fclose(f); f = fopen(argv[1], "ab"); // check if file is writeable disk[0].readOnly = f ? false : true; // f will be NULL if open failed fclose(f); sprintf(disk[0].filename,"%s", argv[1]); // update disk filename } puce6502Reset(); // reset the 6502 // SDL INITIALIZATION int zoom = 2; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO); SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_ENABLE); SDL_Window *wdo = SDL_CreateWindow("reinette II+", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, \ SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 280*zoom, 192*zoom, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL); SDL_Renderer *rdr = SDL_CreateRenderer(wdo, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(rdr, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_RenderSetScale(rdr, zoom, zoom); const int frameDelay = 1000/60; // targeting 60 FPS Uint32 frameStart = 0, frameTime = 0, frame = 0; SDL_Event event; bool running = true, ctrl, shift, alt; // SDL AUDIO INITIALIZATION SDL_AudioSpec wavSpec = {20000, AUDIO_U8, 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}; audioDevice = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &wavSpec, NULL, 0); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(audioDevice, MUTED); // two audio buffers, one when the speaker is 'on', the other when it's 'off' for (int i=0; i paste txt if (shift && SDL_HasClipboardText()){ char *clipboardText = SDL_GetClipboardText(); int c = 0; while (clipboardText[c]){ // all chars until ascii NUL KBD = clipboardText[c++] | 0x80; // set bit7 if (KBD == 0x8A) KBD = 0x8D; // Line Feed to Carriage Ret puce6502Exec(400000); // to process each char } SDL_free(clipboardText); } break; case SDLK_F1: // save curDrv back to host if (disk[curDrv].filename[0] && !disk[curDrv].readOnly) if((f = fopen(disk[curDrv].filename, "wb"))){ fwrite(disk[curDrv].data, 1, 232960, f); fclose(f); } break; case SDLK_F5: if ((zoom-=2) < 0) zoom = 0; // zoom out case SDLK_F6: if (++zoom > 8) zoom = 8; // zoom in SDL_SetWindowSize(wdo, 280*zoom, 192*zoom); SDL_RenderSetScale(rdr, zoom, zoom); break; case SDLK_F7: trimGC -= .01; break; // PDL Trim case SDLK_F8: trimGC += .01; break; // PDL Trim case SDLK_F9: MUTED = !MUTED; break; // mute case SDLK_F10: // reset puce6502Reset(); softSwitches(0xC0E8,0); // motorOff softSwitches(0xC0E9,0); // drive0 break; case SDLK_F11: puce6502Break(); break; // break case SDLK_F12: running = false; break; // exit ... // EMULATED KEYS : case SDLK_ESCAPE: KBD = 0x9B; break; // ESC case SDLK_RETURN: KBD = 0x8D; break; // CR case SDLK_DELETE: KBD = 0x80; break; // DEL->NUL case SDLK_LEFT: KBD = 0x88; break; // BS case SDLK_RIGHT: KBD = 0x95; break; // NAK case SDLK_BACKSPACE: KBD = 0x88; break; // BS case SDLK_SPACE: KBD = 0xA0; break; case SDLK_a: KBD = ctrl ? 0x81: 0xC1; break; // a case SDLK_b: KBD = ctrl ? 0x82: 0xC2; break; // b STX case SDLK_c: KBD = ctrl ? 0x83: 0xC3; break; // c ETX case SDLK_d: KBD = ctrl ? 0x84: 0xC4; break; // d EOT case SDLK_e: KBD = ctrl ? 0x85: 0xC5; break; // e case SDLK_f: KBD = ctrl ? 0x86: 0xC6; break; // f ACK case SDLK_g: KBD = ctrl ? 0x87: 0xC7; break; // g BELL case SDLK_h: KBD = ctrl ? 0x88: 0xC8; break; // h BS case SDLK_i: KBD = ctrl ? 0x89: 0xC9; break; // i HTAB case SDLK_j: KBD = ctrl ? 0x8A: 0xCA; break; // j LF case SDLK_k: KBD = ctrl ? 0x8B: 0xCB; break; // k VTAB case SDLK_l: KBD = ctrl ? 0x8C: 0xCC; break; // l FF case SDLK_m: KBD = ctrl ? 0x8D: 0xCD; break; // m CR case SDLK_n: KBD = ctrl ? 0x8E: 0xCE; break; // n case SDLK_o: KBD = ctrl ? 0x8F: 0xCF; break; // o case SDLK_p: KBD = ctrl ? 0x90: 0xD0; break; // p case SDLK_q: KBD = ctrl ? 0x91: 0xD1; break; // q case SDLK_r: KBD = ctrl ? 0x92: 0xD2; break; // r case SDLK_s: KBD = ctrl ? 0x93: 0xD3; break; // s ESC case SDLK_t: KBD = ctrl ? 0x94: 0xD4; break; // t case SDLK_u: KBD = ctrl ? 0x95: 0xD5; break; // u NAK case SDLK_v: KBD = ctrl ? 0x96: 0xD6; break; // v case SDLK_w: KBD = ctrl ? 0x97: 0xD7; break; // w case SDLK_x: KBD = ctrl ? 0x98: 0xD8; break; // x CANCEL case SDLK_y: KBD = ctrl ? 0x99: 0xD9; break; // y case SDLK_z: KBD = ctrl ? 0x9A: 0xDA; break; // z case SDLK_0: KBD = shift? 0xA9: 0xB0; break; // 0 ) case SDLK_1: KBD = shift? 0xA1: 0xB1; break; // 1 ! case SDLK_2: KBD = shift? 0xC0: 0xB2; break; // 2 @ case SDLK_3: KBD = shift? 0xA3: 0xB3; break; // 3 # case SDLK_4: KBD = shift? 0xA4: 0xB4; break; // 4 $ case SDLK_5: KBD = shift? 0xA5: 0xB5; break; // 5 % case SDLK_6: KBD = shift? 0xDE: 0xB6; break; // 6 ^ case SDLK_7: KBD = shift? 0xA6: 0xB7; break; // 7 & case SDLK_8: KBD = shift? 0xAA: 0xB8; break; // 8 * case SDLK_9: KBD = shift? 0xA8: 0xB9; break; // 9 ( case SDLK_QUOTE: KBD = shift? 0xA2: 0xA7; break; // ' " case SDLK_EQUALS: KBD = shift? 0xAB: 0xBD; break; // = + case SDLK_SEMICOLON: KBD = shift? 0xBA: 0xBB; break; // ; : case SDLK_COMMA: KBD = shift? 0xBC: 0xAC; break; // , < case SDLK_PERIOD: KBD = shift? 0xBE: 0xAE; break; // . > case SDLK_SLASH: KBD = shift? 0xBF: 0xAF; break; // / ? case SDLK_MINUS: KBD = shift? 0xDF: 0xAD; break; // - _ case SDLK_LEFTBRACKET: KBD = shift? 0xFB: 0xDB; break; // [ { case SDLK_BACKSLASH: KBD = shift? 0xFC: 0xDC; break; // \ | case SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET: KBD = shift? 0xFD: 0xDD; break; // ] } case SDLK_BACKQUOTE: KBD = shift? 0xFE: 0xE0; break; // ` ~ case SDLK_KP_1: GC0 = 192; break; // pdl0 <- case SDLK_KP_3: GC0 = 255; break; // pdl0 -> case SDLK_KP_5: GC1 = 192; break; // pdl1 <- case SDLK_KP_2: GC1 = 255; break; // pdl1 -> } if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP) switch (event.key.keysym.sym){ case SDLK_KP_1: GC0 = 224; break; // reset case SDLK_KP_3: GC0 = 224; break; // the case SDLK_KP_5: GC1 = 224; break; // paddles case SDLK_KP_2: GC1 = 224; break; // to center } } //============================================================= VIDEO OUTPUT //======================================================== HIGH RES GRAPHICS if (HIRES){ vRamBase = PAGE * 0x2000; // PAGE is 1 or 2 int word, bits[16], bit, colorShift; for (int line=0; line> bit) & 1; colorShift = bits[7] * 4; // select the right colorset bit = 1; // starting at 2nd bit while (bit < 15){ // until we reach bit7 of 2nd byte // color clashing is not implemented if (bit == 7){ // into the second byte colorShift=bits[15]*4; // update the color set bit = 8; // skip bit 7 colorIdx = colorShift + (bits[8] << 1) + bits[6]; } else colorIdx = colorShift + (bits[bit] << 1) + bits[bit - 1]; // plot first half dot SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rdr, hcolor[colorIdx][0], \ hcolor[colorIdx][1], hcolor[colorIdx][2], SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(rdr, x, y); // plot second half dot, using slightly darker colors SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rdr, hhcolor[colorIdx][0], hhcolor[colorIdx][1], hhcolor[colorIdx][2], SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(rdr, x + 1, y); x += 2; // proceed to the next dot bit += 2; } } } } } //========================================================= lOW RES GRAPHICS else if (TEXT != 0){ // not in full text vRamBase = PAGE * 0x0400; for (int col=0; col<40; col++){ // for each column pixelGR.x = col * 7; for (int line=0; line> 4; // second nibble SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rdr, color[colorIdx][0], \ color[colorIdx][1], color[colorIdx][2], SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); SDL_RenderFillRect(rdr, &pixelGR); } } } //========================================================== TEXT 40 COLUMNS if (TEXT != 24){ vRamBase = PAGE * 0x0400; for (int col=0; col<40; col++){ // for each column dstRect.x = col * 7; for (int line=TEXT; line<24; line++){ // for each row dstRect.y = line * 8; glyph = ram[vRamBase + offsetGR[line] + col]; // read video memory if (glyph < 0x40) glyphAttribute = A_INVERSE; // is INVERSE ? else if (glyph > 0x7F) glyphAttribute = A_NORMAL; // is NORMAL ? else glyphAttribute = A_FLASH; // it's FLASH ! glyph &= 0x7F; // unset bit 7 if (glyph > 0x5F) glyph &= 0x3F; // shifts to match if (glyph < 0x20) glyph |= 0x40; // the ASCII codes if (glyphAttribute==A_NORMAL || (glyphAttribute==A_FLASH && frame<15)) SDL_RenderCopy(rdr, normCharTexture, &charRects[glyph], &dstRect); else SDL_RenderCopy(rdr, revCharTexture, &charRects[glyph], &dstRect); } } } //====================================================== DISPLAY DISK STATUS if (disk[curDrv].motorOn){ // drive is active if (disk[curDrv].writeMode) SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rdr, 255, 0, 0, 85); // red for writes else SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rdr, 0, 255, 0, 85); // green for reads SDL_RenderFillRect(rdr, &drvRect[curDrv]); puce6502Exec(100000); // drive speed up } //========================================================= SDL RENDER FRAME if (++frame == 30) frame = 0; // 1/2 second timer frameTime = SDL_GetTicks() - frameStart; // frame duration if (frameDelay > frameTime) SDL_Delay(frameDelay - frameTime); // wait vsync SDL_RenderPresent(rdr); // swap buffers } // while (running) //================================================ RELEASE RESSOURSES AND EXIT SDL_AudioQuit(); SDL_Quit(); return(0); }