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2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
// Sound Interface
// by James L. Hammons
// (C) 2005 Underground Software
// JLH = James L. Hammons <>
// --- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------
// JLH 12/02/2005 Fixed a problem with sound callback thread signaling the
// main thread
// JLH 12/03/2005 Fixed sound callback dropping samples when the sample buffer
// is shorter than the callback sample buffer
// - Figure out why it's losing samples (Bard's Tale) [DONE]
#include "sound.h"
#include <string.h> // For memset, memcpy
#include <SDL.h>
#include "log.h"
#define AMPLITUDE (32) // -32 - +32 seems to be plenty loud!
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
// Global variables
// Local variables
static SDL_AudioSpec desired;
static bool soundInitialized = false;
static bool speakerState;
static uint8 soundBuffer[4096];
static uint32 soundBufferPos;
static uint32 sampleBase;
static SDL_cond * conditional = NULL;
static SDL_mutex * mutex = NULL;
// Private function prototypes
static void SDLSoundCallback(void * userdata, Uint8 * buffer, int length);
// Initialize the SDL sound system
void SoundInit(void)
// To weed out problems for now...
#if 0
desired.freq = 44100; // SDL will do conversion on the fly, if it can't get the exact rate. Nice!
desired.format = AUDIO_S8; // This uses the native endian (for portability)...
// desired.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; // This uses the native endian (for portability)...
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
desired.channels = 1;
// desired.samples = 4096; // Let's try a 4K buffer (can always go lower)
// desired.samples = 2048; // Let's try a 2K buffer (can always go lower)
desired.samples = 1024; // Let's try a 1K buffer (can always go lower)
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
desired.callback = SDLSoundCallback;
if (SDL_OpenAudio(&desired, NULL) < 0) // NULL means SDL guarantees what we want
WriteLog("Sound: Failed to initialize SDL sound.\n");
conditional = SDL_CreateCond();
mutex = SDL_CreateMutex();
SDL_mutexP(mutex); // Must lock the mutex for the cond to work properly...
soundBufferPos = 0;
sampleBase = 0;
SDL_PauseAudio(false); // Start playback!
soundInitialized = true;
WriteLog("Sound: Successfully initialized.\n");
// Close down the SDL sound subsystem
void SoundDone(void)
if (soundInitialized)
WriteLog("Sound: Done.\n");
// Sound card callback handler
static void SDLSoundCallback(void * userdata, Uint8 * buffer, int length)
// The sound buffer should only starve when starting which will cause it to
// lag behind the emulation at most by around 1 frame...
// (Actually, this should never happen since we fill the buffer beforehand.)
// (But, then again, if the sound hasn't been toggled for a while, then this
// makes perfect sense as the buffer won't have been filled at all!)
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
if (soundBufferPos < (uint32)length) // The sound buffer is starved...
//printf("Sound buffer starved!\n");
for(uint32 i=0; i<soundBufferPos; i++)
buffer[i] = soundBuffer[i];
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
// Fill buffer with last value
memset(buffer + soundBufferPos, (uint8)(speakerState ? AMPLITUDE : -AMPLITUDE), length - soundBufferPos);
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
soundBufferPos = 0; // Reset soundBufferPos to start of buffer...
sampleBase = 0; // & sampleBase...
//Ick. This should never happen!
SDL_CondSignal(conditional); // Wake up any threads waiting for the buffer to drain...
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
return; // & bail!
memcpy(buffer, soundBuffer, length); // Fill sound buffer with frame buffered sound
soundBufferPos -= length;
sampleBase -= length;
// if (soundBufferPos > 0)
// memcpy(soundBuffer, soundBuffer + length, soundBufferPos); // Move current buffer down to start
// memcpy(soundBuffer, soundBuffer + length, length);
// Move current buffer down to start
for(uint32 i=0; i<soundBufferPos; i++)
soundBuffer[i] = soundBuffer[length + i];
// lastValue = buffer[length - 1];
SDL_CondSignal(conditional); // Wake up any threads waiting for the buffer to drain...
// Need some interface functions here to take care of flipping the
// waveform at the correct time in the sound stream...
Maybe set up a buffer 1 frame long (44100 / 60 = 735 bytes per frame)
Hmm. That's smaller than the sound buffer 2048 bytes... (About 2.75 frames needed to fill)
So... I guess what we could do is this:
-- Execute V65C02 for one frame. The read/writes at I/O address $C030 fill up the buffer
to the current time position.
-- The sound callback function copies the pertinent area out of the buffer, resets
the time position back (or copies data down from what it took out)
void ToggleSpeaker(uint32 time)
if (!soundInitialized)
#if 0
if (time > 95085)//(time & 0x80000000)
WriteLog("ToggleSpeaker() given bad time value: %08X (%u)!\n", time, time);
// fflush(stdout);
// 1.024 MHz / 60 = 17066.6... cycles (23.2199 cycles per sample)
// Need the last frame position in order to calculate correctly...
// (or do we?)
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
uint32 currentPos = sampleBase + (uint32)((double)time / 23.2199);
if (currentPos > 4095)
#if 0
WriteLog("ToggleSpeaker() about to go into spinlock at time: %08X (%u) (sampleBase=%u)!\n", time, time, sampleBase);
// Still hanging on this spinlock...
// That could be because the "time" value is too high and so the buffer will NEVER be
// empty enough...
// Now that we're using a conditional, it seems to be working OK--though not perfectly...
ToggleSpeaker() about to go into spinlock at time: 00004011 (16401) (sampleBase=3504)!
16401 -> 706 samples, 3504 + 706 = 4210
And it still thrashed the sound even though it didn't run into a spinlock...
Seems like it's OK now that I've fixed the buffer-less-than-length bug...
SDL_CondWait(conditional, mutex);
currentPos = sampleBase + (uint32)((double)time / 23.2199);
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
#if 0
WriteLog("--> after spinlock (sampleBase=%u)...\n", sampleBase);
int8 sample = (speakerState ? AMPLITUDE : -AMPLITUDE);
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
while (soundBufferPos < currentPos)
soundBuffer[soundBufferPos++] = (uint8)sample;
2007-05-29 03:06:33 +00:00
speakerState = !speakerState;
void HandleSoundAtFrameEdge(void)
if (!soundInitialized)
sampleBase += 735;