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Misc. improvements, added WOZ file support to floppy emulation - Refactored old MMU slot code to be more flexible - Moved all Mockingboard related code to its own compilation unit - Refactored old 6522 & AY-3-8910 code into v6522VIA & vAY8910 :-) - Fixed BCD mode for ADC and SBC in v65C02 - Finally fixed text mode characters in both ALTCHARSET and regular modes - Added new floppy disk controller Logic State Sequencer emulation - Fixed v65C02 to be cycle exact (as far as I can tell) - Fixed a bunch of bugs in v65C02 - Dropped NIB support - Added WOZ 1.0 file support That last item is a bit of a big deal, as I had been thinking about writing a new file format that would be bit-based--since the NIB nybble format, while better than pretty much all the other formats out there, fails hard in things like extra sync bits and half tracks. So, somewhat serendipitously, I stumbled upon the Applesauce project and found out that not only had other people been thinking in more or less the same direction, they had created it and had made disk images to try! So now, because of this, WOZ is the internal format used by the floppy emulation (as opposed to NIB) which, along with the new disk Logic State Sequencer emulator, makes it possible to format floppy disks correctly for the first time. :-) One ironic consequence of this is that NIB format can no longer be properly supported. The irony comes from the fact that before there was LSS emulation, NIB was the most accurate format you could get to represent the low level format of a disk, but now, with proper LSS emulation, it's the worst format for representing a floppy disk. And the main reason for this is that NIB doesn't contain sync bits, and has no mechanism to represent them--so when feeding them to the new LSS emulation, they will fail horribly because without sync bits, the bitstream represented by a NIB formatted disk can and will be misinterpreted by the LSS. And since there is now a format that properly represents the bitstream on a floppy disk (WOZ), there's absolutely no reason to keep NIB around or support it anymore. While it was a nice interim format to have around (when the emulation of the disk was "imperfectly perfect"), it now no longer has a place in disk preservation and/or emulation. Another consequence of this new format is that Apple2 only supports writing of WOZ images--it will no longer support writing of DSK and its bretheren. However, since those formats are extremely limited in their scope (they literally only represented the contents of the sectors on a disk) we still support reading them; Apple2 will automagically upconvert them and save them as WOZs (it will use the same filename but substitute "woz" for the old extension). So if you're wondering why your DSKs are unchanged when saving to them, you now know why. :-) Big, big thanks to the Applesauce guys and everyone who contributed and continues to contribute to that project; your efforts are very much appreciated--you guys are awesome!
2019-01-24 02:33:05 +00:00
// Virtual AY-3-8910 Emulator
// by James Hammons
// (C) 2018 Underground Software
// This was written mainly from the General Instruments datasheet for the 8910
// part. I would have used the one from MAME, but it was so poorly written and
// so utterly incomprehensible that I decided to start from scratch to see if I
// could do any better; and so here we are. I *did* use a bit of code from
// MAME's AY-3-8910 RNG, as it was just too neat not to use. :-)
#include "vay8910.h"
#include <string.h> // for memset()
#include "log.h"
#include "sound.h"
// AY-3-8910 register IDs
// Class variable instantiation/initialization
float VAY_3_8910::maxVolume = 8192.0f;
float VAY_3_8910::normalizedVolume[16];// = {};
// Our normalized volume levels are from 0 to -48 dB, in 3 dB steps.
// N.B.: It's 3dB steps because those sound the best. Dunno what it really
// is, as nothing in the documentation tells you (it only says that
// each channel's volume is normalized from 0 to 1.0V).
float level = 1.0f;
for(int i=15; i>=0; i--)
normalizedVolume[i] = level;
level /= 1.4125375446228; // 10.0 ^ (3.0 / 20.0) = 3 dB
// In order to get a scale that goes from 0 to 1 smoothly, we renormalize
// our volumes so that volume[0] is actually 0, and volume[15] is 1.
// Basically, we're sliding the curve down the Y-axis so that volume[0]
// touches the X-axis, then stretching the result so that it fits into the
// interval (0, 1).
float vol0 = normalizedVolume[0];
float vol15 = normalizedVolume[15] - vol0;
for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
normalizedVolume[i] = (normalizedVolume[i] - vol0) / vol15;
#if 0
WriteLog("\nRenormalized volume, level (max=%d):\n", (int)maxVolume);
for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
WriteLog("%lf, %d\n", normalizedVolume[i], (int)(normalizedVolume[i] * maxVolume));
void VAY_3_8910::Reset(void)
memset(this, 0, sizeof(struct VAY_3_8910));
prng = 1; // Set correct PRNG seed
void VAY_3_8910::WriteControl(uint8_t value)
if ((value & 0x04) == 0)
else if ((value & 0x03) == 0x03)
regLatch = data;
else if ((value & 0x03) == 0x02)
void VAY_3_8910::WriteData(uint8_t value)
data = value;
void VAY_3_8910::SetRegister(void)
#if 0
static char regname[16][32] = {
WriteLog("*** AY(%d) Reg: %s = $%02X\n", chipNum, regname[reg], value);
uint16_t value = (uint16_t)data;
switch (regLatch)
case AY_AFINE:
// The square wave period is the passed in value times 16, so we handle
// that here.
period[0] = (period[0] & 0xF000) | (value << 4);
period[0] = ((value & 0x0F) << 12) | (period[0] & 0xFF0);
case AY_BFINE:
period[1] = (period[1] & 0xF000) | (value << 4);
period[1] = ((value & 0x0F) << 12) | (period[1] & 0xFF0);
case AY_CFINE:
period[2] = (period[2] & 0xF000) | (value << 4);
period[2] = ((value & 0x0F) << 12) | (period[2] & 0xFF0);
// Like the square wave period, the value is the what's passed * 16.
noisePeriod = (value & 0x1F) << 4;
toneEnable[0] = (value & 0x01 ? false : true);
toneEnable[1] = (value & 0x02 ? false : true);
toneEnable[2] = (value & 0x04 ? false : true);
noiseEnable[0] = (value & 0x08 ? false : true);
noiseEnable[1] = (value & 0x10 ? false : true);
noiseEnable[2] = (value & 0x20 ? false : true);
case AY_AVOL:
volume[0] = value & 0x0F;
envEnable[0] = (value & 0x10 ? true : false);
if (envEnable[0])
envCount[0] = 0;
volume[0] = (envAttack ? 0 : 15);
envDirection[0] = (envAttack ? 1 : -1);
case AY_BVOL:
volume[1] = value & 0x0F;
envEnable[1] = (value & 0x10 ? true : false);
if (envEnable[1])
envCount[1] = 0;
volume[1] = (envAttack ? 0 : 15);
envDirection[1] = (envAttack ? 1 : -1);
case AY_CVOL:
volume[2] = value & 0x0F;
envEnable[2] = (value & 0x10 ? true : false);
if (envEnable[2])
envCount[2] = 0;
volume[2] = (envAttack ? 0 : 15);
envDirection[2] = (envAttack ? 1 : -1);
case AY_EFINE:
// The envelope period is 256 times the passed in value
envPeriod = (envPeriod & 0xFF0000) | (value << 8);
envPeriod = (value << 16) | (envPeriod & 0xFF00);
envAttack = (value & 0x04 ? true : false);
envAlternate = (value & 0x02 ? true : false);
envHold = (value & 0x01 ? true : false);
// If the Continue bit is *not* set, the Alternate bit is forced to the
// Attack bit, and Hold is forced on.
if (!(value & 0x08))
envAlternate = envAttack;
envHold = true;
// Reset all voice envelope counts...
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
envCount[i] = 0;
envDirection[i] = (envAttack ? 1 : -1);
// Only reset the volume if the envelope is enabled!
if (envEnable[i])
volume[i] = (envAttack ? 0 : 15);
// Generate one sample and quit
bool logAYInternal = false;
uint16_t VAY_3_8910::GetSample(void)
uint16_t sample = 0;
// Number of cycles per second to run the PSG is the 6502 clock rate
// divided by the host sample rate
const static double exactCycles = 1020484.32 / (double)SAMPLE_RATE;
static double overflow = 0;
int fullCycles = (int)exactCycles;
overflow += exactCycles - (double)fullCycles;
if (overflow >= 1.0)
overflow -= 1.0;
for(int i=0; i<fullCycles; i++)
for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
// Tone generators only run if the corresponding voice is enabled.
// N.B.: We also reject any period set that is less than 2.
if (toneEnable[j] && (period[j] > 16))
// It's (period / 2) because one full period of a square wave
// is zero for half of its period and one for the other half!
if (count[j] > (period[j] / 2))
count[j] = 0;
state[j] = !state[j];
// Envelope generator only runs if the corresponding voice flag is
// enabled.
if (envEnable[j])
// It's (EP / 16) because there are 16 volume steps in each EP.
if (envCount[j] > (envPeriod / 16))
// Attack 0 = \, 1 = / (attack lasts one EP)
// Alternate = mirror envelope's last attack
// Hold = run 1 EP, hold at level (Alternate XOR Attack)
envCount[j] = 0;
// We've hit a point where we need to make a change to the
// envelope's volume, so do it:
volume[j] += envDirection[j];
// If we hit the end of the EP, change the state of the
// envelope according to the envelope's variables.
if ((volume[j] > 15) || (volume[j] < 0))
// Hold means we set the volume to (Alternate XOR
// Attack) and stay there after the Attack EP.
if (envHold)
volume[j] = (envAttack != envAlternate ? 15: 0);
envDirection[j] = 0;
// If the Alternate bit is set, we mirror the
// Attack pattern; otherwise we reset it to the
// whatever level was set by the Attack bit.
if (envAlternate)
envDirection[j] = -envDirection[j];
volume[j] += envDirection[j];
volume[j] = (envAttack ? 0 : 15);
// Noise generator (the PRNG) runs all the time:
if (noiseCount > noisePeriod)
noiseCount = 0;
// The following is from MAME's AY-3-8910 code:
// The Pseudo Random Number Generator of the 8910 is a 17-bit shift
// register. The input to the shift register is bit0 XOR bit3 (bit0
// is the output). This was verified on AY-3-8910 and YM2149 chips.
// The following is a fast way to compute bit17 = bit0 ^ bit3.
// Instead of doing all the logic operations, we only check bit0,
// relying on the fact that after three shifts of the register,
// what now is bit3 will become bit0, and will invert, if
// necessary, bit14, which previously was bit17.
if (prng & 0x00001)
// This version is called the "Galois configuration".
prng ^= 0x24000;
// The noise wave *toggles* when a one shows up in bit0...
noiseState = !noiseState;
prng >>= 1;
// We mix channels A-C here into one sample, because the Mockingboard just
// sums the output of the AY-3-8910 by tying their lines together.
// We also handle the various cases (of which there are four) of mixing
// pure tones and "noise" tones together.
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
// Set the volume level scaled by the maximum volume (which can be
// altered outside of this module).
int level = (int)(normalizedVolume[volume[i]] * maxVolume);
if (toneEnable[i] && !noiseEnable[i])
sample += (state[i] ? level : 0);
else if (!toneEnable[i] && noiseEnable[i])
sample += (noiseState ? level : 0);
else if (toneEnable[i] && noiseEnable[i])
sample += (state[i] & noiseState ? level : 0);
else if (!toneEnable[i] && !noiseEnable[i])
sample += level;
if (logAYInternal)
WriteLog(" (%d) State A,B,C: %s %s %s, Sample: $%04X, P: $%X, $%X, $%X\n", id, (state[0] ? "1" : "0"), (state[1] ? "1" : "0"), (state[2] ? "1" : "0"), sample, period[0], period[1], period[2]);
return sample;