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2012-03-23 16:14:15 +00:00
module test.base;
import std.conv, std.exception, std.string, std.traits;
public import d6502.nmosundoc : NmosUndoc;
public import d6502.cmos : Cmos;
template isNMOS(T)
enum isNMOS = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isNMOS");
template isCMOS(T)
enum isCMOS = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isCMOS");
template isCpu(T)
enum isCpu = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isCpuBase");
template isStrict(T)
enum isStrict = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isStrict");
template isCumulative(T)
enum isCumulative = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isCumulative");
class TestException : Exception { this(string msg) { super(msg); } }
struct Block
ushort base;
ubyte[] data;
/* Emulates zero page, stack, and 3 additional pages starting at a
* user-defined address. Accesses outside the defined address space
* raise an exception.
struct TestMemory
ubyte[0x200] data1;
ubyte[0x300] data2;
immutable ushort data2_base;
immutable size_t data2_max;
this(Block[] blocks ...)
size_t last_1, last_2;
foreach (block; blocks)
auto base = block.base;
auto data =;
if (base < 0x200)
enforce(base >= last_1,
format("Overlapping address %0.4x", base));
enforce(base + data.length <= 0x200,
format("Address out of bounds %0.4x", base));
last_1 = base + data.length;
data1[base..last_1] = data[];
if (!data2_base)
last_2 = data2_base = base;
data2_max = base + 0x300;
enforce(base >= last_2,
format("Overlapping address %0.4x", base));
enforce(base + data.length <= data2_max,
format("Address out of bounds %0.4x", base));
last_2 = base + data.length;
data2[base-data2_base..last_2-data2_base] = data[];
enforce(data2_base, "Missing memory > 0x0200");
ubyte read(ushort addr)
if (addr < 0x0200)
return data1[addr];
else if (addr >= data2_base && addr < data2_max)
return data2[addr - data2_base];
throw new TestException(format("read %0.4x", addr));
void write(ushort addr, ubyte val)
if (addr < 0x0200)
data1[addr] = val;
else if (addr >= data2_base && addr < data2_max)
data2[addr - data2_base] = val;
throw new TestException(format("write %0.4x", addr));
ubyte opIndex(size_t i1)
auto addr = cast(ushort)i1;
enforce(addr < 0x0200 || (addr >= data2_base && addr < data2_max),
"Read out of bounds");
return read(addr);
T makeCpu(T)(ref TestMemory mem)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isCumulative!T) void tick(int cycles) {}
else void tick() {}
auto cpu = new T();
cpu.memoryRead = &;
cpu.memoryWrite = &mem.write;
cpu.tick = &tick;
return cpu;
struct Ref(T)
if (isPointer!T)
private const(T) data;
this(T ptr) { data = ptr; }
auto deref() { return *data; }
alias deref this;
string toString () const { return format("%s", *data); }
auto constRef(T)(T ptr)
if (isPointer!T)
return Ref!(const(T))(ptr);
auto recordCycles(T)(T cpu)
if (isCpu!T)
auto cycles = new int;
auto wrappedTick = cpu.tick;
static if (isCumulative!T)
void tick(int cyc)
(*cycles) += cyc;
void tick()
cpu.tick = &tick;
return constRef(cycles);
enum Action : ushort { NONE, READ, WRITE }
struct Bus
Action action;
ushort addr;
string toString() const
return format("Bus(%s, %0.4X)", to!string(action), addr);
const(Bus[]) recordBus(T)(T cpu, int actions = 8)
if (isCpu!T)
auto record = new Bus[actions];
int c;
enforce(cpu.memoryRead !is null && cpu.memoryWrite !is null);
auto wrappedRead = cpu.memoryRead;
auto wrappedWrite = cpu.memoryWrite;
ubyte read(ushort addr)
if (c == actions)
throw new TestException(
format("cannot record more than %d actions", actions));
record[c++] = Bus(Action.READ, addr);
return wrappedRead(addr);
void write(ushort addr, ubyte val)
if (c == actions)
throw new TestException(
format("cannot record more than %d actions", actions));
record[c++] = Bus(Action.WRITE, addr);
wrappedWrite(addr, val);
cpu.memoryRead = &read;
cpu.memoryWrite = &write;
return record;
class StopException : Exception { this(string msg) { super(msg); } }
void runUntilBRK(T)(T cpu)
if (isCpu!T)
enforce(cpu.memoryRead !is null);
auto wrappedRead = cpu.memoryRead;
ubyte read(ushort addr)
if (addr == 0xFFFE) throw new StopException("BRK");
return wrappedRead(addr);
cpu.memoryRead = &read;
try {; } catch (StopException e) {}
void runOneOpcode(T)(T cpu)
if (isCpu!T)