import std.array, std.exception, std.getopt, std.process, std.stdio, std.traits; enum OpDefs { None, Delegates = 1, Switch = 2, NestedSwitch = 4, All = 7 } enum Tests { None, Func = 1, Bus = 2, Dec = 4, Int = 8, All = 15 } string[OpDefs] defStrings; string[Tests] fNames; static this() { fNames = [ Tests.Func:" test_func.d ", Tests.Bus:" test_bus.d ", Tests.Dec:" test_decimal.d ", Tests.Int:" test_signal.d " ]; } version(DigitalMars) { static this() { defStrings = [ OpDefs.Delegates:" -version=OpDelegates", OpDefs.Switch:" -version=OpSwitch", OpDefs.NestedSwitch:" -version=OpNestedSwitch" ]; } string[] stStrings = [" ", " -version=Strict"]; string[] cmStrings = [" ", " -version=Cumulative"]; } else version(GNU) { static assert(false, "TODO: add support for GDC."); } else version(LDC) { static assert(false, "TODO: add support for LDC."); } else static assert(false, "Unknown compiler."); OpDefs opdefs; bool strict, cumulative; Tests tests; bool help; OpDefs[] deflist; Tests[] testlist; void main(string[] args) { if (args.length == 1) writeln("(running default tests; use --help for options)"); getopt(args, std.getopt.config.passThrough, "def", &deflist, "test", &testlist, "help", &help); if (help) { writeln( `Options: --test=type Func, Bus, Dec, Int, or All --def=style Delegates, Switch, NestedSwitch, or All --op=num test opcode 'num' (num is hex) --op=name test all opcodes named 'name' --addr=mode test all opcodes with addressing mode 'mode' (All options con be specified multiple times. --op and --addr have no effect on decimal mode tests.)` ); return; } foreach(def; deflist) opdefs |= def; foreach(test; testlist) tests |= test; try { runTests(args); } catch (ErrnoException e) {} } void runTests(string[] args) { // If no opdef specified, use Delegates. if (opdefs == OpDefs.None) opdefs = OpDefs.Delegates; int defcount; foreach (def; EnumMembers!OpDefs) if ((opdefs & def) && def != OpDefs.All) defcount++; // If no tests specified, run all (but exclude Dec by default if // running with more than one opdef). if (tests == Tests.None) tests = Tests.Func | Tests.Bus; if (!defcount) tests |= Tests.Dec; foreach (def; EnumMembers!OpDefs) if ((opdefs & def) && def != OpDefs.All) foreach (test; EnumMembers!Tests) if ((tests & test) && test != Tests.All) runTest(def, test, args[1..$]); } void runTest(OpDefs def, Tests test, string[] args) { writeln("Using ", defStrings[def]); foreach (s; [false, true]) { foreach (c; [false, true]) { writeln("With strict=", s, " cumulative=", c); string cmdline = defStrings[def] ~ stStrings[s] ~ cmStrings[c] ~ fNames[test] ~ join(args, " "); system("rdmd --force -I../.. -I../../src -version=RunTest " ~ cmdline); } } }