module test.wrap6502; public import d6502.nmosundoc : NmosUndoc; public import d6502.cmos : Cmos; import test.base; // True if T is the type of a cpu. template isCpu(T) { enum isCpu = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isCpuBase"); } // True if the cpu type T represents a 6502. template isNMOS(T) { enum isNMOS = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isNMOS"); } // True if the cpu type T represents a 65C02. template isCMOS(T) { enum isCMOS = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isCMOS"); } // True if the cpu type T accesses memory on every cycle. template isStrict(T) { enum isStrict = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isStrict"); } // True if the cpu type T template isCumulative(T) { enum isCumulative = __traits(hasMember, T, "_isCumulative"); } template CPU(string type, bool strict, bool cumulative) { static if (type == "65c02" || type == "65C02") alias Cmos!(strict, cumulative) CPU; else static if (type == "6502") alias NmosUndoc!(strict, cumulative) CPU; else static assert(0); } /* * Connects a cpu and memory. */ void connectCpu(T)(T cpu, ref TestMemory mem) if (isCpu!T) { static if (isCumulative!T) void tick(int cycles) {} else void tick() {} cpu.memoryRead = &; cpu.memoryWrite = &mem.write; cpu.tick = &tick; } class StopException : Exception { this(string msg) { super(msg); } } void runUntilBRK(T)(T cpu) if (isCpu!T) { assert(cpu.memoryRead !is null); auto wrappedRead = cpu.memoryRead; ubyte read(ushort addr) { if (addr == 0xFFFE) throw new StopException("BRK"); return wrappedRead(addr); } cpu.memoryRead = &read; try {; } catch (StopException e) {} } void runOneOpcode(T)(T cpu) if (isCpu!T) {; } void setPC(T)(T cpu, int addr) if (isCpu!T) { cpu.programCounter = cast(ushort)addr; } ushort getPC(T)(T cpu) if (isCpu!T) { return cpu.programCounter; } void setSP(T)(T cpu, int val) if (isCpu!T) { cpu.stackPointer = cast(ubyte)val; } ushort getSP(T)(T cpu) if (isCpu!T) { return 0x100 | cpu.stackPointer; } void setX(T)(T cpu, int val) if (isCpu!T) { cpu.xIndex = cast(ubyte)val; } ubyte getX(T)(T cpu) if (isCpu!T) { return cpu.xIndex; } void setY(T)(T cpu, int val) if (isCpu!T) { cpu.yIndex = cast(ubyte)val; } ubyte getY(T)(T cpu) if (isCpu!T) { return cpu.yIndex; } void setFlag(T)(T cpu, Flag f) if (isCpu!T) { cpu.flag.fromByte(cpu.flag.toByte() | f); } void clearFlag(T)(T cpu, Flag f) if (isCpu!T) { cpu.flag.fromByte(cpu.flag.toByte() & ~f); } bool getFlag(T)(T cpu, Flag f) if (isCpu!T) { return (cpu.flag.toByte() & f) != 0; }