/+ + memory.d + + Copyright: 2007 Gerald Stocker + + This file is part of twoapple-reboot. + + twoapple-reboot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + twoapple-reboot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with twoapple-reboot; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +/ import std.conv; class Memory { ushort baseAddress; uint blockSize; string debugName; this(ushort baseAddr, uint size) { assert(baseAddr + size <= 0x10000, "Memory block larger than 64K"); assert((baseAddr % 0x0100) == 0, "Memory block does not start on page boundary"); assert((size % 0x0100) == 0, "Memory block does not end on page boundary"); baseAddress = baseAddr; blockSize = size; } abstract ubyte read(ushort addr); abstract void write(ushort addr, ubyte val); void reboot() {} } class ZeroMem : Memory { this(ushort baseAddr, uint size) { super(baseAddr, size); } ubyte read(ushort addr) { return 0; } void write(ushort addr, ubyte val) {} } class DataMem : Memory { ubyte* data; ubyte data_[]; this(ushort baseAddr, uint size) { super(baseAddr, size); } ubyte read(ushort addr) { return data[addr - baseAddress]; } void write(ushort addr, ubyte val) { data[addr - baseAddress] = val; } } class PrimaryMem : DataMem { this(ushort baseAddr, uint size) { super(baseAddr, size); } void reboot() { data_ = new ubyte[blockSize]; data = data_.ptr; } } class Rom : DataMem { this(ushort baseAddr, uint size, ubyte[] rom) { super(baseAddr, size); data_ = rom; data = data_.ptr; } void write(ushort addr, ubyte val) {} } class SliceMem : DataMem { DataMem otherMem; this(ushort baseAddr, uint size, DataMem other) { super(baseAddr, size); otherMem = other; debugName = otherMem.debugName; } void reboot() { int otherStart = baseAddress - otherMem.baseAddress; int otherEnd = otherStart + blockSize; assert((otherStart >= 0) && (otherEnd <= otherMem.blockSize), "Memory slice out of range"); data_ = otherMem.data_[otherStart..otherEnd]; data = data_.ptr; } } class BankMem : DataMem { ubyte[][] banks; string[] debugNames; this(ushort baseAddr, uint size, uint numBanks) { super(baseAddr, size); banks.length = numBanks; debugNames.length = numBanks; } void setDebugNames(string name) { if (debugNames.length > 1) { for (int n = 0; n < debugNames.length; ++n) { debugNames[n] = name ~ " bank " ~ to!string(n); } } else { debugNames[0] = name; } } void reboot() { for (int b = 0; b < banks.length; ++b) { banks[b] = new ubyte[blockSize]; } setBank(0); } void setBank(int bankNum) { data_ = banks[bankNum]; data = data_.ptr; debugName = debugNames[bankNum]; } } class SubBankMem : DataMem { ubyte[][][] banks; string[][] debugNames; int primaryBank, subBank; int numBanks, numSubBanks; this(ushort baseAddr, uint size, uint numBanks_, uint numSubBanks_) { super(baseAddr, size); banks.length = numBanks = numBanks_; debugNames.length = numBanks; numSubBanks = numSubBanks_; for (int b = 0; b < numBanks; ++b) { banks[b].length = numSubBanks_; debugNames[b].length = numSubBanks_; } } void setDebugNames(string[] names) { for (int b = 0; b < numBanks; ++b) { for (int n = 0; n < numSubBanks; ++n) { debugNames[b][n] = names[b] ~ " bank " ~ to!string(n); } } } void reboot() { for (int b = 0; b < banks.length; ++b) { for (int s = 0; s < banks[b].length; ++s) { banks[b][s] = new ubyte[blockSize]; } } primaryBank = subBank = 0; setSubBank(0); setPrimaryBank(0); } void setPrimaryBank(uint bank) { primaryBank = bank; data_ = banks[bank][subBank]; data = data_.ptr; debugName = debugNames[bank][subBank]; } void setSubBank(uint bank) { subBank = bank; data_ = banks[primaryBank][bank]; data = data_.ptr; debugName = debugNames[primaryBank][bank]; } } alias ubyte delegate(ushort) ReadFunc; alias void delegate(ushort, ubyte) WriteFunc; class AddressDecoder { ReadFunc readPages[256]; WriteFunc writePages[256]; Memory readResponders[256]; Memory writeResponders[256]; void nullWrite(ushort addr, ubyte val) {} public: ubyte delegate(ushort) nullRead; void installSwitches(SoftSwitchPage switches) { readPages[0xC0] = &switches.read; writePages[0xC0] = &switches.write; } ubyte read(ushort addr) { return readPages[addr >> 8](addr); } void write(ushort addr, ubyte val) { writePages[addr >> 8](addr, val); } // XXX address read only/write only code void install(Memory block, bool forRead = true, bool forWrite = true) { uint base = block.baseAddress >> 8; uint size = block.blockSize >> 8; for (uint pg = base; pg < base + size; ++pg) { if (pg == 0xC0) continue; if (forRead) { readPages[pg] = &block.read; readResponders[pg] = block; } if (forWrite) { writePages[pg] = &block.write; writeResponders[pg] = block; } } } void installNull(uint baseAddress, uint blockSize, bool forRead = true, bool forWrite = true) { uint base = baseAddress >> 8; uint size = blockSize >> 8; for (uint pg = base; pg < base + size; ++pg) { if (pg == 0xC0) continue; if (forRead) { readPages[pg] = nullRead; readResponders[pg] = null; } if (forWrite) { writePages[pg] = &nullWrite; writeResponders[pg] = null; } } } void installRead(Memory block) { install(block, true, false); } void installWrite(Memory block) { install(block, false, true); } string memoryReadName(ushort addr) { int page = addr >> 8; if (readResponders[page] is null) return null; return readResponders[page].debugName; } Memory readResponse(int page) { return readResponders[page]; } Memory writeResponse(int page) { return writeResponders[page]; } } class SoftSwitchPage : Memory { private: ReadFunc[256] readSwitches; ubyte[256] bitsReturned; WriteFunc[256] writeSwitches; ubyte nullRead(ushort addr) { return 0; } void nullWrite(ushort addr, ubyte val) {} public: ReadFunc floatingBus; this() { super(0xC000, 0x0100); for (int addr = 0xC000; addr < 0xC100; ++addr) { writeSwitches[addr & 0xFF] = &nullWrite; } } void setFloatingBus(ReadFunc floatingBus_) { floatingBus = floatingBus_; for (int addr = 0xC000; addr < 0xC100; ++addr) { if (readSwitches[addr & 0xFF] is null) readSwitches[addr & 0xFF] = floatingBus; } } void setReadSwitch(ushort addr, ReadFunc read_, ubyte bitsReturned_) { readSwitches[addr - 0xC000] = read_; bitsReturned[addr - 0xC000] = bitsReturned_; } void setR0Switch(ushort addr, ReadFunc read_) { setReadSwitch(addr, read_, 0); } void setR7Switch(ushort addr, ReadFunc read_) { setReadSwitch(addr, read_, 0x80); } void setRSwitch(ushort addr, ReadFunc read_) { setReadSwitch(addr, read_, 0xFF); } void setWSwitch(ushort addr, WriteFunc write_) { writeSwitches[addr - 0xC000] = write_; } final ubyte read(ushort addr) { ubyte ret = readSwitches[addr - 0xC000](addr); ubyte mask = bitsReturned[addr - 0xC000]; if (mask < 0xFF) { ret = (ret & mask) | (floatingBus(addr) & (mask ^ 0xFF)); } return ret; } final void write(ushort addr, ubyte val) { writeSwitches[addr - 0xC000](addr, val); } }