module test.test_func; import std.string; import test.base, test.cpu, test.opcodes; alias void delegate(ubyte, ref Expected, CpuInfo, const ref TestMemory, string) testreport; /* * Runs one opcode. Calls expect for the expected values of the cpu * registers and memory. Calls report with the expected and actual * values. */ auto run_opcode_test(T)(testexpect expect, testreport report) { auto setup(ubyte opcode, CpuInfo cpu, Block[] data, OpInfo info, string msg, TestSetup* next) { mixin testCallNext; auto testcpu = makeCpu!T(cpu); auto mem = TestMemory(data); auto expected = Expected(cpu, mem); expect(expected, info); connectMem(testcpu, mem); runOneOpcode(testcpu); auto cpuResult = CpuInfo.fromCpu(testcpu); report(opcode, expected, cpuResult, mem, T.stringof ~ " | " ~ msg); callNext(); } return TestSetup(&setup); } // Dummy function. Reports nothing. auto report_none() { void report(ubyte opcode, ref Expected expected, CpuInfo cpu, const ref TestMemory mem, string msg) { } return &report; } // Prints the differences between expected and actual cpu/memory. auto report_debug() { void report(ubyte opcode, ref Expected expected, CpuInfo cpu, const ref TestMemory mem, string msg) { import std.stdio; bool badCpu = (expected.cpu != cpu); bool badMem = (expected.mem != mem); if (badCpu || badMem) writeln(format("[%0.2X] %s", opcode, msg)); if (badCpu) { writeln(" expect ", expected.cpu); writeln(" actual ", cpu); } if (badMem) { foreach (h; MemDiff(expected.mem, mem)) { writeln(format(" %0.4X | %s", h.base, formatMemory(h.a, 8))); writeln(format(" | %s", formatMemory(h.b, 8))); } } if (badCpu || badMem) throw new Exception("BAD"); } return &report; } void test_one_opcode(T)(ubyte opcode, testreport report) { TestSetup setup_addr; TestSetup setup_test; testexpect expect; mixin(getMemSetup!T()); auto setup = connect(setup_mask_flags(), setup_addr, setup_test); auto run = connect(setup, run_opcode_test!T(expect, report));; } unittest { auto report = report_debug(); alias CPU!("65C02", false, false) T1; foreach (opcode; 0..255) test_one_opcode!T1(cast(ubyte)opcode, report); alias CPU!("6502", false, false) T2; foreach (opcode; 0..255) test_one_opcode!T2(cast(ubyte)opcode, report); }