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module test.base;
import std.algorithm, std.conv, std.exception, std.random, std.range,
std.string, std.traits;
public import test.wrap6502;
class TestException : Exception { this(string msg) { super(msg); } }
* Emulates zero page, stack, and 3 additional pages of "main memory"
* starting at a user-defined address. Accesses outside the defined
* address space raise an exception.
struct TestMemory
ubyte[0x200] data1;
ubyte[0x300] data2;
immutable ushort data2_base;
immutable size_t data2_max;
* Constructs a TestMemory with data filled in from an array of
* Blocks.
* The blocks do not need to be contiguous, or ordered by their
* base address, but note that the base address of the 3-page
* "main memory" will be that of the first block with a base
* address greater than 0x01FF (there must be at least one such
* block).
this(const Block[] blocks ...)
foreach (block; blocks)
auto base = block.base;
auto data = block.data;
if (base < 0x200)
enforce(base + data.length <= 0x200,
format("Address out of bounds %0.4x", base));
data1[base..base + data.length] = data[];
if (!data2_base)
if (base > 0xFD00)
data2_base = 0xFD00;
data2_base = base;
data2_max = base + 0x300;
enforce(base + data.length <= data2_max,
format("Address out of bounds %0.4x", base));
auto last = base + data.length;
data2[base-data2_base..last-data2_base] = data[];
enforce(data2_base, "Missing memory > 0x0200");
ubyte read(ushort addr)
if (addr < 0x0200)
return data1[addr];
else if (addr >= data2_base && addr < data2_max)
return data2[addr - data2_base];
throw new TestException(format("read %0.4x", addr));
void write(ushort addr, ubyte val)
if (addr < 0x0200)
data1[addr] = val;
else if (addr >= data2_base && addr < data2_max)
data2[addr - data2_base] = val;
throw new TestException(format("write %0.4x", addr));
ubyte opIndex(size_t i1)
auto addr = cast(ushort)i1;
enforce(addr < 0x0200 || (addr >= data2_base && addr < data2_max),
"Read out of bounds");
return read(addr);
* A block of memory with a given base address.
struct Block
ushort base;
ubyte[] data;
string toString() const
return format("Block(%0.4X, %s)", base, formatMemory());
string formatMemory(int max = 3) const
if (max > data.length) max = data.length;
auto hexbytes = map!(`format("%0.2X", a)`)(data[0..max]);
auto ret = join(array(hexbytes), " ");
if (data.length > max)
ret ~= format(" (%d more bytes)", data.length - max);
return "[" ~ ret ~ "]";
struct Ref(T)
if (isPointer!T)
private const(T) data;
this(T ptr) { data = ptr; }
auto deref() { return *data; }
alias deref this;
string toString () const { return format("%s", *data); }
auto constRef(T)(T ptr)
if (isPointer!T)
return Ref!(const(T))(ptr);
enum Flag : ubyte
C = 0x01,
Z = 0x02,
I = 0x04,
D = 0x08,
V = 0x40,
N = 0x80
void updateFlag(T)(T cpu, Flag f, bool val)
if (isCpu!T)
if (val)
setFlag(cpu, f);
clearFlag(cpu, f);
void expectBranch(T)(T cpu, ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
switch (opcode)
case /*BPL*/ 0x10: clearFlag(cpu, Flag.N); break;
case /*BMI*/ 0x30: setFlag(cpu, Flag.N); break;
case /*BVC*/ 0x50: clearFlag(cpu, Flag.V); break;
case /*BVS*/ 0x70: setFlag(cpu, Flag.V); break;
case /*BCC*/ 0x90: clearFlag(cpu, Flag.C); break;
case /*BCS*/ 0xB0: setFlag(cpu, Flag.C); break;
case /*BNE*/ 0xD0: clearFlag(cpu, Flag.Z); break;
case /*BEQ*/ 0xF0: setFlag(cpu, Flag.Z); break;
if (isCMOS!T) { if (opcode == /*BRA*/ 0x80) break; }
enforce(0, format("not a branching opcpde %0.2X", opcode));
bool wouldBranch(T)(T cpu, ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
switch (opcode)
case /*BPL*/ 0x10: return !getFlag(cpu, Flag.N);
case /*BMI*/ 0x30: return getFlag(cpu, Flag.N);
case /*BVC*/ 0x50: return !getFlag(cpu, Flag.V);
case /*BVS*/ 0x70: return getFlag(cpu, Flag.V);
case /*BCC*/ 0x90: return !getFlag(cpu, Flag.C);
case /*BCS*/ 0xB0: return getFlag(cpu, Flag.C);
case /*BNE*/ 0xD0: return !getFlag(cpu, Flag.Z);
case /*BEQ*/ 0xF0: return getFlag(cpu, Flag.Z);
if (isCMOS!T) { if (opcode == /*BRA*/ 0x80) return true; }
assert(0, format("not a branching opcpde %0.2X", opcode));
void expectNoBranch(T)(T cpu, ubyte opcode)
switch (opcode)
case /*BPL*/ 0x10: setFlag(cpu, Flag.N); break;
case /*BMI*/ 0x30: clearFlag(cpu, Flag.N); break;
case /*BVC*/ 0x50: setFlag(cpu, Flag.V); break;
case /*BVS*/ 0x70: clearFlag(cpu, Flag.V); break;
case /*BCC*/ 0x90: setFlag(cpu, Flag.C); break;
case /*BCS*/ 0xB0: clearFlag(cpu, Flag.C); break;
case /*BNE*/ 0xD0: setFlag(cpu, Flag.Z); break;
case /*BEQ*/ 0xF0: clearFlag(cpu, Flag.Z); break;
if (isCMOS!T)
enforce(opcode != 0x80, "BRA can never not branch");
enforce(0, format("not a branching opcpde %0.2X", opcode));
ushort address(ubyte l, ubyte h)
return cast(ushort)((h << 8) | l);
ushort pageWrapAdd(ushort base, int offset)
return (base & 0xFF00) + cast(ubyte)((base & 0xFF) + offset);
ushort pageCrossAdd(ushort base, int offset)
return cast(ushort)(base + offset);
// A random value to use for "uninitialized" memory.
ubyte XX()
return cast(ubyte)uniform(0, 256);
// A number different from some other number.
ubyte notXX(ubyte val)
return cast(ubyte)(val ^ 0xAA);
// 2-cycle opcodes which neither read nor write.
template REG_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum REG_OPS = cast(ubyte[])
x"0A 18 1A 2A 38 3A 4A 58 5A 6A 78 7A 8A 88 98 9A
A8 AA B8 BA C8 CA D8 DA E8 EA F8 FA";
enum REG_OPS = cast(ubyte[])
x"0A 18 1A 2A 38 3A 4A 58 6A 78 8A 88 98 9A
A8 AA B8 BA C8 CA D8 E8 EA F8";
// Opcodes which push to the stack.
template PUSH_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum PUSH_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"08 48";
enum PUSH_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"08 48 5A DA";
// Opcodes which pull from the stack.
template PULL_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum PULL_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"28 68";
enum PULL_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"28 68 7A FA";
// Relative branch opcodes.
template BRANCH_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum BRANCH_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"10 30 50 70 90 B0 D0 F0";
enum BRANCH_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"10 30 50 70 80 90 B0 D0 F0";
// Write-only opcodes.
template WRITE_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum WRITE_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"81 83 84 85 86 87 8C 8D 8E 8F
91 93 94 95 96 97 99 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F";
enum WRITE_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"64 74 81 84 85 86 8C 8D 8E
91 92 94 95 96 99 9C 9D 9E";
// Read-only opcodes (excluding ADC/SBC).
template READ_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum READ_OPS = cast(ubyte[])
x"01 04 05 09 0B 0C 0D 11 14 15 19 1C 1D
21 24 25 29 2B 2C 2D 31 34 35 39 3C 3D
41 44 45 49 4B 4D 51 54 55 59 5C 5D
64 6B 74 7C 82 89 8B
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A9 AB AC AD AE AF
B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 BB BC BD BE BF
C0 C1 C2 C4 C5 C9 CB CC CD D1 D4 D5 D9 DC DD
E0 E2 E4 EC F4 FC";
enum READ_OPS = cast(ubyte[])
x"01 02 05 09 0D 11 12 15 19 1D
21 22 24 25 29 2C 2D 31 32 34 35 39 3C 3D
41 42 44 45 49 4D 51 52 54 55 59 5D 62 82 89
A0 A1 A2 A4 A5 A6 A9 AC AD AE
B2 B1 B4 B5 B6 B9 BC BD BE
C0 C1 C2 C4 C5 C9 CC CD D1 D2 D4 D5 D9 DC DD
E0 E2 E4 EC F4 FC";
// Opcodes affected by decimal mode (ADC/SBC).
template BCD_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum BCD_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"61 65 69 6B 6D 71 75 79 7D
E1 E5 E9 EB ED F1 F5 F9 FD";
enum BCD_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"61 65 69 6D 71 72 75 79 7D
E1 E5 E9 ED F1 F2 F5 F9 FD";
// Opcodes which both read and write.
template RMW_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum RMW_OPS = cast(ubyte[])
x"03 06 07 0E 0F 13 16 17 1B 1E 1F
23 26 27 2E 2F 33 36 37 3B 3E 3F
43 46 47 4E 4F 53 56 57 5B 5E 5F
63 66 67 6E 6F 73 76 77 7B 7E 7F
C3 C6 C7 CE CF D3 D6 D7 DB DE DF
E3 E6 E7 EE EF F3 F6 F7 FB FE FF";
enum RMW_OPS = cast(ubyte[])
x"04 06 0C 0E 14 16 1C 1E 26 2E 36 3E 46 4E 56 5E
66 6E 76 7E C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE";
// Opcodes with immediate address mode.
template IMM_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum IMM_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"09 0B 29 2B 49 4B 69 6B
80 82 89 8B A0 A2 A9 AB
C0 C2 C9 CB E0 E2 E9 EB";
enum IMM_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"02 09 22 29 42 49 62 69 82
89 A0 A2 A9 C0 C2 C9 E0 E2 E9";
// Opcodes with zeropage address mode.
template ZPG_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum ZPG_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"04 05 06 07 24 25 26 27
44 45 46 47 64 65 66 67
84 85 86 87 A4 A5 A6 A7
C4 C5 C6 C7 E4 E5 E6 E7";
enum ZPG_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"04 05 06 14 24 25 26 44 45 46 64 65 66
84 85 86 A4 A5 A6 C4 C5 C6 E4 E5 E6";
// Opcodes with zeropage,x address mode.
template ZPX_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum ZPX_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"14 15 16 17 34 35 36 37
54 55 56 57 74 75 76 77
94 95 B4 B5 D4 D5 D6 D7
F4 F5 F6 F7";
enum ZPX_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"15 16 34 35 36 54 55 56 74 75 76
94 95 B4 B5 D4 D5 D6 F4 F5 F6";
// Opcodes with zeropage,y address mode.
template ZPY_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum ZPY_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"96 97 B6 B7";
enum ZPY_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"96 B6";
// Opcodes with absolute address mode.
template ABS_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum ABS_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"0C 0D 0E 0F 2C 2D 2E 2F
4C 4D 4E 4F 6D 6E 6F
enum ABS_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"0C 0D 0E 1C 2C 2D 2E 4C 4D 4E 6D 6E
// Opcodes with absolute,x address mode.
template ABX_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum ABX_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"1C 1D 1E 1F 3C 3D 3E 3F
5C 5D 5E 5F 7C 7D 7E 7F
enum ABX_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"1D 1E 3C 3D 3E 5D 5E 7D 7E
// Opcodes with absolute,y address mode.
template ABY_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum ABY_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"19 1B 39 3B 59 5B 79 7B
99 9B 9E 9F B9 BB BE BF
D9 DB F9 FB";
enum ABY_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"19 39 59 79 99 B9 BE D9 F9";
// Opcodes with indirect zeropage,x address mode.
template IZX_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum IZX_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"01 03 21 23 41 43 61 63
81 83 A1 A3 C1 C3 E1 E3";
enum IZX_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"01 21 41 61 81 A1 C1 E1";
// Opcodes with indirect zeropage,y address mode.
template IZY_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
enum IZY_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"11 13 31 33 51 53 71 73
91 93 B1 B3 D1 D3 F1 F3";
enum IZY_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"11 31 51 71 91 B1 D1 F1";
// Opcodes with indirect zeropage address mode.
template ZPI_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T && isCMOS!T)
enum ZPI_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"12 32 52 72 92 B2 D2 F2";
// 1-cycle NOPS.
template NOP1_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T && isCMOS!T)
enum NOP1_OPS = cast(ubyte[])
x"03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3
07 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 A7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7
0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B AB BB CB DB EB FB
0F 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F 7F 8F 9F AF BF CF DF EF FF";
// NMOS HLT opcodes.
template HLT_OPS(T)
if (isCpu!T && isNMOS!T)
enum HLT_OPS = cast(ubyte[])x"02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 92 B2 D2 F2";
// Associates opcodes with test setup functions.
string getMemSetup(T)()
if (isCpu!T)
string[] tmp1 = new string[256], tmp2 = new string[256];
tmp2[] = " setups2 = &setup_data_none!T;\n";
void call_addr(const(ubyte[]) list, string fname)
foreach(op; list)
tmp1[op] =
" setups1 = &setup_address_" ~ fname ~ "!T;\n";
void call_data(const(ubyte[]) list, string fname)
foreach(op; list)
tmp2[op] =
" setups2 = &setup_data_" ~ fname ~ "!T;\n";
call_addr(IMM_OPS!T, "imm");
call_addr(ZPG_OPS!T, "zpg");
call_addr(ZPX_OPS!T, "zpxy");
call_addr(ZPY_OPS!T, "zpxy");
call_addr(ABS_OPS!T, "abs");
call_addr(ABX_OPS!T, "abxy");
call_addr(ABY_OPS!T, "abxy");
call_addr(IZX_OPS!T, "izx");
call_addr(IZY_OPS!T, "izy");
call_addr(REG_OPS!T, "reg");
call_addr(PUSH_OPS!T, "push");
call_addr(PULL_OPS!T, "pull");
call_addr(BRANCH_OPS!T, "branch");
call_addr([0x00], "op_BRK");
call_addr([0x20], "op_JSR");
call_addr([0x40, 0x60], "op_RTx");
call_addr([0x4C], "op_JMP_abs");
call_addr([0x6C], "op_JMP_ind");
call_data([0x08], "op_PHP");
call_data([0x28], "op_PLP");
call_data([0x00], "op_BRK");
call_data([0x40], "op_RTI");
static if (isNMOS!T)
call_addr(HLT_OPS!T, "none");
call_data([0x48], "push");
call_data([0x68], "pull");
call_addr(ZPI_OPS!T, "zpi");
call_addr(NOP1_OPS!T, "reg");
call_addr([0x5C], "op_5C");
call_addr([0x7C], "op_JMP_inx");
call_data([0x48, 0x5A, 0xDA], "push");
call_data([0x68, 0x7A, 0xFA], "pull");
auto ret = "final switch (opcode)\n{\n";
for (auto i = 0; i < 256; i++)
ret ~= " case 0x" ~ to!string(i, 16) ~ ":\n" ~
tmp1[i] ~ tmp2[i] ~ " break;\n";
return ret ~ "\n}";
template addrsetup_t(T)
alias Block[] delegate(T, out ushort, out string) addrsetup_t;
template datasetup_t(T)
alias Block[] delegate(T, ushort, out string) datasetup_t;
auto setup_address_none(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
return cast(addrsetup_t!T[])[];
auto setup_address_imm(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "imm";
addr = 0x1001;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode])];
return [&setup];
auto setup_address_zpg(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "zpg";
addr = 0x0070;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0x70])];
return [&setup];
auto setup_address_zpxy(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
bool useX = ZPX_OPS!T.canFind(opcode);
assert(useX || ZPY_OPS!T.canFind(opcode));
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name, ubyte idx,
ubyte opcode)
name = (useX ? "zpx" : "zpy");
addr = pageWrapAdd(0x0070, idx);
if (useX)
setX(cpu, idx); setY(cpu, 0x10);
setY(cpu, idx); setX(cpu, 0x10);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0x70])];
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
auto ret = setup(cpu, addr, name, 0x20, opcode);
name ~= " no-wrap";
return ret;
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
auto ret = setup(cpu, addr, name, 0xA0, opcode);
name ~= " wrap";
return ret;
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap];
auto setup_address_abs(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "abs";
addr = 0x10C5;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0xC5, 0x10])];
return [&setup];
auto setup_address_zpi(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T && isCMOS!T)
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "zpi no-wrap";
addr = 0x10C5;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0x70]),
Block(0x0070, [0xC5, 0x10])];
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "zpi wrap";
addr = 0x10C5;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0xFF]),
Block(0x00FF, [0xC5]),
Block(0x0000, [0x10])];
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap];
auto setup_address_izx(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "izx no-wrap";
addr = 0x10C5;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
setX(cpu, 0x20);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0x70]),
Block(0x0090, [0xC5, 0x10])];
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "izx wrap";
addr = 0x10C5;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
setX(cpu, 0x90);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0x70]),
Block(0x00FF, [0xC5]),
Block(0x0000, [0x10])];
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap];
auto setup_address_izy(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "izy no-wrap";
addr = pageCrossAdd(0x10C5, 0x20);
setY(cpu, 0x20);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0x70]),
Block(0x0070, [0xC5, 0x10])];
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "izy wrap";
addr = pageCrossAdd(0x10C5, 0x20);
setY(cpu, 0x20);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0xFF]),
Block(0x00FF, [0xC5]),
Block(0x0000, [0x10])];
auto setup_px(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "izy px";
addr = pageCrossAdd(0x10C5, 0x50);
setY(cpu, 0x50);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0x70]),
Block(0x070, [0xC5, 0x10])];
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap, &setup_px];
auto setup_address_abxy(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
bool useX = ABX_OPS!T.canFind(opcode);
assert(useX || ABY_OPS!T.canFind(opcode));
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name, ubyte idx,
ubyte opcode)
name = (useX ? "abx" : "aby");
addr = pageCrossAdd(0x10C5, idx);
if (useX)
setX(cpu, idx); setY(cpu, 0x10);
setY(cpu, idx); setX(cpu, 0x10);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode, 0xC5, 0x10])];
auto setup_no_px(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
auto ret = setup(cpu, addr, name, 0x20, opcode);
name ~= " no-px";
return ret;
auto setup_px(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
auto ret = setup(cpu, addr, name, 0x50, opcode);
name ~= " px";
return ret;
return [&setup_no_px, &setup_px];
auto setup_address_reg(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
assert(REG_OPS!T.canFind(opcode) || NOP1_OPS!T.canFind(opcode));
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "register";
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode])];
return [&setup];
auto setup_address_push(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "non-wrapping";
setSP(cpu, 0xFE);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode])];
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "wrapping";
setSP(cpu, 0x00);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode])];
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap];
auto setup_address_pull(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "non-wrapping";
setSP(cpu, 0x01);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode])];
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "wrapping";
setSP(cpu, 0xFF);
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode])];
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap];
auto setup_address_branch(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
int count;
static string[5] names =
["no-branch", "forward", "forward-px", "backward", "backward-px"];
static ubyte[5] values = [0x10, 0x10, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0xF5];
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = names[count];
if (name == "no-branch")
if (isNMOS!T || opcode != 0x80)
expectNoBranch(cpu, opcode);
expectBranch(cpu, opcode);
if (name == "forward-px")
setPC(cpu, 0x1081);
return [Block(0x1000, []), // for wrong-page read
Block(getPC(cpu), [opcode, values[count++]])];
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(getPC(cpu), [opcode, values[count++]])];
return [&setup, &setup, &setup, &setup, &setup];
auto setup_address_op_BRK(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x00);
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr)
addr = 0xFE55;
setPC(cpu, 0xFD00);
auto sp = getSP(cpu);
auto sp1 = pageWrapAdd(sp, -1);
return [Block(0xFD00, [0x00]),
Block(sp, [notXX(0xFD)]),
Block(sp1, [notXX(0x00)]),
// sp2 set by setup_data_op_BRK
Block(0xFFFE, [0x55, 0xFE])];
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "BRK no-wrap";
setSP(cpu, 0xFF);
return setup(cpu, addr);
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "BRK wrap";
setSP(cpu, 0x01);
return setup(cpu, addr);
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap];
auto setup_address_op_JSR(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x20);
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr)
addr = 0x10C5;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
auto sp = getSP(cpu);
auto sp1 = pageWrapAdd(sp, 1);
return [Block(0x1000, [0x20, 0xC5, 0x10]),
Block(sp, [notXX(0x10)]),
Block(sp1, [notXX(0x02)])];
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "JSR no-wrap";
setSP(cpu, 0xFF);
return setup(cpu, addr);
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "JSR wrap";
setSP(cpu, 0x00);
return setup(cpu, addr);
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap];
auto setup_address_op_RTx(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x40 || opcode == 0x60);
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name, ubyte opcode)
name = (opcode == 0x40 ? "RTI" : "RTS");
addr = 0x1211;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
auto sp = getSP(cpu);
auto sp2 = pageWrapAdd(sp, (opcode == 0x40 ? 2 : 1));
auto sp3 = pageWrapAdd(sp, (opcode == 0x40 ? 3 : 2));
return [Block(0x1000, [opcode]),
// sp1 set by setup_data_op_RTI for opcode 0x40
Block(sp2, [0x11]),
Block(sp3, [0x12])];
auto setup_nowrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
setSP(cpu, 0xF0);
auto ret = setup(cpu, addr, name, opcode);
name ~= " no-wrap";
return ret;
auto setup_wrap(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
setSP(cpu, 0xFE);
auto ret = setup(cpu, addr, name, opcode);
name ~= " wrap";
return ret;
return [&setup_nowrap, &setup_wrap];
auto setup_address_op_5C(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T && isCMOS!T)
assert(opcode == 0x5C);
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "NOP8";
setPC(cpu, 0xFD00);
return [Block(0xFD00, [0x5C, 0x72])];
return [&setup];
auto setup_address_op_JMP_abs(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x4C);
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "JMP abs";
addr = 0x10C5;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [0x4C, 0xC5, 0x10])];
return [&setup];
auto setup_address_op_JMP_ind(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x6C);
auto setup_nopx(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "JMP ind no-px";
addr = 0x1234;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
return [Block(0x1000, [0x6C, 0xC5, 0x10]),
Block(0x10C5, [0x34, 0x12])];
auto setup_px(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "JMP ind px";
addr = 0x1234;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
ushort ial = 0x11FF;
ushort iah = (isNMOS!T ? 0x1100 : 0x1200);
return [Block(0x1000, [0x6C, 0xFF, 0x11]),
Block(ial, [0x34]),
Block(iah, [0x12])];
return [&setup_nopx, &setup_px];
auto setup_address_op_JMP_inx(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T && isCMOS!T)
assert(opcode == 0x7C);
auto setup(T cpu, out ushort addr, out string name)
name = "JMP inx";
addr = 0x1234;
setPC(cpu, 0x1000);
setX(cpu, 0x20);
return [Block(0x1000, [0x7C, 0xC5, 0x10]),
Block(0x10C5, [0x14, 0x12])];
return [&setup];
// XXX data not anything put in memory by setup_address_* ?
auto setup_data_none(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
auto setup(T cpu, ushort addr, out string name)
name = "";
return cast(Block[])[];
return [&setup];
auto setup_data_push(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
static if (isNMOS!T)
assert(opcode == 0x48);
assert(opcode == 0x48 || opcode == 0x5A || opcode == 0xDa);
// XXX set register to non-zero value
return cast(datasetup_t!T[])[];
auto setup_data_pull(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(isNMOS!T ? opcode == 0x68
: (opcode == 0x68 || opcode == 0x7A || opcode == 0xFA));
int count;
static ubyte[3] values = [0x00, 0x40, 0x80];
static string[3] names = ["zero", "positive", "negative"];
auto setup(T cpu, ushort addr, out string name)
assert(count < 3);
auto sp = pageWrapAdd(getSP(cpu), 1);
name = names[count];
return [Block(sp, [values[count++]])];
return [&setup, &setup, &setup];
auto setup_data_op_BRK(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x00);
// XXX cpu flags each set/unset, with corresponding garbage values
// at sp+2
return cast(datasetup_t!T[])[];
auto setup_data_op_PHP(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x08);
// XXX cpu flags each set/unset, with corresponding garbage values
return cast(datasetup_t!T[])[];
auto setup_data_op_RTI(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x40);
// XXX values for each flag set/unset, with flags corresponding
return cast(datasetup_t!T[])[];
auto setup_data_op_PLP(T)(ubyte opcode)
if (isCpu!T)
assert(opcode == 0x28);
// XXX values for each flag set/unset, with flags corresponding
return cast(datasetup_t!T[])[];
import std.stdio;
alias Cmos!(false, false) T;
addrsetup_t!T[] function(ubyte) setups1;
datasetup_t!T[] function(ubyte) setups2;
ubyte opcode = 0x10;
auto funcs1 = setups1(opcode);
string name1, name2;
foreach(func1; funcs1)
auto funcs2 = setups2(opcode);
foreach(func2; funcs2)
ushort addr;
auto cpu = new T();
auto block1 = func1(cpu, addr, name1);
auto block2 = func2(cpu, addr, name2);
auto mem = TestMemory(block1 ~ block2);
connectCpu(cpu, mem);
// enum foo = getMemSetup!(Cmos!(false, false))();
// writeln(foo);