Add example showing how to dump the address fields of sectors

This commit is contained in:
michaelangel007 2020-09-07 17:55:05 -07:00
parent d191bfb2c3
commit 505d19fd28

View File

@ -556,3 +556,113 @@ as a nibble:
>>> hex(next(tr.nibble())) >>> hex(next(tr.nibble()))
'0xfe' '0xfe'
``` ```
### `Sector` interface
There is no sector interface but it is easy enough to add one. First some
helper functions:
# Decode two disk bytes using 4&4 encoding to a single byte
def four_and_four(tr):
odd = (next(tr.nibble()) << 1) | 1
evn = (next(tr.nibble()) << 0)
sum = odd & evn
return sum
# Dump the sector meta-data.
# NOTE: This assumes the track bit_index is JUST past the prologue D5 AA 96 header bytes.
# The DOS 3.3 Address Field format is:
# D5 AA 96 vol1 vol2 trk1 trk2 sec1 sec2 chk1 chk2 DE AA EB
# \_______/ \______/
# prologue epilogue
# Legend:
# vol1 -- Disk Volume, odd byte
# vol2 -- Disk Volume, even byte
# trk1 -- Track Number, odd byte
# trk2 -- Track Number, even byte
# sec1 -- Sector Number, odd byte
# sec2 -- Sector Number, even byte
# sum1 -- Checksum, odd byte
# sum2 -- Checkusm, even byte
def meta_sector(tr):
print( "--- Address Field ---" )
print( "Bit Position: " + hex(tr.bit_index) )
vol = four_and_four(tr)
trk = four_and_four(tr)
sec = four_and_four(tr)
sum = four_and_four(tr)
print( " Vol: $" + hex(vol)[2:] )
print( " Trk: $" + hex(trk)[2:] )
print( " Sec: $" + hex(sec)[2:] )
print( " Sum: $" + hex(sum)[2:] )
print( "Bit Position: " + hex(tr.bit_index) )
# Find the start of the next DOS 3.3 sector
def next_sector(tr):
tr.find(bytes.fromhex("D5 AA 96"))
# Reset the bit position to the start of the track data
def reset_sectors(tr):
tr.bit_index = 0
Then we can dump the _Address Field_ of the first few sectors via:
import wozardry
with open( "DOS 3.3 System Master.woz", "rb" ) as fp:
woz_image = wozardry.WozDiskImage(fp)
tr =
You will see this output:
--- Address Field ---
Bit Position: 0xb8
Vol: $fe
Trk: $0
Sec: $0
Sum: $fe
Bit Position: 0xf8
--- Address Field ---
Bit Position: 0xcf6
Vol: $fe
Trk: $0
Sec: $1
Sum: $ff
Bit Position: 0xd36
--- Address Field ---
Bit Position: 0x1934
Vol: $fe
Trk: $0
Sec: $2
Sum: $fc
Bit Position: 0x1974
When you are all done quit the Python interpreter via: