mirror of
synced 2024-12-11 10:49:18 +00:00
initial upload
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (c) 2018 by 4am
# MIT-licensed
# portions from MIT-licensed defedd.py (c) 2014 by Paul Hagstrom
import argparse
import binascii
import bitarray # https://pypi.org/project/bitarray/
import collections
import itertools
__version__ = "0.1"
__date__ = "2018-05-31"
__progname__ = "wozardry"
__displayname__ = __progname__ + " " + __version__ + " by 4am (" + __date__ + ")"
# domain-specific constants defined in .woz specification
kWOZ1 = b'WOZ1'
kBitstreamLengthInBytes = 6646
kLanguages = ('English','Spanish','French','German','Chinese','Japanese','Italian','Dutch','Portugese','Danish','Finnish','Norwegian','Swedish','Russian','Polish','Turkish','Arabic','Thai','Czech','Hungarian','Catalan','Croatian','Greek','Hebrew','Romanian','Slovak','Ukranian','Indonesian','Malay','Vietnamese','Other')
kRequiresRAM = ('16K','24K','32K','48K','64K','128K','256K','512K','768K','1M','1.25M','1.5M+','Unknown')
kRequiresMachine = ('2','2+','2e','2c','2e+','2gs','2c+','3','3+')
# strings and things, for print routines and error messages
sEOF = "Unexpected EOF"
sBadChunkSize = "Bad chunk size"
dNoYes = {False:'no',True:'yes'}
tQuarters = ('.00','.25','.50','.75')
# errors that may be raised
class WozError(Exception): pass # base class
class WozCRCError(WozError): pass
class WozFormatError(WozError): pass
class WozEOFError(WozFormatError): pass
class WozHeaderError(WozFormatError): pass
class WozHeaderError_NoWOZ1(WozHeaderError): pass
class WozHeaderError_NoFF(WozHeaderError): pass
class WozHeaderError_NoLF(WozHeaderError): pass
class WozINFOFormatError(WozFormatError): pass
class WozINFOFormatError_BadVersion(WozINFOFormatError): pass
class WozINFOFormatError_BadDiskType(WozINFOFormatError): pass
class WozINFOFormatError_BadWriteProtected(WozINFOFormatError): pass
class WozINFOFormatError_BadSynchronized(WozINFOFormatError): pass
class WozINFOFormatError_BadCleaned(WozINFOFormatError): pass
class WozTMAPFormatError(WozFormatError): pass
class WozTMAPFormatError_BadTRKS(WozTMAPFormatError): pass
class WozTRKSFormatError(WozFormatError): pass
class WozMETAFormatError(WozFormatError): pass
class WozMETAFormatError_DuplicateKey(WozFormatError): pass
class WozMETAFormatError_BadLanguage(WozFormatError): pass
class WozMETAFormatError_BadRAM(WozFormatError): pass
class WozMETAFormatError_BadMachine(WozFormatError): pass
def from_uint32(b):
return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="little")
def to_uint32(b):
return b.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little")
def to_uint16(b):
return b.to_bytes(2, byteorder="little")
def to_uint8(b):
return b.to_bytes(1, byteorder="little")
def raise_if(cond, e, s=""):
if cond: raise e(s)
class Track:
def __init__(self, bits, bit_count):
self.bits = bits
while len(self.bits) > bit_count:
self.bit_count = bit_count
self.bit_index = 0
self.revolutions = 0
def bit(self):
b = self.bits[self.bit_index] and 1 or 0
self.bit_index += 1
if self.bit_index >= self.bit_count:
self.bit_index = 0
self.revolutions += 1
yield b
def nibble(self):
b = 0
while b == 0:
b = next(self.bit())
n = 0x80
for bit_index in range(6, -1, -1):
b = next(self.bit())
n += b << bit_index
yield n
def rewind(self, bit_count):
self.bit_index -= 1
if self.bit_index < 0:
self.bit_index = self.bit_count - 1
self.revolutions -= 1
def find(self, sequence):
starting_revolutions = self.revolutions
seen = [0] * len(sequence)
while (self.revolutions < starting_revolutions + 2):
del seen[0]
if tuple(seen) == tuple(sequence): return True
return False
class WozTrack(Track):
def __init__(self, bits, bit_count, splice_point = 0xFFFF, splice_nibble = 0, splice_bit_count = 0):
Track.__init__(self, bits, bit_count)
self.splice_point = splice_point
self.splice_nibble = splice_nibble
self.splice_bit_count = splice_bit_count
class DiskImage: # base class
def __init__(self, filename=None, stream=None):
raise_if(not filename and not stream, WozError, "no input")
self.filename = filename
self.tracks = []
def seek(self, track_num):
"""returns Track object for the given track, or None if the track is not part of this disk image. track_num can be 0..40 in 0.25 increments (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, &c.)"""
return None
class WozReader(DiskImage):
def __init__(self, filename=None, stream=None):
DiskImage.__init__(self, filename, stream)
self.tmap = None
self.info = collections.OrderedDict()
self.meta = collections.OrderedDict()
with stream or open(filename, 'rb') as f:
header_raw = f.read(8)
raise_if(len(header_raw) != 8, WozEOFError, sEOF)
crc_raw = f.read(4)
raise_if(len(crc_raw) != 4, WozEOFError, sEOF)
crc = from_uint32(crc_raw)
all_data = []
while True:
chunk_id = f.read(4)
if not chunk_id: break
raise_if(len(chunk_id) != 4, WozEOFError, sEOF)
chunk_size_raw = f.read(4)
raise_if(len(chunk_size_raw) != 4, WozEOFError, sEOF)
chunk_size = from_uint32(chunk_size_raw)
data = f.read(chunk_size)
raise_if(len(data) != chunk_size, WozEOFError, sEOF)
if chunk_id == kINFO:
raise_if(chunk_size != 60, WozINFOFormatError, sBadChunkSize)
elif chunk_id == kTMAP:
raise_if(chunk_size != 160, WozTMAPFormatError, sBadChunkSize)
elif chunk_id == kTRKS:
elif chunk_id == kMETA:
if crc:
raise_if(crc != binascii.crc32(b''.join(all_data)) & 0xffffffff, WozCRCError, "Bad CRC")
def __process_header(self, data):
raise_if(data[:4] != kWOZ1, WozHeaderError_NoWOZ1, "Magic string 'WOZ1' not present at offset 0")
raise_if(data[4] != 0xFF, WozHeaderError_NoFF, "Magic byte 0xFF not present at offset 4")
raise_if(data[5:8] != b'\x0A\x0D\x0A', WozHeaderError_NoLF, "Magic bytes 0x0A0D0A not present at offset 5")
def __process_info(self, data):
version = data[0]
raise_if(version != 1, WozINFOFormatError_BadVersion, "Unknown version (expected 1, found %d)" % version)
disk_type = data[1]
raise_if(disk_type not in (1,2), WozINFOFormatError_BadDiskType, "Unknown disk type (expected 1 or 2, found %d)" % disk_type)
write_protected = data[2]
raise_if(write_protected not in (0,1), WozINFOFormatError_BadWriteProtected, "Unknown write protected flag (expected 0 or 1, found %d)" % write_protected)
synchronized = data[3]
raise_if(synchronized not in (0,1), WozINFOFormatError_BadSynchronized, "Unknown synchronized flag (expected 0, or 1, found %d)" % synchronized)
cleaned = data[4]
raise_if(cleaned not in (0,1), WozINFOFormatError_BadCleaned, "Unknown cleaned flag (expected 0 or 1, found %d)" % cleaned)
creator = data[5:37].decode('UTF-8')
raise WOZINFOFormatError("Creator is not valid UTF-8")
self.info["version"] = version # int
self.info["disk_type"] = disk_type # int
self.info["write_protected"] = (write_protected == 1) # boolean
self.info["synchronized"] = (synchronized == 1) # boolean
self.info["cleaned"] = (cleaned == 1) # boolean
self.info["creator"] = creator # string
def __process_tmap(self, data):
self.tmap = list(data)
def __process_trks(self, data):
i = 0
while i < len(data):
raw_bytes = data[i:i+kBitstreamLengthInBytes]
raise_if(len(raw_bytes) != kBitstreamLengthInBytes, WozEOFError, sEOF)
i += kBitstreamLengthInBytes
bytes_used_raw = data[i:i+2]
raise_if(len(bytes_used_raw) != 2, WozEOFError, sEOF)
bytes_used = from_uint16(bytes_used_raw)
raise_if(bytes_used > kBitstreamLengthInBytes, WozTRKSFormatError, "TRKS chunk %d bytes_used is out of range" % len(self.tracks))
i += 2
bit_count_raw = data[i:i+2]
raise_if(len(bit_count_raw) != 2, WozEOFError, sEOF)
bit_count = from_uint16(bit_count_raw)
i += 2
splice_point_raw = data[i:i+2]
raise_if(len(splice_point_raw) != 2, WozEOFError, sEOF)
splice_point = from_uint16(splice_point_raw)
if splice_point != 0xFFFF:
raise_if(splice_point > bit_count, WozTRKSFormatError, "TRKS chunk %d splice_point is out of range" % len(self.tracks))
i += 2
splice_nibble = data[i]
i += 1
splice_bit_count = data[i]
if splice_point != 0xFFFF:
raise_if(splice_bit_count not in (8,9,10), WozTRKSFormatError, "TRKS chunk %d splice_bit_count is out of range" % len(self.tracks))
i += 3
bits = bitarray.bitarray(endian="big")
self.tracks.append(WozTrack(bits, bit_count, splice_point, splice_nibble, splice_bit_count))
for trk, i in zip(self.tmap, itertools.count()):
raise_if(trk != 0xFF and trk >= len(self.tracks), WozTMAPFormatError_BadTRKS, "Invalid TMAP entry: track %d%s points to non-existent TRKS chunk %d" % (i/4, tQuarters[i%4], trk))
def __process_meta(self, data):
metadata = data.decode('UTF-8')
raise WozMETAFormatError("Metadata is not valid UTF-8")
for line in metadata.split('\n'):
if not line: continue
columns_raw = line.split('\t')
raise_if(len(columns_raw) != 2, WozMETAFormatError, "Malformed metadata")
key, value_raw = columns_raw
raise_if(key in self.meta, WozMETAFormatError_DuplicateKey, "Duplicate metadata key %s" % key)
values = value_raw.split("|")
if key == "language":
for value in values:
raise_if(value and (value not in kLanguages), WozMETAFormatError_BadLanguage, "Invalid metadata language")
elif key == "requires_ram":
for value in values:
raise_if(value and (value not in kRequiresRAM), WozMETAFormatError_BadRAM, "Invalid metadata requires_ram")
elif key == "requires_machine":
for value in values:
raise_if(value and (value not in kRequiresMachine), WozMETAFormatError_BadMachine, "Invalid metadata requires_machine")
self.meta[key] = len(values) == 1 and values[0] or tuple(values)
def seek(self, track_num):
"""returns Track object for the given track, or None if the track is not part of this disk image. track_num can be 0..40 in 0.25 increments (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, &c.)"""
if type(track_num) != float:
track_num = float(track_num)
if track_num < 0.0 or \
track_num > 40.0 or \
track_num.as_integer_ratio()[1] not in (1,2,4):
raise WozError("Invalid track %s" % track_num)
trk_id = self.tmap[int(track_num * 4)]
if trk_id == 0xFF: return None
return self.tracks[trk_id]
class WozWriter:
def __init__(self, creator):
self.info = collections.OrderedDict()
self.info["version"] = 1
self.info["disk_type"] = 1
self.info["write_protected"] = False
self.info["synchronized"] = False
self.info["cleaned"] = False
self.info["creator"] = creator
self.tracks = []
self.tmap = [0xFF]*160
self.meta = collections.OrderedDict()
def add_track(self, track_num, track):
tmap_id = int(track_num * 4)
trk_id = len(self.tracks)
self.tmap[tmap_id] = trk_id
if tmap_id:
self.tmap[tmap_id - 1] = trk_id
if tmap_id < 159:
self.tmap[tmap_id + 1] = trk_id
def build_info(self):
chunk = bytearray()
chunk.extend(kINFO) # chunk ID
chunk.extend(to_uint32(60)) # chunk size (constant)
chunk.extend(to_uint8(self.info["version"])) # version (int, probably 1)
chunk.extend(to_uint8(self.info["disk_type"])) # disk type (1=5.25 inch, 2=3.5 inch)
chunk.extend(to_uint8(self.info["write_protected"])) # write-protected (0=no, 1=yes)
chunk.extend(to_uint8(self.info["synchronized"])) # tracks synchronized (0=no, 1=yes)
chunk.extend(to_uint8(self.info["cleaned"])) # weakbits cleaned (0=no, 1=yes)
chunk.extend(self.info["creator"].encode("UTF-8").ljust(32, b" ")) # creator
chunk.extend(b'\x00' * 23) # reserved
return chunk
def build_tmap(self):
chunk = bytearray()
chunk.extend(kTMAP) # chunk ID
chunk.extend(to_uint32(160)) # chunk size
return chunk
def build_trks(self):
chunk = bytearray()
chunk.extend(kTRKS) # chunk ID
chunk_size = len(self.tracks)*6656
chunk.extend(to_uint32(chunk_size)) # chunk size
for track in self.tracks:
raw_bytes = track.bits.tobytes()
chunk.extend(raw_bytes) # bitstream as raw bytes
chunk.extend(b'\x00' * (6646 - len(raw_bytes))) # padding to 6646 bytes
chunk.extend(to_uint16(len(raw_bytes))) # bytes used
chunk.extend(to_uint16(track.bit_count)) # bit count
chunk.extend(b'\xFF\xFF') # splice point (none)
chunk.extend(b'\xFF') # splice nibble (none)
chunk.extend(b'\xFF') # splice bit count (none)
chunk.extend(b'\x00\x00') # reserved
return chunk
def build_meta(self):
if not self.meta: return b''
data = b'\x0A'.join(
[k.encode("UTF-8") + \
b'\x09' + \
(type(v) in (list,tuple) and "|".join(v) or v).encode("UTF-8") \
for k, v in self.meta.items()])
chunk = bytearray()
chunk.extend(kMETA) # chunk ID
chunk.extend(to_uint32(len(data))) # chunk size
return chunk
def build_head(self, crc):
chunk = bytearray()
chunk.extend(kWOZ1) # magic bytes
chunk.extend(b'\xFF\x0A\x0D\x0A') # more magic bytes
chunk.extend(to_uint32(crc)) # CRC32 of rest of file (calculated in caller)
return chunk
def write(self, stream):
info = self.build_info()
tmap = self.build_tmap()
trks = self.build_trks()
meta = self.build_meta()
crc = binascii.crc32(info + tmap + trks + meta)
head = self.build_head(crc)
#---------- command line interface ----------
class BaseCommand:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def setup(self, subparser, description=None, epilog=None, help=".woz disk image", formatter_class=argparse.HelpFormatter):
self.parser = subparser.add_parser(self.name, description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=formatter_class)
self.parser.add_argument("file", help=help)
def __call__(self, args):
self.woz_image = WozReader(args.file)
class CommandVerify(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self):
BaseCommand.__init__(self, "verify")
def setup(self, subparser):
BaseCommand.setup(self, subparser,
description="Verify file structure and metadata of a .woz disk image (produces no output unless a problem is found)")
class CommandDump(BaseCommand):
kWidth = 30
def __init__(self):
BaseCommand.__init__(self, "dump")
def setup(self, subparser):
BaseCommand.setup(self, subparser,
description="Print all available information and metadata in a .woz disk image")
def __call__(self, args):
BaseCommand.__call__(self, args)
def print_info(self):
print("INFO: File format version:".ljust(self.kWidth), "%d" % self.woz_image.info["version"])
print("INFO: Disk type:".ljust(self.kWidth), ("5.25-inch", "3.5-inch")[self.woz_image.info["disk_type"]-1])
print("INFO: Write protected:".ljust(self.kWidth), dNoYes[self.woz_image.info["write_protected"]])
print("INFO: Track synchronized:".ljust(self.kWidth), dNoYes[self.woz_image.info["synchronized"]])
print("INFO: Weakbits cleaned:".ljust(self.kWidth), dNoYes[self.woz_image.info["cleaned"]])
print("INFO: Creator:".ljust(self.kWidth), self.woz_image.info["creator"])
def print_tmap(self):
i = 0
for trk, i in zip(self.woz_image.tmap, itertools.count()):
if trk != 0xFF:
print(("TMAP: Track %d%s" % (i/4, tQuarters[i%4])).ljust(self.kWidth), "TRKS %d" % (trk))
def print_meta(self):
if not self.woz_image.meta: return
for key, values in self.woz_image.meta.items():
if type(values) == str:
values = [values]
print(("META: " + key + ":").ljust(self.kWidth), values[0])
for value in values[1:]:
print("META: ".ljust(self.kWidth), value)
class CommandEdit(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self):
BaseCommand.__init__(self, "edit")
def setup(self, subparser):
description="Edit information and metadata in a .woz disk image",
- Use repeated flags to edit multiple fields at once.
- Use "key:" with no value to delete a metadata field.
- Keys are case-sensitive.
- Some values have format restrictions; read the .woz specification.""",
help=".woz disk image (modified in place)",
self.parser.add_argument("-i", "--info", type=str, action="append",
help="""change information field.
INFO format is "key:value".
Acceptable keys are disk_type, write_protected, synchronized, cleaned, creator, version.
Other keys are ignored.""")
self.parser.add_argument("-m", "--meta", type=str, action="append",
help="""change metadata field.
META format is "key:value".
Standard keys are title, subtitle, publisher, developer, copyright, version, language, requires_ram,
requires_machine, notes, side, side_name, contributor, image_date. Other keys are allowed.""")
def __call__(self, args):
BaseCommand.__call__(self, args)
# maintain creator if there is one, otherwise use default
output = WozWriter(self.woz_image.info.get("creator", __displayname__))
output.tmap = self.woz_image.tmap
output.tracks = self.woz_image.tracks
output.info = self.woz_image.info.copy()
output.meta = self.woz_image.meta.copy()
# add all new info fields
for i in args.info or ():
k, v = i.split(":", 1)
output.info[k] = v
# add all new metadata fields
for m in args.meta or ():
k, v = m.split(":", 1)
v = v.split("|")
if len(v) == 1:
v = v[0]
if v:
output.meta[k] = v
elif k in output.meta.keys():
del output.meta[k]
with open(args.file, 'wb') as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
cmds = [CommandDump(), CommandVerify(), CommandEdit()]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=__progname__,
description="""A multi-purpose tool for manipulating .woz disk images.
See '""" + __progname__ + """ <command> -h' for help on individual commands.""",
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=__displayname__)
sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", help="command")
for command in cmds:
args = parser.parse_args()
Reference in New Issue
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