Christopher Shepherd aa5c0170cc .po handling fix
2016-05-25 23:36:04 -04:00
2016-05-25 23:34:19 -04:00
2016-05-25 23:36:04 -04:00
2016-05-25 23:34:19 -04:00
2016-05-25 23:34:19 -04:00
2016-05-25 23:34:19 -04:00
2016-05-25 23:34:19 -04:00
2016-05-25 23:34:19 -04:00

yagsdisasm - Yet Another GS Disassembler

yagsdisasm is written in PHP, which may be an unfortunate choice of languages to many, but is nearly-universally available and makes for a product that's easy to modify, when written properly.

the disassembly engine is largely inspired by Andy McFadden's Ciderpress disassembly engine, which is why we copy his license terms in LICENSE.txt

as of 5/25/2016, the project is only a couple hours old and is a proof of concept. future revisions to come later

Example Run:

$ php yagsdisasm.php -x 0 -m 0 -e 0 -f /Applications/Emulation/Apple\ IIGS/images/WhatIs/Alien\ Mind/Alien\ Mind\ Dk1.2mg -s 1 -n 1 -k 1 -o 801| more
                      ORG 000801
                      MX %00

000801-   0A          ASL
000802-   A9 10 00    LDA #0010
000805-   8D 9F 0A    STA 0A9F
000808-   A9 00 01    LDA #0100
00080B-   8D A1 0A    STA 0AA1
00080E-   60          RTS
00080F-   20 62 09    JSR 0962
000812-   F4 00 00    PEA 0000
000815-   F4 07 00    PEA 0007
000818-   F4 00 20    PEA 2000
00081B-   F4 00 40    PEA 4000
00081E-   F4 00 00    PEA 0000
000821-   F4 36 0A    PEA 0A36
000824-   F4 00 00    PEA 0000
000827-   F4 3A 0A    PEA 0A3A
00082A-   A2 03 27    LDX #2703
00082D-   22 00 00 E1 JSL E10000          ; Toolbox: UnPackBytes(@Buff,BfSz,@StartPtr,@Sz):Size
000831-   68          PLA
000832-   8D 00 03    STA 0300
000835-   60          RTS
000836-   00 20       BRK 20
000838-   E1 00       SBC (00,X)
00083A-   00 80       BRK 80
00083C-   20 67 09    JSR 0967
00083F-   2C 10 C0    BIT C010            ; r:KBDSTRB
000842-   AD 00 C0    LDA C000            ; r:KBD  w:CLR80COL
000845-   30 13       BMI 085A {+13}
000847-   AD 61 C0    LDA C061            ; r:BUTN0
00084A-   30 0E       BMI 085A {+0E}
00084C-   AD 62 C0    LDA C062            ; r:BUTN1
00084F-   30 09       BMI 085A {+09}
000851-   AD 27 C0    LDA C027            ; rw:KMSTATUS
000854-   89 80 D0    BIT #D080
Apple IIGS / 65C816 disassembler written in PHP
Readme 65 KiB
PHP 100%