#include "types.rez" resource rCDEVFlags (1) { wantMachine+wantHit+wantClose+wantEvents+wantEdit+wantCreate, 1, /* enabled */ 1, /* version */ 1, /* min ROM version */ 0, /* reserved */ {0, 0, 55, 320}, /* rectangle */ "AFP Mounter", /* name */ "Stephen Heumann", /* author */ "v1.0b1" /* version string */ }; read rCDevCode (0x1,convert,locked) "AFPMounter.obj"; resource rIcon (1) { 0x8000, /* color icon */ 20, /* dimensions */ 28, $"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"F00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"F0DDDDDD0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"F0DDDDDD04FFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFFF" $"F0DDDDDD04FFFFFFFF4F0FF000FF" $"F0DDDDDD444FFFFF0444A0F0DD0F" $"F0000000444FFFF0E4440A00DD0F" $"FF0FFFF4F4F4FFF04E404AA0DD0F" $"F000000404F4FFF04E404A00DD0F" $"F0F4FF4F04FF4F04004004000000" $"F000040004FFF44303433343330F" $"4444444444444444444444444444" $"3333333334333333334333333333" $"4444444444444444444444444444" $"FFFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFFF" $"FFFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFFF" $"FFFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFFF" $"FFFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFF4FFFFFFFFF", $"0000000000000000000000000000" $"0000000000000000000000000000" $"0000000000000000000000000000" $"0FFFFFFFF0000000000000000000" $"0FFFFFFFF0000000000000000000" $"0FFFFFFFFF00000000F000000000" $"0FFFFFFFFF00000000F0F00FFF00" $"0FFFFFFFFFF00000FFFFFF0FFFF0" $"0FFFFFFFFFF0000FFFFFFFFFFFF0" $"00FFFFFF0F0F000FFFFFFFFFFFF0" $"0FFFFFFFFF0F000FFFFFFFFFFFF0" $"0FFFFFFFFF00F0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"0FFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFF0" $"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $"000000000F00000000F000000000" $"000000000F00000000F000000000" $"000000000F00000000F000000000" $"000000000F00000000F000000000" }; #define cdevWindow 1000 #define helpWindow 2000 #define serverAddressTxt 2 #define urlLine 3 #define saveAliasBtn 4 #define connectBtn 1 #define optionsPopUp 6 #define trianglePic 7 #define helpTxt 5 #define saveFilePrompt 100 #define optionsMenu 300 #define afpOverTCPOptionsItem 301 #define useLargeReadsItem 302 #define forceAFP22Item 303 /* * Controls in the control panel window (for 640 mode or 320 mode) */ resource rControlList (640) { { cdevWindow+serverAddressTxt, cdevWindow+urlLine, cdevWindow+saveAliasBtn, cdevWindow+connectBtn, cdevWindow+trianglePic, cdevWindow+optionsPopUp }; }; resource rControlList (320) { { cdevWindow+serverAddressTxt, cdevWindow+urlLine, cdevWindow+saveAliasBtn, cdevWindow+connectBtn, cdevWindow+trianglePic+320, cdevWindow+optionsPopUp+320 }; }; resource rControlTemplate (cdevWindow+serverAddressTxt) { serverAddressTxt, /* control ID */ {4, 10, 15, 270}, /* control rect */ statTextControl {{ fBlastText, /* flags */ $1000+RefIsResource, /* moreFlags */ 0, /* refCon */ cdevWindow+serverAddressTxt /* title ref */ }}; }; resource rTextForLETextBox2 (cdevWindow+serverAddressTxt) { "AFP Server Address:" }; resource rControlTemplate (cdevWindow+urlLine) { urlLine, {15, 10, 28, 310}, editLineControl {{ 0, $7000+RefIsResource, 0, 255, /* max size */ cdevWindow+urlLine /* text ref */ }}; }; resource rPString (cdevWindow+urlLine) { "afp://" }; resource rControlTemplate (cdevWindow+saveAliasBtn) { saveAliasBtn, {35, 10, 0, 0}, SimpleButtonControl {{ NormalButton, $1000+RefIsResource, 0, cdevWindow+saveAliasBtn }}; }; resource rPString(cdevWindow+saveAliasBtn) { "Save Alias..." }; resource rControlTemplate (cdevWindow+connectBtn) { connectBtn, {35, 220, 0, 0}, SimpleButtonControl {{ DefaultButton, $3000+RefIsResource, 0, cdevWindow+connectBtn, 0, /* color table ref */ {"\$0D","\$0D",0,0} /* key equivalent = Return */ }}; }; resource rPString(cdevWindow+connectBtn) { "Connect" }; /* Options menu pop-up -- separate versions for 640 mode and 320 mode */ resource rControlTemplate (cdevWindow+optionsPopUp) { optionsPopUp, {5, 282, 13, 310 }, PopUpControl {{ fDontDrawTitle+fDontDrawResult, fCtlProcNotPtr+RefIsResource/*+fDrawPopDownIcon*/, 0, 0, optionsMenu, /* menu ref */ afpOverTCPOptionsItem, /* initial value */ 0 }}; }; resource rControlTemplate (cdevWindow+optionsPopUp+ 320) { optionsPopUp, {5, 296, 13, 310 }, PopUpControl {{ fDontDrawTitle+fDontDrawResult, fCtlProcNotPtr+RefIsResource/*+fDrawPopDownIcon*/, 0, 0, optionsMenu, /* menu ref */ afpOverTCPOptionsItem, /* initial value */ 0 }}; }; /* Triangle to draw on options pop-up */ resource rControlTemplate (cdevWindow+trianglePic) { trianglePic, {7, 286, 11, 302}, PictureControl {{ CtlInactive, fCtlProcNotPtr+RefIsResource, 0, trianglePic /* picture reference */ }}; }; resource rControlTemplate (cdevWindow+trianglePic+320) { trianglePic, {7, 298, 0, 0}, PictureControl {{ CtlInactive, fCtlProcNotPtr+RefIsResource, 0, trianglePic /* picture reference */ }}; }; data rPicture (trianglePic) { $"8000 0000 0000 0400 1000 1182 0100 0A00" $"01C0 01C0 FF3F FF3F 9000 8000 0000 0400" $"0000 0000 0400 1000 0000 0000 0400 1000" $"0000 0000 0400 1000 0000 0000 0000 F000" $"000F FF00 00FF FFF0 0FFF" }; resource rMenu (optionsMenu) { optionsMenu, /* menu ID */ refIsResource*menuTitleRefShift + refIsResource*itemRefShift, optionsMenu, /* menu title ref (not drawn) */ {afpOverTCPOptionsItem, useLargeReadsItem, forceAFP22Item}; }; resource rPString(optionsMenu,noCrossBank) { "" }; resource rMenuItem (afpOverTCPOptionsItem) { afpOverTCPOptionsItem, /* menu item ID */ "","", 0, fDisabled+refIsResource*itemTitleRefShift, afpOverTCPOptionsItem /* menu item title ref */ }; resource rPString(afpOverTCPOptionsItem,noCrossBank) { "AFP Over TCP Options:" }; resource rMenuItem (useLargeReadsItem) { useLargeReadsItem, /* menu item ID */ "","", $12, refIsResource*itemTitleRefShift, useLargeReadsItem /* menu item title ref */ }; resource rPString(useLargeReadsItem,noCrossBank) { "Use Large Reads" }; resource rMenuItem (forceAFP22Item) { forceAFP22Item, /* menu item ID */ "","", 0, refIsResource*itemTitleRefShift, forceAFP22Item /* menu item title ref */ }; resource rPString(forceAFP22Item,noCrossBank) { "Force AFP Version 2.2" }; /* * Controls in the help window */ resource rControlList (2) { { helpWindow+helpTxt }; }; resource rControlTemplate (helpWindow+helpTxt) { helpTxt, {38, 5, 138, 280}, statTextControl {{ 0, /* flags */ $1000+RefIsResource, /* moreFlags */ 0, /* refCon */ helpWindow+helpTxt /* title ref */ }}; }; resource rTextForLETextBox2 (helpWindow+helpTxt) { "The AFP Mounter control panel allows you to connect to " "file servers using the Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) " "over either AppleTalk or TCP/IP networks. " "The server address can be specified by URLs " "of the following forms:\n\$01X\$03\$00" "afp://[user:password@]server[:port]/\n\$01X\$00\$00" "volume (to connect using TCP/IP)\n\$01X\$03\$00" "afp:/at/[user:password@]server:zone/\n\$01X\$00\$00" "volume (to connect using AppleTalk)\n" }; resource rPString(saveFilePrompt) { "Save server alias as:" }; /* * Error messages */ #define fstMissingError 3000 #define noEasyMountError 3001 #define tempFileError 3002 #define aliasFileError 3003 #define tempFileNameError 3004 #define saveAliasError 3005 #define noAFPBridgeError 3006 #define noAFPBridgeWarning 3007 #define protoInvalidError 4000 #define noServerOrVolumeNameError 4001 #define serverNameTooLongError 4002 #define volumeNameTooLongError 4003 #define zoneTooLongError 4004 #define usernameTooLongError 4005 #define passwordTooLongError 4006 #define volpassTooLongError 4007 #define passwordWithoutUserError 4008 #define badUAMError 4009 resource rAlertString (fstMissingError) { "72:" "To use the AFP Mounter control panel, the AppleShare FST " "and the AppleTalk-related system components it requires " "must be installed and enabled." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (noEasyMountError) { "72:" "Communication with EasyMount failed.\n" "\n" "To use the AFP Mounter control panel, EasyMount must be " "installed and enabled." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (protoInvalidError) { "32:" "The specified address is not a valid AFP URL." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (noServerOrVolumeNameError) { "32:" "Please specify at least a server and volume name in the AFP URL." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (serverNameTooLongError) { "32:" "The server name is too long (maximum 32 characters)." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (volumeNameTooLongError) { "32:" "The volume name is too long (maximum 27 characters)." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (zoneTooLongError) { "32:" "The zone name is too long (maximum 32 characters)." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (usernameTooLongError) { "32:" "The username is too long (maximum 31 characters)." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (passwordTooLongError) { "32:" "The password is too long (maximum 8 characters)." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (volpassTooLongError) { "32:" "The volume password is too long (maximum 8 characters)." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (passwordWithoutUserError) { "42:" "When a password is specified, a user name must also be given." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (badUAMError) { "62:" "The requested user authentication method is not supported " "or cannot be used with the specified URL." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (tempFileError) { "82:" "There was an error writing the temporary file used by the " "AFPMounter control panel. Please make sure the directory " "containing the AFPMounter control panel is writable and " "remove the AFPMounter.Temp file if it is present." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (aliasFileError) { "32:" "There was an error writing the alias file." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (tempFileNameError) { "72:" "There was an error while constructing the name for the " "temporary file used by the AFPMounter control panel." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (saveAliasError) { "42:" "There was an error while attempting to save the alias file." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (noAFPBridgeError) { "62:" "To connect to AFP servers over TCP, AFPBridge and Marinetti " "must be installed and enabled. Please install them and then " "restart your system." ":^#0\$00" }; resource rAlertString (noAFPBridgeWarning) { "74:" "To connect to AFP servers over TCP, AFPBridge and Marinetti " "must be installed and enabled. You can continue to save an " "alias now, but to connect to the server you will need to " "install them and then restart your system." ":#1:^#6\$00" };