.include "equates.s" .include "macros.s" .org $0000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; renderString (Far entry point at $050000) ; ; Draws a Pascal string in any font ; ; PARAML0 = Pointer to string ; Y = VRAM position of lower right corner of string at which to draw ; A = Font index ; ; Trashes SCRATCHL,X,Y,A ; renderString: NATIVE SAVE_DBR asl tax jmp (fontJumpTable,x) ; Can't JSR here because we need the stack in a particular state (with DBR cached on top) renderStringReturn: RESTORE_DBR rtl fontJumpTable: .addr renderString_tinyNum .addr renderString_font8 .addr renderString_font16 .include "fonts.s" ; Suppress some linker warnings - Must be the last thing in the file ; This is because Quinn doesn't really know how to use ca65 properly .SEGMENT "ZPSAVE" .SEGMENT "EXEHDR" .SEGMENT "STARTUP" .SEGMENT "INIT" .SEGMENT "LOWCODE"