; ; fan ; Code and data structures related to the special fan weapon ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/18 ; FANRANGE = 100 ; In pixels FANMAGNITUDE = $20 ; 12.4 fixed point speed delta, in pixels FAN_AGE = 4 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; deployFan ; ; Y: Index to projectile structure ; deployFan: SAVE_AY lda #200 ; Drop in from the top of the view sta projectileData+GO_POSY,y lda #$c80 sta projectileData+JD_PRECISEY,y lda #0 sta projectileData+JD_VX,y sta projectileData+JD_VY,y lda #1 sta projectileData+JD_DEPLOYDELAY,y ; Let player admire new fan RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; updateFan ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; updateFan: SAVE_AXY lda projectileData+JD_AGE,y cmp #FAN_AGE bcs updateFanWornOut lda projectileData+JD_STATIC,y bne updateFanWind ; We're set up, so apply our wind ; Wait for fan to collide with us as it falls from the sky lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y sta rectParams lda projectileData+GO_POSY,y sta rectParams+2 lda #GAMEOBJECTWIDTH sta rectParams+4 lda #GAMEOBJECTHEIGHT sta rectParams+6 ldx currentPlayer jsr playerIntersectRect cmp #0 beq updateFanDone ; Once fan is in place, make it static lda projectileData+GO_POSY,y inc inc sta projectileData+GO_POSY,y lda #1 sta projectileData+JD_STATIC,y jsr endProjectile ; Now set up the stand jsr allocGameObject cpx #-1 beq updateFanDone txa sta projectileData+JD_SCRATCH,y ; Remember where our stand is lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y sta gameObjectPool+GO_POSX,x lda projectileData+GO_POSY,y sec sbc #GAMEOBJECTHEIGHT sta gameObjectPool+GO_POSY,x updateFanDone: RESTORE_AXY rts updateFanWornOut: jsr deleteVisibleProjectile bra updateFanDone updateFanWind: lda projectileData+JD_OWNER,y cmp currentPlayer ; We're not affected by our own fan beq updateFanDone tyx ldy projectileActive bmi updateFanDone ; No active projectile ; Calculate distance to fan lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y sta SCRATCHL lda projectileData+GO_POSX,x sec sbc SCRATCHL ABSA cmp #FANRANGE ; Check if we're within range bcs updateFanDone ; Apply wind lda projectileData+JD_FACING,y bne updateFanWindNeg sec lda projectileData+JD_PRECISEX,y sbc #FANMAGNITUDE sta projectileData+JD_PRECISEX,y bra updateFanDone updateFanWindNeg: clc lda projectileData+JD_PRECISEX,y adc #FANMAGNITUDE sta projectileData+JD_PRECISEX,y bra updateFanDone ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; renderFan ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; renderFan: SAVE_AXY lda projectileData+JD_STATIC,y beq renderFanDone ; Don't render the stand until we're static ; Render the stand under the fan lda projectileData+JD_SCRATCH,y sta PARAML0 clc lda #gameObjectPool adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 lda #14 jsr renderGameObject ; Do deployment delay after first render lda projectileData+JD_DEPLOYDELAY,y beq renderFanDone jsr delayLong lda #0 sta projectileData+JD_DEPLOYDELAY,y renderFanDone: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; unrenderFan ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; unrenderFan: SAVE_AXY ; Unrender the stand under the fan lda projectileData+JD_SCRATCH,y sta PARAML0 clc lda #gameObjectPool adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 jsr unrenderGameObject RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; protectFan ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; protectFan: SAVE_AXY ; Protect the stand under the fan lda projectileData+JD_SCRATCH,y sta PARAML0 clc lda #gameObjectPool adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 jsr vramPtr cpx #$ffff beq protectFanDone lda PARAML0 clc adc #GO_BACKGROUND sta PARAML0 jsr protectGameObject protectFanDone: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; deleteFan ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; deleteFan: SAVE_AX lda projectileData+JD_SCRATCH,y tax ; Unrender the stand lda #gameObjectPool sta PARAML0 txa clc adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 jsr unrenderGameObject jsr deleteGameObject jsr renderPlayers RESTORE_AX rts