.macro OP8 .i8 .a8 .endmacro .macro OP16 .i16 .a16 .endmacro .macro BITS8 sep #%00110000 OP8 .endmacro .macro BITS16 rep #%00110000 OP16 .endmacro .macro DBR bankNum BITS8 lda bankNum pha plb BITS16 .endmacro .macro SYNCDBR phk plb .endmacro .macro EMULATION sec ; Enable 8-bit mode xce OP8 .endmacro .macro NATIVE clc ; Enable 16-bit mode xce BITS16 .endmacro .macro SHRVIDEO BITS8 lda NEWVIDEO ora #%11000001 sta NEWVIDEO BITS16 .endmacro .macro CLASSICVIDEO BITS8 lda NEWVIDEO and #%00111111 sta NEWVIDEO BITS16 .endmacro .macro FASTGRAPHICS ;51 cycles, 12 bytes sei ;2 phd ;4 sep #%00100000 ; 3 16-bit A only, to preserve X/Y .a8 lda SHADOW ;5 sta shadowRegister ;4 lda #0 ;2 sta SHADOW ;5 lda STACKCTL ;5 sta stackRegister ;4 ora #$30 ;2 sta STACKCTL ;5 rep #%00100000 ;3 .a16 tsc ;2 sta stackPtr ;5 .endmacro .macro SLOWGRAPHICS ;38 cycles, 12 bytes sep #%00100000 ; 3 16-bit A only, to preserve X/Y .a8 lda shadowRegister ;4 sta SHADOW ;5 lda stackRegister ;4 sta STACKCTL ;5 rep #%00100000 ;3 .a16 lda stackPtr ;5 tcs ;2 pld ;5 cli ;2 .endmacro .macro LOADPARAM24 bankNumDoubled,addr16 lda #bankNumDoubled sta PARAM24+1 lda #addr16 sta PARAM24 .endmacro .macro pstring Arg .byte .strlen(Arg), Arg .endmacro .macro qbyte Arg .dbyt Arg>>16,Arg&$0000ffff .endmacro .macro BREAK pha lda breakpoint beq nobrk lda #1 sta $e1c029 pla brk nobrk: pla .endmacro ;;;;;;;;;; ; Stack Macros .macro SAVE_AXY ; Saves all registers pha phx phy .endmacro .macro RESTORE_AXY ; Restores all registers ply plx pla .endmacro .macro SAVE_AY ; Saves accumulator and Y index pha phy .endmacro .macro RESTORE_AY ; Restores accumulator and Y index ply pla .endmacro .macro SAVE_AX ; Saves accumulator and X index pha phx .endmacro .macro RESTORE_AX ; Restores accumulator and X index plx pla .endmacro .macro SAVE_XY ; Saves X and Y index phx phy .endmacro .macro RESTORE_XY ; Restores X and Y index ply plx .endmacro .macro SAVE_P0 ; Saves PARAML0 lda PARAML0 pha .endmacro .macro RESTORE_P0 ; Restores PARAML0 pla sta PARAML0 .endmacro