; ; titleScreen ; A friendly place to start the game ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 7/23/23 ; .a16 .i16 titlePalette: .word $06af,$0072,$0072,$0861,$0c93,$0eb4,$0d66,$0f9a,$0777,$0d00,$0bbb,$ddd,$007b,$0a5b,$0000,$0fff TITLE_ANIMATION_FRAMES = 5 CAT_DELAY = 300 CAT0_VRAM = $5d79 CAT1_VRAM = $5da0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; titleScreen ; ; Shows the title screen and main game menu ; titleScreen: lda #%10000000 ; Set all SCBs to 320, no interrupts, palette 0 jsr initSCBs stz leftScreenEdge ; Copy title screen art from where it was loaded in bank 6 ; This isn't fast, but doesn't need to be ldx #0 titleScreenCopyLoop: lda $060000,x sta SHADOWVRAM,x inx inx cpx #$7d00 bne titleScreenCopyLoop ; Set up sprite rendering BITS8 lda #3 sta SpriteBankBank00+3 ; Tell compiled sprites what bank they are in BITS16 ; Set up audio jsr initSoundSystem ; Render menu text jsr titleScreenRenderMenu ldx #147 jsr setBorderAtScanLine ; Fade in lda #titlePalette sta PARAML2 jsr paletteFade ldy #CAT0_VRAM ; Save a generic background to erase cats jsr protectAnimation16x16 titleScreenMainLoop: ; Track animations ;jsr syncOverscanBottom jsr syncVBL BORDER_COLOR #$7 lda titleAnimationCounter inc cmp TITLE_ANIMATION_FRAMES jsr titleScreenResetAnimation ; Update current animation if needed lda animationState+AS_CURRENTFRAME bmi titleScreenIdle jsr tickAnimation bra titleScreenKeyboard titleScreenIdle: ; Time start of cat 0 animation lda animationDelay0 dec bne titleScreenStillCat lda #CAT_DELAY sta animationDelay0 ; Start new cat 0 animation ldy #CAT0_VRAM jsr unrenderAnimation16x16 lda #titleAnimationPos0 sta PARAML0 ldx #TITLE_ANIMATION_FRAMES ldy #30 lda #ANIMATION_SIZE_16x32 jsr startAnimation bra titleScreenNextCat titleScreenStillCat: ; Render idle cat 0 sta animationDelay0 ldy #CAT0_VRAM lda #29 jsr drawSpriteBankSafe titleScreenNextCat: ; Time start of cat 1 animation lda animationDelay1 dec bne titleScreenStillCat2 lda #CAT_DELAY sta animationDelay1 ; Start new cat 1 animation ldy #CAT1_VRAM jsr unrenderAnimation16x16 lda #titleAnimationPos1 sta PARAML0 ldx #TITLE_ANIMATION_FRAMES ldy #21 lda #ANIMATION_SIZE_16x32 jsr startAnimation bra titleScreenKeyboard titleScreenStillCat2: ; Render idle cat 1 sta animationDelay1 ldy #CAT1_VRAM lda #20 jsr drawSpriteBankSafe titleScreenKeyboard: ; Check for selection jsr kbdScanTitle jsr kbdScanDebug lda menuActionRequested beq titleScreenMainLoopEndFrame cmp #-1 beq titleScreenKeyboardMenuUp cmp #1 beq titleScreenKeyboardMenuDown cmp #2 beq titleScreenKeyboardMenuGo bra titleScreenMainLoopEndFrame titleScreenResetAnimation: stz titleAnimationCounter rts titleScreenKeyboardMenuUp: lda menuSelection beq titleScreenMainLoopEndFrame dec sta menuSelection jsr titleScreenRenderMenu bra titleScreenMainLoopEndFrame titleScreenKeyboardMenuDown: lda menuSelection cmp #2 beq titleScreenMainLoopEndFrame inc sta menuSelection jsr titleScreenRenderMenu bra titleScreenMainLoopEndFrame titleScreenKeyboardMenuGo: lda menuSelection beq titleScreenBeginGame cmp #2 beq titleScreenQuit titleScreenMainLoopEndFrame: stz menuActionRequested jmp titleScreenMainLoop titleScreenBeginGame: ; Transition to gameplay stz menuActionRequested lda #skyPalette sta PARAML2 jsr paletteFade jmp beginGameplay titleScreenQuit: jmp quitGame titleAnimationCounter: .word 0 titleAnimationPos0: .word 114,120 titleAnimationPos1: .word 192,120 animationDelay0: .word CAT_DELAY/2 animationDelay1: .word CAT_DELAY menuActionRequested: .word 0 selectionString: pstring "[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[" unselectionString: pstring "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" startString: pstring "BEGIN GAME" helpString: pstring "HOW TO PLAY" quitString: pstring "QUIT" menuSelection: .word 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; titleScreenRenderMenu ; ; Render the game menu ; ; Trashes A ; titleScreenRenderMenu: ldy #$78f0 jsr titleScreenUnRenderSelection lda menuSelection bne titleScreenRenderMenuItem0 ldy #$78f0 jsr titleScreenRenderSelection titleScreenRenderMenuItem0: lda #startString sta PARAML0 lda #1 ldy #$78fc jsl renderStringFar ldy #$7f30 jsr titleScreenUnRenderSelection lda menuSelection cmp #1 bne titleScreenRenderMenuItem1 ldy #$7f30 jsr titleScreenRenderSelection titleScreenRenderMenuItem1: lda #helpString sta PARAML0 lda #1 ldy #$7f39 jsl renderStringFar ldy #$8570 jsr titleScreenUnRenderSelection lda menuSelection cmp #2 bne titleScreenRenderMenuItem2 ldy #$8570 jsr titleScreenRenderSelection titleScreenRenderMenuItem2: lda #quitString sta PARAML0 lda #1 ldy #$8588 jsl renderStringFar rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; titleScreenRenderSelection ; ; Render the menu selection bar ; ; Y = VRAM position of bar ; titleScreenRenderSelection: lda #selectionString sta PARAML0 lda #1 jsl renderStringFar rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; titleScreenUnRenderSelection ; ; Unrender the menu selection bar ; ; Y = VRAM position of bar ; titleScreenUnRenderSelection: lda #unselectionString sta PARAML0 lda #1 jsl renderStringFar rts