; ; projectile ; Code and data structures related to the projectiles ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/13/17 ; projectileData: ; Gameobject data (we're a subclass, effectively) .word -1 ; Pos X in pixels (from left terrain edge) .word 0 ; Pos Y in pixels (from bottom terrain edge) .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Saved background .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0 ; Pos X (12.4 fixed point) .word 0 ; Pos Y (12.4 fixed point) .word 0 ; Velocity X (8.8 fixed point) .word 0 ; Velocity Y (8.8 fixed point) .word 0 ; Type .word 1 ; New? .word 0 ; Static? .word 0 ; Owner (player index) .word 0 ; Facing (0,1) = (+X,-X) .repeat 106 .byte 0 ; Padding to 256-byte boundary .endrepeat ; Gameobject data (we're a subclass, effectively) .word -1 ; Pos X in pixels (from left terrain edge) .word 0 ; Pos Y in pixels (from bottom terrain edge) .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Saved background .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0 ; Pos X (12.4 fixed point) .word 0 ; Pos Y (12.4 fixed point) .word 0 ; Velocity X (8.8 fixed point) .word 0 ; Velocity Y (8.8 fixed point) .word 0 ; Type .word 1 ; New? .word 0 ; Static? .word 0 ; Owner (player index) .word 0 ; Facing (0,1) = (+X,-X) .repeat 106 .byte 0 ; Padding to 256-byte boundary .endrepeat ; Gameobject data (we're a subclass, effectively) .word -1 ; Pos X in pixels (from left terrain edge) .word 0 ; Pos Y in pixels (from bottom terrain edge) .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Saved background .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .word 0 ; Pos X (12.4 fixed point) .word 0 ; Pos Y (12.4 fixed point) .word 0 ; Velocity X (8.8 fixed point) .word 0 ; Velocity Y (8.8 fixed point) .word 0 ; Type .word 1 ; New? .word 0 ; Static? .word 0 ; Owner (player index) .word 0 ; Facing (0,1) = (+X,-X) .repeat 106 .byte 0 ; Padding to 256-byte boundary .endrepeat ; Byte offsets for that-^ data structure can be found in equates.s GRAVITY = $ffff ; 8.8 fixed point projectileTypes: PT_SPIT = 0 PT_BOMB = 1 PT_FAN = 2 ; Spit .word 3 ; Damage .word 3 ; Crater radius .word 4 ; Frame 0 .word 6 ; Frame 1 .word 8 ; Frame 2 .addr 0 ; Deploy .addr 0 ; Update .addr 0 ; Render ;.word ; Padding to 16-byte boundary (none needed) ; Bomb .word 50 ; Damage .word 10 ; Crater radius .word 3 ; Frame 0 .word 3 ; Frame 1 .word 3 ; Frame 2 .addr 0 ; Deploy .addr 0 ; Update .addr 0 ; Render ;.word ; Padding to 16-byte boundary (none needed) ; Fan .word 3 ; Damage .word 3 ; Crater radius .word 12 ; Frame 0 .word 12 ; Frame 1 .word 12 ; Frame 2 .addr deployFan ; Deploy .addr updateFan ; Update .addr renderFan ; Render ;.word ; Padding to 16-byte boundary (none needed) PT_DAMAGE = 0 ; Byte offsets into projectile type data structure PT_RADIUS = 2 PT_FRAME0 = 4 PT_FRAME1 = 6 PT_FRAME2 = 8 PT_DEPLOY = 10 PT_UPDATE = 12 PT_RENDER = 14 .macro PROJECTILEPTR_Y tya ; Pointer to projectile structure from index asl asl asl asl asl asl asl asl tay .endmacro .macro PROJECTILETYPEPTR_Y tya ; Pointer to projectile type structure from index asl asl asl asl tay .endmacro .macro PROJECTILETYPEPTR_X txa ; Pointer to projectile type structure from index asl asl asl asl tax .endmacro projectileParams: .word 0 ; Starting pos X .word 0 ; Starting pos Y .word 0 ; Initial angle .word 0 ; Initial power .word 0 ; Type ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; allocProjectile ; ; Returns offset of projectile structure in Y, or -1 if none available ; allocProjectile: SAVE_AX ldx #0 allocProjectileLoop: txy PROJECTILEPTR_Y lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y bmi allocProjectileDone inx cpx #MAXPROJECTILES bne allocProjectileLoop ldy #-1 allocProjectileDone: RESTORE_AX rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; fireProjectile ; ; fireProjectile: SAVE_AXY ; Allocate a projectile jsr allocProjectile cpy #-1 beq fireProjectileDone ; Set up projectile structure lda projectileParams ; X pos sta projectileData+GO_POSX,y lda projectileParams+2 ; Y pos sta projectileData+GO_POSY,y lda #0 sta projectileData+JD_STATIC,y sty projectileActive lda currentPlayer sta projectileData+JD_OWNER,y ; Set facing. For now assume player orientations are constant beq fireProjectilePosX lda #1 sta projectileData+JD_FACING,y bra fireProjectileSetup fireProjectilePosX: lda #0 sta projectileData+JD_FACING,y fireProjectileSetup: lda projectileParams ; Fixed point version of X pos asl asl asl asl sta projectileData+JD_PRECISEX,y lda projectileParams+2 ; Fixed point version of Y pos asl asl asl asl sta projectileData+JD_PRECISEY,y lda projectileParams+8 ; Type sta projectileData+JD_TYPE,y ; Check for special deployment code phy tay ; Find projectile type data PROJECTILETYPEPTR_Y lda projectileTypes+PT_DEPLOY,y beq fireProjectileStandardDeploy ply JSRA bra fireProjectileFinish fireProjectileStandardDeploy: ply ; Standard physics setup jsr prepareProjectilePhysics fireProjectileFinish: lda #1 sta projectileData+JD_NEW,y fireProjectileDone: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; prepareProjectilePhysics ; ; Y: Index to projectile structure ; prepareProjectilePhysics: SAVE_AXY lda projectileParams+6 ; Convert power to 8.8 asl asl asl asl asl asl asl asl sta projectileParams+6 lda projectileParams+4 ; Convert angle to vector asl tax lda angleToVectorX,x ; Velocity X (unit vector) sta PARAML1 lda projectileParams+6 ; Scale by power sta PARAML0 jsr mult88 sta projectileData+JD_VX,y lda projectileParams+4 ; Convert angle to vector asl tax lda angleToVectorY,x ; Velocity Y (unit vector) sta PARAML1 lda projectileParams+6 ; Scale by power sta PARAML0 jsr mult88 sta projectileData+JD_VY,y RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; updateProjectilesPhysics ; ; updateProjectilesPhysics: SAVE_AXY ldx #0 updateProjectilesPhysicsLoop: txy PROJECTILEPTR_Y jsr updateProjectilePhysics updateProjectilesPhysicsSkip: inx cpx #MAXPROJECTILES bne updateProjectilesPhysicsLoop RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; updateProjectilePhysics ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; updateProjectilePhysics: SAVE_AXY lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y bmi updateProjectilePhysicsDone ; Not allocated lda projectileData+JD_STATIC,y bne updateProjectilePhysicsSpecial ; Static updateProjectilePhysicsActive: ; Integrate gravity over velocity lda projectileData+JD_VY,y clc adc #GRAVITY sta projectileData+JD_VY,y ; Integrate X velocity over position lda projectileData+JD_VX,y ; Convert 8.8 to 12.4 cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror clc adc projectileData+JD_PRECISEX,y adc globalWind ; Add wind sta projectileData+JD_PRECISEX,y ; Convert to integer for rendering lsr lsr lsr lsr sta projectileData+GO_POSX,y bmi updateProjectilePhysicsDelete cmp #TERRAINWIDTH-GAMEOBJECTWIDTH-1 bpl updateProjectilePhysicsDelete updateProjectilePhysicsContinue: ; Integrate Y velocity over position lda projectileData+JD_VY,y ; Convert 8.8 to 12.4 cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror clc adc projectileData+JD_PRECISEY,y sta projectileData+JD_PRECISEY,y ; Convert to integer for rendering lsr lsr lsr lsr sta projectileData+GO_POSY,y cmp #GAMEOBJECTHEIGHT bmi updateProjectilePhysicsDelete updateProjectilePhysicsSpecial: ; Check for special update code phy lda projectileData+JD_TYPE,y tay PROJECTILETYPEPTR_Y lda projectileTypes+PT_UPDATE,y beq updateProjectilePhysicsNormalUpdate ply JSRA updateProjectilePhysicsDone: RESTORE_AXY rts updateProjectilePhysicsDelete: jsr endDeleteProjectile bra updateProjectilePhysicsDone updateProjectilePhysicsNormalUpdate: ply bra updateProjectilePhysicsDone ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; updateProjectilesCollisions ; ; updateProjectilesCollisions: SAVE_AXY ldx #0 updateProjectilesCollisionsLoop: txy PROJECTILEPTR_Y jsr updateProjectileCollisions updateProjectilesCollisionsSkip: inx cpx #MAXPROJECTILES bne updateProjectilesCollisionsLoop RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; updateProjectileCollisions ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; updateProjectileCollisions: SAVE_AXY ; Check for player collisions lda projectileData+JD_STATIC,y bne updateProjectileCollisionsDone ; Static lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y bmi updateProjectileCollisionsDone ; Not allocated sta rectParams lda projectileData+GO_POSY,y sta rectParams+2 lda #GAMEOBJECTWIDTH sta rectParams+4 lda #GAMEOBJECTHEIGHT sta rectParams+6 ldx #0 updateProjectileCollisionsPlayerLoop: cpx currentPlayer beq updateProjectileCollisionsPlayerNext jsr playerIntersectRect cmp #0 bne updateProjectileCollisionsPlayerHit updateProjectileCollisionsPlayerNext: inx cpx #NUMPLAYERS bne updateProjectileCollisionsPlayerLoop ; Check for terrain collisions lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y inc inc sta rectParams lda projectileData+GO_POSY,y clc inc inc sta rectParams+2 lda #GAMEOBJECTWIDTH-4 sta rectParams+4 lda #GAMEOBJECTHEIGHT-4 sta rectParams+6 jsr intersectRectTerrain cmp #0 bne updateProjectileCollisionsTerrainHit updateProjectileCollisionsDone: RESTORE_AXY rts updateProjectileCollisionsPlayerHit: jsr processPlayerImpact jsr endDeleteProjectile bra updateProjectileCollisionsDone updateProjectileCollisionsTerrainHit: jsr processTerrainImpact jsr endDeleteProjectile bra updateProjectileCollisionsDone ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; endDeleteProjectile ; ; Trashes A and Y ; endDeleteProjectile: lda #projectileData sta PARAML0 jsr unrenderGameObject ldy projectileActive jsr deleteProjectile bra endProjectile ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; endProjectile ; ; Trashes A ; endProjectile: lda #1 sta turnRequested lda #-1 sta projectileActive rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; deleteProjectile ; ; Y = Projectile offset ; Trashes A ; deleteProjectile: lda #-1 sta projectileData+GO_POSX,y rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; protectProjectiles ; ; protectProjectiles: SAVE_AXY ldx #0 protectProjectilesLoop: txy PROJECTILEPTR_Y lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y bpl protectProjectilesGotOne protectProjectilesContinue: inx cpx #MAXPROJECTILES beq protectProjectilesDone bra protectProjectilesLoop protectProjectilesGotOne: lda #projectileData+GO_POSX sta PARAML0 clc tya adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 phx jsr vramPtr cpx #-1 beq protectProjectilesOffscreen lda #projectileData+GO_BACKGROUND sta PARAML0 clc tya adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 jsr protectGameObject plx bra protectProjectilesContinue protectProjectilesDone: RESTORE_AXY rts protectProjectilesOffscreen: plx bra protectProjectilesContinue UPANGLE = $00af DNANGLE = $ffaf ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; renderProjectiles ; ; renderProjectiles: SAVE_AXY ldx #0 renderProjectilesLoop: txy PROJECTILEPTR_Y jsr renderProjectile renderProjectilesSkip: inx cpx #MAXPROJECTILES bne renderProjectilesLoop RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; renderProjectile ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; renderProjectile: SAVE_AXY lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y bpl renderProjectileDoIt jmp renderProjectileDone renderProjectileDoIt: lda projectileData+JD_TYPE,y tax PROJECTILETYPEPTR_X lda #projectileData ; Calculate pointer for game object render sta PARAML0 clc tya adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 ; Determine which sprite to use lda projectileData+JD_VX,y bmi renderProjectileNegX lda projectileData+JD_VY,y bmi renderProjectileNegYPosX cmp #UPANGLE bmi renderProjectileFlat renderProjectileUpAngle: lda projectileTypes+PT_FRAME0,x ; Up angle bra renderProjectileGoSprite renderProjectileNegYPosX: cmp #DNANGLE bpl renderProjectileFlat renderProjectileDownAngle: lda projectileTypes+PT_FRAME2,x ; Down angle bra renderProjectileGoSprite renderProjectileNegX: lda projectileData+JD_VY,y bmi renderProjectileNegYNegX cmp #UPANGLE bmi renderProjectileFlat bra renderProjectileDownAngle renderProjectileNegYNegX: cmp #DNANGLE bpl renderProjectileFlat bra renderProjectileUpAngle renderProjectileFlat: lda projectileTypes+PT_FRAME1,x ; Flat renderProjectileGoSprite: jsr renderGameObject ; Check for special deployment code lda projectileTypes+PT_RENDER,x beq renderProjectileDone JSRA renderProjectileDone: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; unrenderProjectiles ; ; unrenderProjectiles: SAVE_AXY ldx #0 unrenderProjectilesLoop: txy PROJECTILEPTR_Y jsr unrenderProjectile unrenderProjectilesSkip: inx cpx #MAXPROJECTILES bne unrenderProjectilesLoop RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; unrenderProjectile ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; unrenderProjectile: pha lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y bpl unrenderProjectileActive jmp unrenderProjectileDone unrenderProjectileActive: lda projectileData+JD_NEW,y beq unrenderProjectileDoIt lda #0 sta projectileData+JD_NEW,y jmp unrenderProjectileDone unrenderProjectileDoIt: lda #projectileData sta PARAML0 clc tya adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 jsr unrenderGameObject unrenderProjectileDone: pla rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; processPlayerImpact ; ; X = Index of player that was hit ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; processPlayerImpact: PLAYERPTR_X lda projectileData+JD_TYPE,y tay PROJECTILETYPEPTR_Y ; Apply damage lda playerData+PD_ANGER,x sec sbc projectileTypes+PT_DAMAGE,y ; Check for death beq processPlayerImpactDeath bmi processPlayerImpactDeath sta playerData+PD_ANGER,x rts processPlayerImpactDeath: lda currentPlayer sta gameOver rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; processTerrainImpact ; ; Trashes A,Y ; processTerrainImpact: ldy #0 ; Assume projectile 0 PROJECTILEPTR_Y lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y clc adc #GAMEOBJECTWIDTH/2 sta PARAML0 lda projectileData+GO_POSY,y sec sbc #GAMEOBJECTHEIGHT sta PARAML1 lda projectileData+JD_TYPE,y tay PROJECTILETYPEPTR_Y lda projectileTypes+PT_RADIUS,y tay jsr craterTerrain jsr compileTerrain jsr clipTerrain rts