; ; fan ; Code and data structures related to the special fan weapon ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/18 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; deployFan ; ; Y: Index to projectile structure ; deployFan: SAVE_AY lda #200 ; Drop in from the top of the view sta projectileData+GO_POSY,y lda #$c80 sta projectileData+JD_PRECISEY,y lda #0 sta projectileData+JD_VX,y sta projectileData+JD_VY,y RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; updateFan ; ; Y = Offset to projectile structure ; updateFan: SAVE_AXY ; Wait for fan to collide with us as it falls from the sky lda projectileData+GO_POSX,y sta rectParams lda projectileData+GO_POSY,y sta rectParams+2 lda #GAMEOBJECTWIDTH sta rectParams+4 lda #GAMEOBJECTHEIGHT sta rectParams+6 ldx currentPlayer jsr playerIntersectRect cmp #0 beq updateFanDone updateFanDone: RESTORE_AXY rts