; ; dirt ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 12/29/19 ; MAXPARTICLES = 64 .macro PARTICLEPTR_XY txa ; Pointer to particle structure from index asl asl asl asl tay .endmacro ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; createDirtExplosion ; ; Simulate a bunch of dirt flying everywhere ; ; PARAML0 = X pos of circle left edge ; PARAML1 = Y pos of circle center ; PARAML2 = Radius (16 bits) ; ; Trashes SCRATCHL,SCRATCHL2,CACHEDATA ; createDirtExplosion: SAVE_AXY lda #1 sta dirtExplosionActive lda #120 sta PARAML0 lda #100 sta PARAML1 lda #3 sta PARAML2 asl sta CACHEDATA ; Cache diameter ldx #0 ldy #0 createDirtExplosionLoop: jsr createDirtExplosionColumn inc PARAML0 inc PARAML0 iny cpy CACHEDATA bne createDirtExplosionLoop RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; createDirtExplosionColumn ; ; Create one column of a starting dirt explosion circle ; X = Particle index to start filling from ; Y = Local X index of column ; PARAML0 = X pos of column ; PARAML1 = Y pos of circle center ; PARAML2 = Radius (16 bits) ; ; X=> Last particle index we filled in +1 ; Trashse SCRATCHL,SCRATCHL2 ; createDirtExplosionColumn: SAVE_AY lda PARAML2 pha stx SCRATCHL2 ; Cache particle index phy ; Look up circle table for our radius lda PARAML2 asl tay lda circleTable,y sta SCRATCHL ; Find starting Y from circle table pla asl tay lda (SCRATCHL),y tax ; Row counter pha eor #$ffff inc sta PARAML2 ; Row counter end pla clc adc PARAML1 sta SCRATCHL ; Current Y position createDirtExplosionColumnLoop: phx ; Find pointer to next particle to fill out ldx SCRATCHL2 PARTICLEPTR_XY plx ; X position - Always the same lda PARAML0 sta dirtParticles+DP_POSX,y asl ; Convert to 12.4 asl asl asl sta dirtParticles+DP_PRECISEX,y ; Y position - Iterates from computed cache lda SCRATCHL sta dirtParticles+DP_POSY,y asl ; Convert to 12.4 asl asl asl sta dirtParticles+DP_PRECISEY,y ; X velocity. Need half to be negative. I feel like there ; should be a clever branchless way to do this, but I couldn't ; come up with it. jsr random lda RANDOM bmi createDirtExplosionColumnLoopNegX and #$00ff bra createDirtExplosionColumnLoopNowY createDirtExplosionColumnLoopNegX: ora #$ff00 createDirtExplosionColumnLoopNowY: sta dirtParticles+DP_VX,y ; Y velocity jsr random lda RANDOM and #$00ff ora #$0100 sta dirtParticles+DP_VY,y ; Advance to next particle inc SCRATCHL2 inc SCRATCHL inx cpx PARAML2 bmi createDirtExplosionColumnLoop ; Gather return values ldx SCRATCHL2 pla sta PARAML2 RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; renderDirtExplosion ; ; Update and render the current dirt explosion ; renderDirtExplosion: SAVE_AXY lda dirtExplosionActive beq renderDirtExplosionDone ldx #0 renderDirtExplosionLoop: PARTICLEPTR_XY jsr updateDirtParticle inx ; Advance array pointer to next particle cpx #MAXPARTICLES bne renderDirtExplosionLoop renderDirtExplosionDone: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; updateDirtParticle ; ; Y = Offset to particle in array ; Update and render the current dirt explosion ; ; Trashes SCRATCHL,PARAML0 updateDirtParticle: SAVE_AXY lda dirtParticles+DP_POSX,y bmi updateDirtParticleDone ; Particle is dead ; Erase old position lda #dirtParticles ; Calculate pointer to struct sta PARAML0 clc tya adc PARAML0 sta PARAML0 jsr vramPtr lda #00 sta SHADOWVRAMBANK,x ; Integrate gravity over velocity lda dirtParticles+DP_VY,y clc adc #GRAVITY sta dirtParticles+DP_VY,y ; Integrate X velocity over position lda dirtParticles+DP_VX,y ; Convert 8.8 to 12.4 cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror clc adc dirtParticles+DP_PRECISEX,y sta dirtParticles+DP_PRECISEX,y ; Convert to integer for rendering lsr lsr lsr lsr sta dirtParticles+DP_POSX,y ; Integrate Y velocity over position lda dirtParticles+DP_VY,y ; Convert 8.8 to 12.4 cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror cmp #$8000 ror clc adc dirtParticles+DP_PRECISEY,y sta dirtParticles+DP_PRECISEY,y ; Convert to integer for rendering lsr lsr lsr lsr sta dirtParticles+DP_POSY,y ; Draw new position jsr vramPtr ; PARAML0 still holds struct pointer cpx #$ffff beq updateDirtParticleKill lda #$11 sta SHADOWVRAMBANK,x updateDirtParticleDone: RESTORE_AXY rts updateDirtParticleKill: lda #-1 sta dirtParticles+DP_POSX,y bra updateDirtParticleDone dirtExplosionActive: .word 0 dirtParticles: .repeat MAXPARTICLES .word -1 ; Pos X in pixels .word 100 ; Pos Y in pixels .word $a00 ; Pos X (12.4 fixed point) .word $640 ; Pos Y (12.4 fixed point) .word $ff00 ; Velocity X (8.8 fixed point) .word $100 ; Velocity Y (8.8 fixed point) .word 0,0 ; Pad to 16 bytes .endrepeat DP_POSX = 0 ; Byte offsets into dirtParticles data structure DP_POSY = 2 DP_PRECISEX = 4 DP_PRECISEY = 6 DP_VX = 8 DP_VY = 10