#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import PIL from PIL import Image from numpy import asarray def labelFromCharXY(prefix,charFirst, charX, numCharX, charY): charIndex = charY*numCharX + charX currChar = chr(charIndex+charFirst) return "{:s}char{:d}".format(prefix,ord(currChar)) def stackAdvance(bytes): if (bytes==0): return print ("\ttsc") if (bytes==1): print ("\tdec") elif (bytes==2): print ("\tdec") # For two bytes, a double-DEC is still faster than SEC/SBC print ("\tdec") else: print ("\tsec") print ("\tsbc #%d" % bytes) print ("\ttcs") def main(argv): CHAR_WIDTH = int(argv[0]) CHAR_HEIGHT = int(argv[1]) CHAR_FIRST = int(argv[2]) CHROMA = int(argv[3]) prefix = argv[4] image = Image.open(argv[5]) pixels = asarray(image) numCharX = (int)(image.size[0]/CHAR_WIDTH) numCharY = (int)(image.size[1]/CHAR_HEIGHT) # Generate wrapper code addWrapperCode(prefix,CHAR_WIDTH,CHAR_FIRST) # Generate jump table for glyphs print ("%scharacterJumpTable:" % prefix) for charY in range(0,numCharY): for charX in range(0,numCharX): print ("\t.addr %s" % labelFromCharXY(prefix,CHAR_FIRST,charX,numCharX,charY)) print ("\n; Chroma Key is $%x\n" % CHROMA) # Generate code for each glyph for charY in range(0,numCharY): for charX in range(0,numCharX): print ("%s:\n" % labelFromCharXY(prefix,CHAR_FIRST,charX,numCharX,charY), end="") # Header for each rendering operation print ("\ttya") # Transfer character VRAM position from Y to stack pointer print ("\ttcs") # Iterate through all the pixels charOriginX = charX*CHAR_WIDTH charOriginY = charY*CHAR_HEIGHT pendingStackMove = 0 for charRow in reversed(range(0,CHAR_HEIGHT)): # Print a comment to make generated source easier to understand print ("\t; Line %d, Pixel values: " % charRow, end="") for grouping in range(0,CHAR_WIDTH,4): print("%x%x%x%x " % (pixels[charOriginY+charRow][charOriginX+0+grouping], pixels[charOriginY+charRow][charOriginX+1+grouping], pixels[charOriginY+charRow][charOriginX+2+grouping], pixels[charOriginY+charRow][charOriginX+3+grouping]), end="") print ("") nextRowDelta = 160 localStackList = [] rowPushTotal = 0 # Row-right relative for charCol in reversed(range(0,CHAR_WIDTH,4)): nibbles = [pixels[charOriginY+charRow][charOriginX+charCol], pixels[charOriginY+charRow][charOriginX+charCol+1], pixels[charOriginY+charRow][charOriginX+charCol+2], pixels[charOriginY+charRow][charOriginX+charCol+3]] word = nibbles[2]<<12 | nibbles[3]<<8 | nibbles[0]<<4 | nibbles[1] requiredStackIndex = charCol/2 if (nibbles[0]==CHROMA and nibbles[1]==CHROMA and nibbles[2]==CHROMA and nibbles[3]==CHROMA): # Case 1 : All chroma, so let stack advance with no work pass elif (nibbles[0]!=CHROMA and nibbles[1]!=CHROMA and nibbles[2]!=CHROMA and nibbles[3]!=CHROMA): # Case 2 : No chroma, so fast push of all four pixels offsetNeeded = (CHAR_WIDTH/2-requiredStackIndex) - rowPushTotal - 2 if (offsetNeeded>0): stackAdvance(offsetNeeded+pendingStackMove) # Advance stack to position needed for our two byte push pendingStackMove = 0 nextRowDelta -= offsetNeeded else: stackAdvance(pendingStackMove) # First thing we did wasn't a stack move, so apply previous row pending first pendingStackMove = 0 offsetNeeded=0 print ("\tpea $%04x" % word) nextRowDelta -= 2 rowPushTotal += (2+offsetNeeded) else: # Case 3 : Mixed chroma, so we need to and-in mask and or-in sprite. # These pixels are saved until the end of the row, then backfilled with stack-relative addressing mask = 0xFFFF if (nibbles[0]!=CHROMA): mask = mask & 0xFF0F if (nibbles[1]!=CHROMA): mask = mask & 0xFFF0 if (nibbles[2]!=CHROMA): mask = mask & 0x0FFF if (nibbles[3]!=CHROMA): mask = mask & 0xF0FF sprite = word if (nibbles[0]==CHROMA): sprite = sprite & 0xFF0F if (nibbles[1]==CHROMA): sprite = sprite & 0xFFF0 if (nibbles[2]==CHROMA): sprite = sprite & 0x0FFF if (nibbles[3]==CHROMA): sprite = sprite & 0xF0FF localStackEntry = [requiredStackIndex,mask,sprite] localStackList.append(localStackEntry) # Process any local stack-relative work we accumulated if len(localStackList) > 0: if (rowPushTotal < CHAR_WIDTH/2): # Get stack pointer to end of row if needed cleanupPush = CHAR_WIDTH/2-rowPushTotal stackAdvance(cleanupPush + pendingStackMove) pendingStackMove=0 rowPushTotal = CHAR_WIDTH/2 nextRowDelta -= cleanupPush extraReach = rowPushTotal - CHAR_WIDTH/2 + 1 # Amount to "reach back" from one byte past end of row so LDA/STA can fill in skipped pixels for stackEntry in localStackList: print ("\tlda %d,S" % (stackEntry[0] + extraReach)) # Blend mask, sprite, and background print ("\tand #$%04x" % stackEntry[1]) print ("\tora #$%04x" % stackEntry[2]) print ("\tsta %d,S" % (stackEntry[0] + extraReach)) # Advance stack pointer to next row pendingStackMove += nextRowDelta # Save this stack move for next row, because we can often combine them # Footer for each rendering operation print ("\tjmp renderCharJumpReturn_%s\n" % prefix) return def scaleForFontWidth(charWidth): output = "" for i in range(0,(int)(charWidth/4)): output = output + "\tasl\n" return output def addWrapperCode(prefix, charWidth, firstChar): code = """ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; renderString_{:s} ; ; Draws a Pascal string for font "{:s}" ; ; PARAML0 = Pointer to string ; Y = VRAM position of lower left corner of string at which to draw ; ; Trashes SCRATCHL,X,Y,A ; renderString_{:s}: sty SCRATCHL ; Cache VRAM position plb ; Temporarily revert to caller's DBR to access their pointer BITS8 lda (PARAML0) tax BITS16 phb ; Advance VRAM pointer to end of string {:s} clc adc SCRATCHL dec sta SCRATCHL renderStringLoop_{:s}: ; Fetch and render next character in string txy lda #0 plb ; Temporarily revert to caller's DBR to access their pointer BITS8A lda (PARAML0),y BITS16 phb ldy SCRATCHL jsr renderChar_{:s} dex beq renderStringDone_{:s} ; Calculate VRAM pointer for position of next character lda SCRATCHL sec sbc #{:d}/2 ; Width of one char in bytes sta SCRATCHL bra renderStringLoop_{:s} renderStringDone_{:s}: jmp renderStringReturn .export renderString_{:s} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; renderChar_{:s} ; ; Draws a single character ; ; A = ASCII code to draw ; Y = VRAM position of lower right corner at which to draw ; renderChar_{:s}: SAVE_AXY sec sbc #{:d} ; ASCII code of first char in font sheet asl tax FASTGRAPHICS jmp ({:s}characterJumpTable,x) renderCharJumpReturn_{:s}: ; Compiled glyphs jump back here. Can't rts because stack is turboborked SLOWGRAPHICS RESTORE_AXY rts """.format(prefix,prefix,prefix,scaleForFontWidth(charWidth),prefix,prefix,prefix,charWidth,prefix,prefix,prefix,prefix,prefix,firstChar,prefix,prefix) print (code) return if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])