; ; gamemanager ; The manager for overall game logic ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/17 ; NUMPLAYERS = 2 beginGameplay: ; Set up palette for terrain and players lda #basePalette sta PARAML0 lda #0 jsr setPalette ; Set up palette for status bar lda #statusBarPalette sta PARAML0 lda #1 jsr setPalette lda #1 sta PARAML0 ldx #0 ldy #10 jsr setScanlinePalette ; Set up sprite rendering BITS8 lda #3 sta SpriteBankBank00+3 ; Tell compiled sprites what bank they are in BITS16 ; Erase the screen ldx #$0000 ldy #200 jsr colorFill ; Generate, compile, and clip terrain stz leftScreenEdge jsr generateTerrain ; Create players lda #56 ldy #0 jsr playerCreate lda #568 ldy #1 jsr playerCreate ldy #0 jsr renderPlayerHeader jsr protectPlayers jsr protectProjectiles jsr prepareRowRendering jsr compileTerrain jsr clipTerrain jsl renderTerrainSpans gameplayLoop: jsr syncVBL BORDER_COLOR #$0 ;;;;;;;;;;; ; Update ; lda #1 sta projectilesDirty lda projectileActive bpl gameplayLoopShotTracking ; Skip input during shots ; Check for keys down jsr kbdScan ; Check for pause ; lda paused ; bne gameplayLoopEndFrame bra gameplayLoopScroll gameplayLoopShotTracking: jsr trackActiveShot gameplayLoopScroll: ; Scroll map if needed lda mapScrollRequested bmi gameplayLoopAngle jsr scrollMap gameplayLoopAngle: ; Update aim angle if needed lda angleDeltaRequested beq gameplayLoopPower jsr changeAngle gameplayLoopPower: ; Update power if needed lda powerDeltaRequested beq gameplayLoopFire jsr changePower gameplayLoopFire: lda fireRequested beq gameplayLoopRender jsr fire gameplayLoopRender: sta KBDSTROBE ;;;;;;;;;;; ; Render ; ; Render the terrain if needed lda terrainDirty beq gameplayLoopProjectiles BORDER_COLOR #$3 jsl renderTerrainSpans jsr renderTerrain stz terrainDirty BORDER_COLOR #$1 ; Render players jsr renderPlayers gameplayLoopProjectiles: lda projectilesDirty beq gameplayLoopProjectilesSkip jsr unrenderProjectiles jsr updateProjectilePhysics jsr protectProjectiles jsr renderProjectiles gameplayLoopProjectilesSkip: jsr updateProjectileCollisions lda inventoryDirty beq gameplayLoopVictoryCondition stz inventoryDirty jsr renderInventory gameplayLoopVictoryCondition: lda gameOver bmi gameplayLoopEndFrame jsr endGame gameplayLoopEndFrame: lda quitRequested beq gameplayLoopContinue jmp quitGame gameplayLoopContinue: jmp gameplayLoop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; trackActiveShot ; ; Handles tracking the projectile with the camera ; ; Trashes SCRATCHL ; trackActiveShot: lda projectileData+JD_PRECISEX lsr ; Convert to integer and divide by two for byte distance lsr lsr lsr lsr sta SCRATCHL ; Save this for later lda projectileData+JD_VX bmi trackActiveShotNeg ; Left-to-right lda mapScrollPos cmp #VISIBLETERRAINWIDTH-VISIBLETERRAINWINDOW beq trackActiveShotDone ; Logical-right edge clamp lda SCRATCHL sec sbc #80 ; Check for moving past center cmp leftScreenEdge bpl trackActiveShotCameraMove bra trackActiveShotDone trackActiveShotNeg: ; Right-to-left lda mapScrollPos beq trackActiveShotDone ; Logical-left edge clamp lda SCRATCHL clc adc #80 ; Check for moving past center cmp rightScreenEdge bpl trackActiveShotDone trackActiveShotCameraMove: lda SCRATCHL sbc #80 lsr and #$fffe ; Force even sta mapScrollRequested trackActiveShotDone: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; endTurn ; ; Handles changing the active player ; endTurn: lda currentPlayer inc cmp #NUMPLAYERS beq endTurnWrap sta currentPlayer endTurnRefresh: ldy currentPlayer jsr renderPlayerHeader stz turnRequested rts endTurnWrap: stz currentPlayer bra endTurnRefresh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; endGame ; ; Handles someone winning ; endGame: lda #1 sta quitRequested rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; scrollMap ; ; Handles updating the state of the terrain in response to scrolling ; ; A = New map scroll position ; scrollMap: jsr unclipTerrain jsl unrenderTerrainSpans jsr unrenderPlayers jsr unrenderProjectiles jsr updateProjectilePhysics ; Good idea? sta mapScrollPos asl sta leftScreenEdge clc adc #160-GAMEOBJECTWIDTH/4-1 sta rightScreenEdge jsr clipTerrain lda #$ffff sta mapScrollRequested jsr protectPlayers jsr protectProjectiles jsr renderPlayers jsr renderProjectiles ; Prevents flicker, but ads jitter to shot tracking lda #1 sta terrainDirty stz projectilesDirty rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; changeAngle ; ; Handles changing a player's aim ; changeAngle: ldy currentPlayer tax jsr playerDeltaAngle ldy currentPlayer jsr renderPlayerHeader stz angleDeltaRequested rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; changePower ; ; Handles changing a player's power ; changePower: ldy currentPlayer tax jsr playerDeltaPower ldy currentPlayer jsr renderPlayerHeader stz powerDeltaRequested rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; fire ; ; Handles firing a player's weapon ; fire: stz fireRequested ldy currentPlayer jsr playerFire rts basePalette: ; Color 0 and 1 must both be sky blue. Compiled rendering uses PHD (which must contain $0000), ; and span rendering uses fill mode, so 0 can't be used there .word $0aef,$0aef,$0080,$0861,$0c93,$0eb4,$0d66,$0f9a,$0777,$0f00,$0bbb,$ddd,$007b,$0ff0,$0000,$0fff statusBarPalette: .word $0888,$0aef,$0F00,$0861,$0c93,$0eb4,$0d66,$0f9a,$00f0,$0fff,$0bbb,$ddd,$007b,$0000,$0ff0,$0fff quitRequested: .word $0000 mapScrollRequested: .word $FFFF angleDeltaRequested: .word $0000 powerDeltaRequested: .word $0000 fireRequested: .word $0000 turnRequested: .word $0000 terrainDirty: .word 1 projectilesDirty: .word 1 inventoryDirty: .word 1 activePlayer: .word 0 currentPlayer: .word 0 gameOver: .word -1 ; Player index of winner projectileActive: .word -1 paused: .word 0 ; Position of map viewing window. Can be visualized in two ways: ; a) Word-distance from right edge of terrain data (which is in memory right-to-left) to left edge of visible screen ; b) Byte-distance from left edge of logical terrain to left edge of visible screen ; c) Byte-distance from left edge of logical terrain to right edge of visible screen minus game object width in words mapScrollPos: .word 0 ;leftScreenEdge = $6E ; Moved to zero page for speed and cross-bank convenience ; .word 0 rightScreenEdge: .word 160-GAMEOBJECTWIDTH/4-1