; ; loader ; A very simplistic code loader designed to manage ; GS code under ProDOS 8 (if it's good enough for Will Harvey...) ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 7/29/17 ; .a16 .i16 .include "equates.s" .include "macros.s" LOADBUFFER = $1000 ; Clear of this loader code BUFFERSIZE = $8200 ; About max size we can fit between buffer and this loader code MAINENTRY = $020000 .org $800 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; BORDER_COLOR ; ; Trashes A ; .macro BORDER_COLOR color SAVE_AXY BITS8 lda BORDERCOLOR and #$f0 ora color sta BORDERCOLOR BITS16 RESTORE_AXY .endmacro LOADSTEP = 3 .macro addProgress amount lda #amount jsr advanceLoadingBar jsr renderLoadingBar .endmacro main: BITS16 NATIVE SHRVIDEO SHADOWMEMORY ; Cache system colors BITS8 lda BORDERCOLOR sta BORDERCOLORCACHE lda TEXTCOLOR sta TEXTCOLORCACHE BITS16 ; Throw up a loading screen jsr showLoadingScreen EMULATION ; Open the main code file jsr PRODOS .byte $c8 .addr fileOpenCode bne ioError NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Load first half of code into bank 0 jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioError NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP ; Copy code into bank 2 ldx fileReadLen lda #2 ldy #0 jsr copyBytes addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Load rest of code into bank 0 (needed if code size exceeds BUFFERSIZE) jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioError NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Close the file jsr PRODOS .byte $cc .addr fileClose bra mainContinue ioError: brk mainContinue: NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP ; Copy rest of code into bank 2 (needed if code size exceeds BUFFERSIZE) ldx fileReadLen lda #2 ldy #BUFFERSIZE jsr copyBytes addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Open the sprite bank file jsr PRODOS .byte $c8 .addr fileOpenSprites bne ioError NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Load the compiled sprites into bank 0 jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioError NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Close the file jsr PRODOS .byte $cc .addr fileClose NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP ; Copy sprites into bank 3 ldx fileReadLen lda #3 ldy #0 jsr copyBytes addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Open the sound file jsr PRODOS .byte $c8 .addr fileOpenSound bne ioErrorJmp2 NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Load the sound data into bank 0 jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioErrorJmp2 NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP ; Copy sound data into bank 4 ldx fileReadLen txa sta soundBankSize ; Note size of sound bank for later copying to Ensoniq RAM lda #4 ldy #0 jsr copyBytes addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Load rest of sound data into bank 4 (needed if sound size exceeds BUFFERSIZE) jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioErrorJmp2 NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Close the file jsr PRODOS .byte $cc .addr fileClose NATIVE bra mainContinue2 ioErrorJmp2: jmp ioError mainContinue2: addProgress LOADSTEP ; Copy rest of sound data into bank 4 (needed if sound size exceeds BUFFERSIZE) ldx fileReadLen txa clc adc soundBankSize ; Accumulate size of sound bank for later copying to Ensoniq RAM sta soundBankSize lda #4 ldy #BUFFERSIZE jsr copyBytes addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Open the font file jsr PRODOS .byte $c8 .addr fileOpenFonts bne ioErrorJmp NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP EMULATION ; Load the font data into bank 0 jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioErrorJmp NATIVE addProgress LOADSTEP ; Copy font data into bank 5 ldx fileReadLen lda #5 ldy #0 jsr copyBytes addProgress LOADSTEP ; EMULATION ; Load rest of font data into bank 0 (needed if font size exceeds BUFFERSIZE) ; jsr PRODOS ; .byte $ca ; .addr fileRead ; bne ioErrorJmp ; Close the file ; jsr PRODOS ; .byte $cc ; .addr fileClose ; NATIVE ; Copy rest of font data into bank 5 (needed if font size exceeds BUFFERSIZE) ; ldx fileReadLen ; txa ; lda #5 ; ldy #BUFFERSIZE ; jsr copyBytes ; Set up a long jump into bank 2, and ; a way for game code to get back here to exit ; properly to ProDOS 8 lda #returnToProDOS sta PRODOSRETURN jml MAINENTRY returnToProDOS: SYNCDBR EMULATION ; Restore system colors lda BORDERCOLOR and #$f0 ora BORDERCOLORCACHE sta BORDERCOLOR lda TEXTCOLORCACHE sta TEXTCOLOR rts ioErrorJmp: jmp ioError ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; copyBytes ; Copy data from read buffer in bank 0 to ; offset any other bank. Must be in native mode. ; ; X = Length of data in bytes ; Y = Origin within bank ; A = Bank number of destination ; loadOffet : offset to start of copy destination ; copyBytes: sty copyBytesDest+1 sty copyBytesDest2+1 phx BITS8 sta copyBytesDest+3 sta copyBytesDest2+3 BITS16 plx txa and #1 bne copyBytesOdd copyBytesEven: dex dex copyBytesLoop: lda LOADBUFFER,x copyBytesDest: sta $010000,x dex dex cpx #$fffe ; X will wrap when we're done bne copyBytesLoop rts copyBytesOdd: dex BITS8A lda LOADBUFFER,x copyBytesDest2: sta $010000,x BITS16 bra copyBytesEven loadOffet: .word 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fileOpenCode: .byte 3 .addr codePath .addr $9200 ; 1k below BASIC.SYSTEM .byte 0 ; Result (file handle) .byte 0 ; Padding fileRead: .byte 4 .byte 1 ; File handle (we know it's gonna be 1) .addr LOADBUFFER .word BUFFERSIZE fileReadLen: .word 0 ; Result (bytes read) fileClose: .byte 1 .byte 1 ; File handle (we know it's gonna be 1) fileOpenSprites: .byte 3 .addr spritePath .addr $9200 ; 1k below BASIC.SYSTEM .byte 0 ; Result (file handle) .byte 0 ; Padding fileOpenSound: .byte 3 .addr soundPath .addr $9200 ; 1k below BASIC.SYSTEM .byte 0 ; Result (file handle) .byte 0 ; Padding fileOpenFonts: .byte 3 .addr fontPath .addr $9200 ; 1k below BASIC.SYSTEM .byte 0 ; Result (file handle) .byte 0 ; Padding codePath: pstring "/GSAPP/CODEBANK" spritePath: pstring "/GSAPP/SPRITEBANK" soundPath: pstring "/GSAPP/SOUNDBANK" fontPath: pstring "/GSAPP/FONTBANK" loaderPalette: .word $0aef,$06af,$0800,$0861,$0c93,$0eb4,$0d66,$0f9a,$0777,$0f00,$0bbb,$ddd,$007b,$0a5b,$0000,$0fff ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; showLoadingScreen ; ; showLoadingScreen: lda #loaderPalette sta PARAML0 lda #0 jsr setPalette ; jsr initSCBs BORDER_COLOR #$7 lda #$1111 jsr slowColorFill jsr renderLoadingBar rts .include "loaderGraphics.s" .include "loadingBar.s"