; ; gscats ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 7/9/17 ; .include "macros.s" .include "equates.s" .org $0000 mainBank2: SYNCDBR BITS8 lda #$f0 sta TEXTCOLOR BITS16 ; Set up video jsr initSCBs SHRVIDEO SHADOWMEMORY jmp beginGameplay quitGame: NORMALMEMORY CLASSICVIDEO jml (PRODOSRETURN) .include "graphics.s" .include "font.s" .include "player.s" .include "terrain.s" .include "collision.s" .include "gameobject.s" .include "utility.s" .include "tables.s" .include "gamemanager.s" .include "input.s" .include "projectile.s" endMainBank2: ; Suppress some linker warnings - Must be the last thing in the file ; This is because Quinn doesn't really know how to use ca65 properly .SEGMENT "ZPSAVE" .SEGMENT "EXEHDR" .SEGMENT "STARTUP" .SEGMENT "INIT" .SEGMENT "LOWCODE"