; ; loader ; A very simplistic code loader designed to manage ; GS code under ProDOS 8 (if it's good enough for Will Harvey...) ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 7/29/17 ; .include "equates.s" .include "macros.s" LOADBUFFER = $1000 ; Clear of this loader code BUFFERSIZE = $8200 ; About max size we can fit between buffer and this loader code MAINENTRY = $020000 .org $800 main: OP8 ; We launch in emulation. Stay there for now ; Open the main code file jsr PRODOS .byte $c8 .addr fileOpenCode bne ioError ; Load the code into bank 0 jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioError ; Close the file jsr PRODOS .byte $cc .addr fileClose NATIVE ; Copy code into bank 2 ldx fileReadLen lda #2 ldy #0 jsr copyBytes EMULATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Open the E1 code file jsr PRODOS .byte $c8 .addr fileOpenCodeE1 bne ioError ; Load the code into bank 0 jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioError ; Close the file jsr PRODOS .byte $cc .addr fileClose NATIVE ; Copy code into bank E1 ldx fileReadLen lda #$E1 ldy #$800 ; Must match terrain_e1 .org jsr copyBytes ; Copy vram table into bank E1 phb lda #vramRowInvertedSpanLookupEnd-vramRowInvertedSpanLookup-1 ldx #vramRowInvertedSpanLookupEnd-1 ldy #$16C0 + vramRowInvertedSpanLookupEnd-vramRowInvertedSpanLookup-1 ; Must match terrain_e1 vramRowInvertedSpanLookup mvp $e1,$00 ; Note that ca65 reverses src,dest. Grrr. plb EMULATION jmp loadData ; Mystery jump table at 1680 - 16BB ioError: brk ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; loadData: ; Open the sprite bank file jsr PRODOS .byte $c8 .addr fileOpenSprites bne ioError ; Load the compiled sprites into bank 0 jsr PRODOS .byte $ca .addr fileRead bne ioError ; Close the file jsr PRODOS .byte $cc .addr fileClose NATIVE ; Copy sprites into bank 3 ldx fileReadLen lda #3 ldy #0 jsr copyBytes ; Set up a long jump into bank 2, and ; a way for game code to get back here to exit ; properly to ProDOS 8 lda #returnToProDOS sta PRODOSRETURN jml MAINENTRY returnToProDOS: SYNCDBR EMULATION rts ; This table lives here in the loader because we need to copy ; it to a specific free hole in bank E1 vramRowInvertedSpanLookup: .word $9d00,$9c60,$9bc0,$9b20,$9a80,$99e0,$9940,$98a0,$9800,$9760,$96c0,$9620,$9580,$94e0,$9440,$93a0,$9300,$9260,$91c0,$9120 .word $9080,$8fe0,$8f40,$8ea0,$8e00,$8d60,$8cc0,$8c20,$8b80,$8ae0,$8a40,$89a0,$8900,$8860,$87c0,$8720,$8680,$85e0,$8540,$84a0 .word $8400,$8360,$82c0,$8220,$8180,$80e0,$8040,$7fa0,$7f00,$7e60,$7dc0,$7d20,$7c80,$7be0,$7b40,$7aa0,$7a00,$7960,$78c0,$7820 .word $7780,$76e0,$7640,$75a0,$7500,$7460,$73c0,$7320,$7280,$71e0,$7140,$70a0,$7000,$6f60,$6ec0,$6e20,$6d80,$6ce0,$6c40,$6ba0 .word $6b00,$6a60,$69c0,$6920,$6880,$67e0,$6740,$66a0,$6600,$6560,$64c0,$6420,$6380,$62e0,$6240,$61a0,$6100,$6060,$5fc0,$5f20 .word $5e80,$5de0,$5d40,$5ca0,$5c00,$5b60,$5ac0,$5a20,$5980,$58e0,$5840,$57a0,$5700,$5660,$55c0,$5520,$5480,$53e0,$5340,$52a0 .word $5200,$5160,$50c0,$5020,$4f80,$4ee0,$4e40,$4da0,$4d00,$4c60,$4bc0,$4b20,$4a80,$49e0,$4940,$48a0,$4800,$4760,$46c0,$4620 .word $4580,$44e0,$4440,$43a0,$4300,$4260,$41c0,$4120,$4080,$3fe0,$3f40,$3ea0,$3e00,$3d60,$3cc0,$3c20,$3b80,$3ae0,$3a40,$39a0 .word $3900,$3860,$37c0,$3720,$3680,$35e0,$3540,$34a0,$3400,$3360,$32c0,$3220,$3180,$30e0,$3040,$2fa0,$2f00,$2e60,$2dc0,$2d20 .word $2c80,$2be0,$2b40,$2aa0,$2a00,$2960,$28c0,$2820,$2780,$26e0,$2640,$25a0,$2500,$2460,$23c0,$2320,$2280,$21e0,$2140,$20a0 vramRowInvertedSpanLookupEnd: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; copyBytes ; Copy data from read buffer in bank 0 to ; bottom of any other bank. Must be in native mode. ; ; X = Length of data in bytes ; Y = Origin within bank ; A = Bank number of destination ; copyBytes: sty copyBytesDest+1 sty copyBytesDest2+1 phx BITS8 sta copyBytesDest+3 sta copyBytesDest2+3 BITS16 plx txa and #1 bne copyBytesOdd copyBytesEven: dex dex copyBytesLoop: lda LOADBUFFER,x copyBytesDest: sta $010000,x dex dex bpl copyBytesLoop rts copyBytesOdd: dex BITS8A lda LOADBUFFER,x copyBytesDest2: sta $010000,x BITS16 bra copyBytesEven ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fileOpenCode: .byte 3 .addr codePath .addr $9200 ; 1k below BASIC.SYSTEM .byte 0 ; Result (file handle) .byte 0 ; Padding fileOpenCodeE1: .byte 3 .addr codePathE1 .addr $9200 ; 1k below BASIC.SYSTEM .byte 0 ; Result (file handle) .byte 0 ; Padding fileRead: .byte 4 .byte 1 ; File handle (we know it's gonna be 1) .addr LOADBUFFER .word BUFFERSIZE fileReadLen: .word 0 ; Result (bytes read) fileClose: .byte 1 .byte 1 ; File handle (we know it's gonna be 1) fileOpenSprites: .byte 3 .addr spritePath .addr $9200 ; 1k below BASIC.SYSTEM .byte 0 ; Result (file handle) .byte 0 ; Padding codePath: pstring "/GSAPP/CODEBANK" codePathE1: pstring "/GSAPP/CODEBANKE1" spritePath: pstring "/GSAPP/SPRITEBANK00"