; ; gamemanager ; The manager for overall game logic ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/17 ; beginGameplay: ; Set up palette for terrain and players lda #basePalette sta PARAML0 lda #0 jsr setPalette ; Erase the screen ldx #$2222 jsr colorFill ; Generate, compile, and clip terrain jsr generateTerrain jsr compileTerrain jsr clipTerrain ldy #0 jsr renderPlayerHeader gameplayLoop: jsr syncVBL ; Render the terrain if needed lda terrainDirty beq gameplayLoopKbd jsr renderTerrain stz terrainDirty ; Render players jsr renderPlayers gameplayLoopKbd: ; Check for keys down jsr kbdScan ; Scroll map if needed lda mapScrollRequested bmi gameplayLoopPlayers jsr scrollMap gameplayLoopPlayers: ; Update active player state if needed lda angleDeltaRequested beq gameplayLoopEndFrame jsr changeAngle gameplayLoopEndFrame: lda quitRequested beq gameplayLoop jmp quitGame ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; scrollMap ; ; Handles updating the state of the terrain in response to scrolling ; scrollMap: jsr unclipTerrain sta mapScrollPos asl sta leftScreenEdge jsr clipTerrain lda #$ffff sta mapScrollRequested lda #1 sta terrainDirty rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; changeAngle ; ; Handles changing a player's aim ; changeAngle: ldy #0 tax jsr playerDeltaAngle ldy #0 jsr renderPlayerHeader stz angleDeltaRequested rts basePalette: .word $0000,$0080,$0000,$000F,$0FFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0FFF quitRequested: .word $0000 mapScrollRequested: .word $FFFF angleDeltaRequested: .word $0000 terrainDirty: .word 1 activePlayer: .word 0 ; Position of map viewing window. Can be visualized in two ways: ; a) Word-distance from right edge of terrain data (which is in memory right-to-left) to left edge of visible screen ; b) Word-distance from left edge of logical terrain to left edge of visible screen mapScrollPos: .word 0 leftScreenEdge: .word 0 ; In pixels