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keep obj/pass1
mcopy pass1.mac
* Pass 1
* This module contains the subroutines used to do pass 1
* processing of the input files.
copy directPage
* Align - align the code to a byte boundary
* Inputs:
* sp - pointer to the opcode
* pc - current program counter
* Outputs:
* sp - pointer to the next opcode
* pc - new program counter
Align private
ldy #1 get the alignment factor
lda [sp],Y
sta r0
lda [sp],Y
sta r2
add4 sp,#5
jsr PrepareAlign do pass 1 prep for the align
* Const - constant bytes
* Inputs:
* sp - pointer to the opcode
* pc - current program counter
* Outputs:
* sp - pointer to the next opcode
* pc - new program counter
Const private
lda [sp]
and #$00FF
adc pc
sta pc
bcc lb1
inc pc+2
lb1 txa
adc sp
sta sp
bcc lb2
inc sp+2
lb2 rts
* DefineSegment - put the segment in the symbol table
* Inputs:
* segName - pointer to the segment name
* segType - segment type
* pc - current pc
* segEntry - disp to segment entry point
DefineSegment private
using Common
ph4 segName push the symbol name ptr
ph2 #0 length attribute is 0
ph2 #'N' push the type attribute
lda segType push the private flag
and #$4000
beq lb1
lda #1
lb1 pha
ph2 #1 the symbol is global
ph2 #0 the symbol is not an expression
clc push the location
lda pc
adc segEntry
lda pc+2
adc segEntry+2
lda segType push the data area flag
and #$007F
cmp #1
beq lb2
ph2 #0
bra lb3
lb2 ph2 #1
lb3 ph2 #1 push the segment flag
jsr Define define the symbol
* DoOrg - set the program counter
* Inputs:
* sp - pointer to the opcode
* pc - current program counter
* Outputs:
* sp - pointer to the next opcode
* pc - new program counter
DoOrg private
using OutCommon
ldy #1 get the value and skip the record
lda [sp],Y
sta r0
ldy #3
lda [sp],Y
sta r2+2
add4 sp,#5
sub4 r0,loadOrg get the disp from the segment start
cmpl pc,r0
bge lb1 if the disp is greater than the pc then
move4 r0,pc update the pc
lb1 anop
* DoPass1 - Do pass 1 processing
* Outputs:
* C - set if an error occurred
DoPass1 start
using Common
; Write the pass header
lda #1 pass = 1
sta pass
lda list if list then
beq wp1
puts #'Segment:',cr=t print the general header
bra wp2 else if progress then
wp1 lda progress
beq wp2
puts #'Pass 1: ' print the dot header
wp2 anop
; Initialize pass dependent variables
jsr InitPass
; Process segments until there are no more
ps1 jsr NextSegment get the next segment
bcc rt1 branch if there are no more
jsr DefineSegment put the segment in the symbol table
jsr ListSeg list the segname start info
jsr DoSegment process this segment
add4 pc,segSpace add in the reserved space (if any)
bra ps1 next segment
; Return to main
rt1 lda list if list or progress then
bne rt2
lda progress
beq rt3
rt2 putcr write a cr
rt3 anop endif
* DoSegment - process the opcodes in this segment
* Inputs:
* sp - pointer to the first opcode to process
DoSegment private
lb1 lda [sp]
and #$00FF
asl A
jsr (addr,X)
bra lb1
addr dc a'End'