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keep obj/file
mcopy file.mac
* File2
* This module contains the subroutines that depend on the file
* system and shell.
* This version uses shell 2.0 calls.
copy directPage
* FileCommon - common data for the file module
FileCommon privdata
; Constants
fileBuffSize equ 8*1024 max size of a file name buffer
; Shell call records
ffDCB dc i'14' fast file DCB
ffAction ds 2
ffIndex ds 2
ffFlags ds 2
ffFileHandle ds 4
ffPathName ds 4
ffAccess ds 2
ffFileType ds 2
ffAuxType ds 4
ffStorageType ds 2
ffCreate ds 8
ffMod ds 8
ffOption ds 4
ffFileLength ds 4
ffBlocksUsed ds 4
ffCheckSum ds 2
stlf_dcb dc i'11' set linfo DCB
stlf_src ds 4 source file
stlf_out ds 4 output file
stlf_prm dc a4'PRM' parameter list
stlf_lan dc a4'LAN' language specific string
stlf_mer ds 1 maximum error allowed
stlf_mef ds 1 maximum error found
stlf_lop ds 1 operations flag
stlf_kep ds 1 keep flag
stlf_ltm ds 4 set of letters with -
stlf_ltp ds 4 set of letters with +
stlf_org ds 4 origin
prm dc i'4,0'
lan dc i'4,0'
; global variables
libRefnum ds 2 refnum for the open library file
name ds 256 file name
* AppendOSNames - append two GS/OS path names
* Inputs:
* p1,p2 - pointers to input format GS/OS names
* flags -
* 0 - return an input string
* 1 - return an output string
* Outputs:
* X-A - nil for out of memory, otherwise a pointer to the string
* Notes:
* This subroutine reserves a memory buffer based on
* the actual length of the expanded path name. The
* caller is responsible for disposing of the memory.
AppendOSNames private
out equ 1 return pointer
chars equ 5 pointer to input format portion of out
sub (4:p1,4:p2,2:flags),8
clc find the length of the buffer
lda [p1]
adc [p2]
inc A
inc A
ldx flags
beq lb1
inc A
inc A
sta chars
lb1 pea 0 allocate the memory
jsr MLalloc
sta out
stx out+2
ora out
beq lb7
lda flags if flags then
beq lb2
lda chars set the length of the buffer
sta [out]
add4 out,#2,chars chars = out+2
bra lb3 else
lb2 move4 out,chars chars = out
lb3 anop endif
clc set the length
lda [p1]
adc [p2]
sta [chars]
lda [p1] move in the first string
beq lb4a
ldy #2
short M
lb4 lda [p1],Y
sta [chars],Y
bne lb4
long M
lb4a clc update chars
lda [p1]
adc chars
sta chars
bcc lb5
inc chars+2
lb5 lda [p2] move in the second string
beq lb7
ldy #2
short M
lb6 lda [p2],Y
sta [chars],Y
bne lb6
long M
lb7 ret 4:out
* CloseLibrary - close a library file
* Inputs:
* dictionary - ptr to dictionary buffer
* libRefnum - reference number for the library file
CloseLibrary start
using FileCommon
ph4 dictionary dispose of the dictionary buffer
jsr Free
lda libRefnum close the library file
sta clRefnum
OSClose clRec
clRec dc i'1'
clRefnum ds 2
* ConvertString - convert an output string to an input string
* Inputs:
* str - output string pointer
* Outputs:
* Returns a pointer to the input string buffer
* Notes:
* Allocates an appropriate size buffer.
ConvertString private
ptr equ 1
sub (4:str),4
add4 str,#2
lda [str]
inc A
inc A
pea 0
jsr MLalloc
sta ptr
stx ptr+2
lda [str]
short M
lb1 lda [str],Y
sta [ptr],Y
bpl lb1
long M
ret 4:ptr
* GetLibFile - get a library file name from the library directory
* Inputs:
* libIndex - index in the directory of the last library
* Outputs:
* r0 - pointer to a GS/OS path name
* C - set if a file was found, else clear
* Notes:
* The file name pointer points to a dynamically
* allocated buffer. The caller is responsible for
* disposing of the buffer. The buffer is allocated
* and returned even if the call fails.
GetLibFile start
using FileCommon
using Common
stz found no name found, yet
ph4 #fileBuffSize+4 get a file name buffer
jsr MLalloc
sta gdName
sta r0
stx gdName+2
stx r2
lda #fileBuffSize+4 set its size
sta [r0]
OSOpen opRec open the library prefix
bcs lb3
lda opRefnum set the reference number
sta gdRefnum
sta clRefnum
lb1 inc libIndex try the next file in the library prefix
lda libIndex
sta gdIndex
OSGet_Dir_Entry gdRec
bcs lb2
lda gdFiletype
cmp #LIB
bne lb1
ph4 #libname append the file name to the library name
add4 r0,#2
ph4 r0
ph2 #0
jsr AppendOSNames
sta r0
stx r2
ph4 gdName free the name buffer
jsr Free
inc found found a file
lb2 OSClose clRec close the library direcory
lb3 lda found return found
lsr A
; Local data
found ds 2 was a path name found?
libname dos '13/' library directory name
opRec dc i'2' open record
opRefnum ds 2
dc a4'libname'
clRec dc i'1' close record
clRefnum ds 2
gdRec dc i'7' GetDirEntry record
gdRefnum ds 2
ds 2 file flags
dc i'0' base (absolute displacement number)
gdIndex ds 2 index into the directory
gdName ds 4 file name
ds 2 entry number
gdFiletype ds 2 file type
* GetLibList - process libraries in {Libraries} shell variable
* Inputs:
* slist - list of command line libraries
* Outputs:
* slist - updated
* libFromShell - true if {Libraries} existed, else false
GetLibList start
using FileCommon
using Common
; Read the library shell variable
stz libFromShell libFromShell = false
ph4 #fileBuffSize+4 allocate default space for the
jsr MLAlloc variable
sta rdValue
sta r0
stx rdValue+2
stx r2
lda #fileBuffSize set the buffer size
sta [r0]
OSRead_Variable rdRef read the shell variable
bcs lb1
ldy #2 quit if the value is null
lda [r0],Y
beq lb1
; Append the variable list to the command line file list
ph4 slist append a space
ph4 #blank
ph2 #0
jsr AppendOSNames
ph4 slist
jsr Free
pl4 slist
ph4 slist append the variable's contents
add4 rdValue,#2,r0
ph4 r0
ph2 #0
jsr AppendOSNames
ph4 slist
jsr Free
pl4 slist
inc libFromShell libFromShell = true
lb1 ph4 rdValue dispose of our buffer
jsr Free
; Local data
blank dos ' ' space
lib dos Libraries name of the library shell variable
rdRef dc i'3' Read_Variable record
rdName dc a4'lib'
rdValue ds 4
ds 2
* GetLInfo - get the command link information
* Outputs:
* slist - ptr to list of input file names
* kname - keep file name (nil for none)
* merr - maximum error level allowed
* merrf - maxiumum error level found so far
* lops - language operations
* kflag - keep flag
* mflags - minus flags
* pflags - plus flags
* org - origin
* C - set if an error occurred
GetLInfo start
using FileCommon
using Common
; Get info
ph4 #fileBuffSize+4 allocate default space for the names
jsr MLAlloc
sta stlf_src
sta r0
stx stlf_src+2
stx r2
ph4 #fileBuffSize+4
jsr MLAlloc
sta stlf_out
sta r4
stx stlf_out+2
stx r6
lda #fileBuffSize set the buffer sizes
sta [r0]
sta [r4]
lla stlf_prm,prm get file info
lla stlf_lan,lan
OSGet_LInfo stlf_dcb
; Convert the file names
ph4 stlf_src
jsr ConvertString
sta slist
stx slist+2
ph4 stlf_src
jsr Free
ph4 stlf_out
jsr ConvertString
sta kname
stx kname+2
ph4 stlf_out
jsr Free
; Set the scalars
lda stlf_mer
and #$00FF
sta merr
lda stlf_mef
and #$00FF
sta merrf
lda stlf_lop
and #$00FF
sta lops
lda stlf_kep
and #$00FF
sta kflag
move4 stlf_ltm,mflags
move4 stlf_ltp,pflags
move4 stlf_org,org
* OpenLibrary - open a library file
* Inputs:
* fname - name of the library to open
* Outputs:
* libRefnum - reference number for the library file
OpenLibrary start
using FileCommon
move4 fname,opPathname
OSOpen opRec
bcc lb1
lda #1
jmp TermError
lb1 lda opRefnum
sta libRefnum
opRec dc i'2'
opRefnum ds 2
opPathname ds 4
* Purge - purge a file
* Inputs:
* fname - name of the file to purge
Purge start
using FileCommon
move4 fname,ffPathName
lda #7
sta ffAction
lda #$C000
sta ffFlags
OSFastFile ffDCB
* PurgePlusM - purge memory only files
PurgePlusM start
using Common
using FileCommon
lda memory skip this check if +m was not used
jeq ff4
ph4 #fileBuffSize+4 get a file name buffer
jsr MLalloc
sta ffPathName
sta r0
stx ffPathName+2
stx r2
lda #fileBuffSize+4
sta [r0]
add4 ffPathName,#2
stz index for each file index do
ff1 lda #1 do an indexed load of the file
sta ffAction
lda index
sta ffIndex
sub4 ffPathName,#2
OSFastFile ffDCB
bcs ff3 quit if there is no file
add4 ffPathName,#2
lda ffFlags quit if the file is not a memory file
bne ff2
lda #5 remove the file
sta ffAction
OSFastFile ffDCB
bra ff1 try again with the same index
ff2 lda #7 purge the file
sta ffAction
OSFastFile ffDCB
inc index next file index
bra ff1
ff3 ph4 r0 dispose of the file buffer
jsr Free
ff4 rts
; Local data
index ds 2 indexed load index
* Read - open a file for input
* Inputs:
* fname - name of the file to open
* Outputs:
* r0 - pointer to the first byte in the file
* r4 - length of the file
* r8 - file type
Read start
using Common
using FileCommon
lda memory if +m then
beq ff1
move4 fname,ffPathName try loading the file from memory
lda #2
sta ffAction
lda #$C000
sta ffFlags
OSFastFile ffDCB
bra ff2 else
ff1 move4 fname,ffPathName try loading the file from disk
stz ffAction
lda #$C000
sta ffFlags
OSFastFile ffDCB
ff2 bcc lb1
lda #6 file not found: flag the error
jmp TermError
lb1 lda ffFileLength make sure the file is not empty
ora ffFileLength+2
bne lb2
lda #13
jmp TermError
lb2 move4 ffFileHandle,r4 return the file parameters
ldy #2
lda [r4]
sta r0
lda [r4],Y
sta r2
move4 ffFileLength,r4
lda ffFileType
sta r8
* ReadLibraryHeader - read the dictionary for a library
* Inputs:
* libRefnum - reference number for the library file
* Outputs:
* libSymbols - pointer to the first entry in the lib symbol table
* libLength - length of the symbol table
* libNames - pointer to the first library name
* libDisp - set to 0
* didLibSegment - set to false
ReadLibraryHeader start
using FileCommon
lda libRefnum read the library header
sta rdRefnum
sta dcRefnum
sta mkRefnum
OSRead rdRec
bcc lb0
err1 lda #1
jmp TermError
lb0 lda version if version = 2 then
and #$00FF
cmp #2
bne lb1
lda type2 if the segment type is not libDict then
and #$00FF flag the error
bra lb2
lb1 lda type1 if the segment is not libDict then
and #$001F
lb2 cmp #8
beq lb3
lda #10 TermError(10)
jmp TermError
lb3 ph4 length get space for the dictionary
jsr MLalloc
sta dictionary
sta dcBuffer
stx dictionary+2
stx dcBuffer+2
OSSet_Mark mkRec set the file mark to the file start
move4 length,dcLength read the dictionary
OSRead dcRec
bcs err1
move4 dictionary,r0 {find the library symbol table}
lda version if version = 0 then
and #$00FF
bne lb4
add4 r0,#$24 add in the segment header length
bra lb7 else if version in [1,2] then
lb4 cmp #3
bge lb6
ldy #$2A add in the disp to the data
lda [r0],Y
adc r0
sta r0
bcc lb5
inc r2
lb5 bra lb7 else
lb6 lda #3 flag an unsuported segment error
jmp TermError
lb7 jsr SkipLConst skip the first lconst record
add4 r0,#5,libSymbols set the library symbol table pointer
ldy #1 set the length of the symbol table
lda [r0],Y
sta libLength
lda [r0],Y
sta libLength+2
jsr SkipLConst skip the symbol table
add4 r0,#5,libNames set the library names pointer
jsr SkipLConst verify the last record is LConst
stz libDisp no symbols processed
stz libDisp+2
stz didLibSegment no segments processed
; SkipLConst - skip an lconst record
SkipLConst anop
lda [r0] verify that the first thing is an
and #$00FF lconst record
cmp #$F2
beq sc1
lda #11 {illegal data error}
jmp TermError
sc1 ldy #1 skip it
lda [r0],Y
adc r0
lda [r0],Y
adc r2
sta r2
stx r0
add4 r0,#5
; Local data
header anop header for the first library segment
length ds 4 length of the segment, in bytes
ds 4 reserved space
ds 4 length
type1 ds 1 segment type, versions 0 and 1
ds 1 label length
ds 1 number length
version ds 1 segment version
ds 4 bank size
type2 ds 2 segment type, version 2
headerend anop
rdRec dc i'4' read record for reading the first
rdRefnum ds 2 segment header
dc a4'header'
dc i4'headerend-header'
ds 4
dc i'1' cache the blocks!
dcRec dc i'4' read record for reading the dictionary
dcRefnum ds 2
dcBuffer ds 4
dcLength ds 4
ds 4
dc i'1' cache the blocks!
mkRec dc i'3' for SetMark; used to set the file
mkRefnum ds 2 mark back to the start of the file
dc i'0'
dc i4'0'
* ReadLibrarySegment - read a segment from the library
* Inputs:
* libseg - pointer to any old library segment
* libRefnum - reference number for the library
* r0 - disp in the file
* Outputs:
* libseg - pointer to the new library segment
* seg - pointer to the first byte in the segment
ReadLibrarySegment start
using Common
using FileCommon
lda libRefnum set file reference numbers
sta rdRefnum
sta dcRefnum
sta mkRefnum
move4 r0,mkDisp set the mark in the file
OSSet_Mark mkRec
bcs err1
OSRead rdRec read the library length
bcc lb1
err1 lda #6
jmp TermError
lb1 ph4 libSeg free any old segment
jsr Free
ph4 length get space for the dictionary
jsr MLalloc
sta libSeg
sta dcBuffer
sta seg
stx libSeg+2
stx dcBuffer+2
stx seg+2
OSSet_Mark mkRec set the file mark to the segment start
move4 length,dcLength read the segment
OSRead dcRec
bcs err1
; Local data
header anop header for the first library segment
length ds 4 length of the segment, in bytes
headerend anop
rdRec dc i'4' read record for reading the first
rdRefnum ds 2 segment header
dc a4'header'
dc i4'headerend-header'
ds 4
dc i'1' cache the blocks!
dcRec dc i'4' read record for reading the segment
dcRefnum ds 2
dcBuffer ds 4
dcLength ds 4
ds 4
dc i'1' cache the blocks!
mkRec dc i'3' for SetMark; used to set the file
mkRefnum ds 2 mark back to the start of the file
dc i'0'
mkDisp dc i4'0'
* ReadVariable - read a shell variable
* Inputs:
* name - GS/OS version of the variable name
* Outputs:
* returns a pointer to the shell variable value
* Notes:
* A value is always returned. If there is no shell
* variable, a value with a length of 0 is returned.
* The buffer is allocated dynamically. The caller must
* dispose of the buffer.
ReadVariable start
value equ 1 pointer to the value
sub (4:name),4
move4 name,rdName set the name
OSRead_Variable rdRef read the shell variable
ph4 rdValue return the value
jsr ConvertString
sta value
stx value+2
ret 4:value
rdRef dc i'3' Read_Variable record
rdName ds 4
rdValue dc a4'buff2'
ds 2
buff2 dc i'256' variable value
ds 256
* ScanFastFile - see if the file is in the FastFile list
* Inputs:
* fname - file name
* Outputs:
* A - 1 if the file is in the list and is memory, else 0
ScanFastFile start
using Common
using FileCommon
val equ 1 return value
ptr equ 3 work pointer
fullName equ 7 expanded version of fname
index equ 11 indexed load index
sub (4:fname),12
stz val assume there is no match
ph4 #fileBuffSize+4 get a file name buffer
jsr MLalloc
sta ffPathName
sta ptr
stx ffPathName+2
stx ptr+2
lda #fileBuffSize+4
sta [ptr]
add4 ptr,#2
add4 ffPathName,#2
ph4 #fileBuffSize+4 get another buffer for the expanded
jsr MLalloc input name
sta fullName
sta exOut
stx fullName+2
stx exOut+2
lda #fileBuffSize+4
sta [fullName]
move4 fname,exIn
OSExpandDevices exRec
jcs ff5
add4 fullName,#2 make sure it is lowercase
lda [fullName]
jeq ff5
ldy #2
short M
lb1 lda [fullName],Y
ora #$20
sta [fullName],Y
bne lb1
long M
stz index for each file index do
ff1 lda #1 do an indexed load of the file
sta ffAction
lda index
sta ffIndex
sub4 ffPathName,#2
OSFastFile ffDCB
bcs ff5 quit if there is no file
add4 ffPathName,#2
lda ffFlags skip if the file is not a memory file
bne ff4
lda [fullName] skip if the names are different
cmp [ptr]
bne ff4
ldy #2
short M
ff2 lda [ptr],Y
ora #$20
cmp [fullName],Y
bne ff4
bne ff2
long M
lda #1 names match: val = true
sta val
lda #7 purge the file
sta ffAction
OSFastFile ffDCB
bra ff5 quit
ff4 long M
lda #7 purge the file
sta ffAction
OSFastFile ffDCB
inc index next file index
brl ff1
ff5 ph4 ptr free the name buffers
jsr Free
ph4 fullName
jsr Free
ret 2:val
exRec dc i'2' ExpandDevices record
exIn ds 4
exOut ds 4
* SetLInfo - set language info before return to shell
SetLInfo start
using FileCommon
using Common
; Set the scalars
short M
lda merr
sta stlf_mer
lda merrf
sta stlf_mef
lda lops
and #$FC
sta stlf_lop
lda kflag
sta stlf_kep
long M
move4 mflags,stlf_ltm
move4 pflags,stlf_ltp
move4 org,stlf_org
; Return info to the shell
move4 kname,stlf_src
move4 kname,stlf_out
lla stlf_prm,prm
lla stlf_lan,lan
OSSet_LInfo stlf_dcb