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synced 2025-02-19 02:30:41 +00:00
Previously, the high 16 bits were being ignored. Therefore, the valid alignment value $10000 was rejected, but values that were not a power of 2 may have been accepted. The new code properly enforces that the alignment is a power of 2, and is <= $10000.
521 lines
9.4 KiB
521 lines
9.4 KiB
keep obj/util
mcopy util.mac
* Util
* This module contains general purpose utility subroutines
* used throughout the editor. It also contains utility
* subroutines used by both linker passes.
copy directPage
* CheckAlign - make sure the alignment is a power of 2
* Inputs:
* align - alignment factor
CheckAlign start
count equ 1 bit count
sub (4:align),2
cmpl align,#$10001 if align > $10000 then
blt lb0
ph4 #0 flag the error (alignment too large)
ph2 #25
jsr Error
lb0 stz count count the bits
ldx #32
lb1 lsr align+2
ror align
bcc lb2
inc count
lb2 dex
bne lb1
lda count if count <> 1 then
cmp #1
beq lb3
ph4 #0 flag the error
ph2 #23
jsr Error
lb3 ret
* Error - Writes segment error messages
* Inputs:
* name - pointer to the symbol name; nil for none
* num - error number
Error start
using Common
temp equ 1 temp work number
lpc equ 5 local copy of the program counter
sub (4:name,2:num),8
ldx dpReg get the program counter
lda >pc,X
sta lpc
lda >pc+2,X
sta lpc+2
inc numError up the error count
lda list
bne lb1
putcr errout=t
lb1 puts #'Error at ',errout=t print error info
sub4 lpc,startpc,temp
ph4 temp
ph2 #8
ph2 #1
jsr PrintHex
puts #' past ',errout=t
sub4 segName,#1,temp
puts [temp],errout=t
puts #' PC = ',errout=t
ph4 lpc
ph2 #8
ph2 #1
jsr PrintHex
puts #' : ',errout=t
ldx num set the error level
lda erLev-1,X
and #$00FF
cmp merrf
blt ls3
sta merrf
ls3 lda num write the error message
dec A
asl A
lda erAdr,X
sta temp
lda #^er1
sta temp+2
puts [temp],errout=t
lda name print segment name if any
ora name+2
beq ls6
ldx num
cpx #8
bne ls4
puts #' Data area: ',errout=t
bra ls5
ls4 puts #' Label: ',errout=t
ls5 sub4 name,#1,temp
puts [temp],errout=t
ls6 putcr errout=t
lda pause see if we need to pause on error
beq ls7
jsr Wait
ls7 ret
; Local data
erLev dc I1'8,16,16,2'
dc I1'16,8,16,2'
dc I1'8,8,8,4'
dc I1'4,16,2,8'
dc I1'8,4,4,8'
dc I1'8,8,8,8'
dc I1'8'
erAdr dc a'er1-1'
dc a'er2-1'
dc a'er3-1'
dc a'er4-1'
ds 2
dc a'er6-1'
dc a'er7-1'
dc a'er8-1'
dc a'er9-1'
dc a'er10-1'
dc a'er11-1'
dc a'er12-1'
dc a'er13-1'
ds 2
dc a'er15-1'
dc a'er16-1'
dc a'er17-1'
dc a'er18-1'
dc a'er19-1'
dc a'er20-1'
dc a'er21-1'
dc a'er22-1'
dc a'er23-1'
dc a'er24-1'
dc a'er25-1'
er1 dw 'Duplicate label'
er2 dw 'Illegal shift operator'
er3 dw 'ORG location has been passed'
er4 dw 'Duplicate segment'
er6 dw 'Unresolved reference'
er7 dw 'Addressing error'
er8 dw 'Data area not found'
er9 dw 'Address is not in zero page'
er10 dw 'Address is not in current bank'
er11 dw 'Relative address out of range'
er12 dw 'Temporg not supported'
er13 dw 'Illegal {KeepType} shell variable'
er15 dw 'Segment types conflict'
er16 dw 'Invalid operation on relocatable expression'
er17 dw 'Only JSL can reference dynamic segment'
er18 dw 'Code exceeds code bank size'
er19 dw 'Illegal {AuxType} shell variable'
er20 dw 'Shift operator is not allowed on JSL to dynamic segment'
er21 dw 'Alignment and ORG conflict'
er22 dw 'Alignment factor must not exceed segment align factor'
er23 dw 'Alignment factor must be a power of two'
er24 dw 'Expression operand is not in same segment'
er25 dw 'Alignment factor is too large'
* Free - free memory allocated by Malloc
* Inputs:
* ptr - address of the parameter block
* Notes:
* No action is taken if a nil pointer is passed.
* This subroutine must be called in long mode.
Free start
sub (4:ptr),0
lda ptr
ora ptr+2
beq rts
ph4 ptr
rts ret
* MLalloc - allocate memory
* Inputs:
* len - # of bytes to allocate
* Outputs:
* X-A - pointer to allocated memory
* Notes:
* Flags a terminal error and quits if there is not
* emough memory.
* This subroutine must be called in long mode.
MLalloc start
using Common
ptr equ 1 pointer to memory
hand equ 5 handle of memory
sub (4:len),8
pha reserve the memory
ph4 len
ph2 userID
ph2 #$C010
ph4 #0
pl4 hand pull the handle
bcc lb1 branch if there was an error
lda #5
jmp TermError
lb1 ldy #2 dereference the handle
lda [hand],Y
sta ptr+2
lda [hand]
sta ptr
ret 4:ptr return
* CheckForPause - pause if a key was pressed; check for abort
CheckForPause start
using Common
short I,M
lda >keyboard see if we need to pause
bpl no branch if not
sta >strobe yes - clear strobe
and #$7F
cmp #'.' quit if is an open apple .
bne lb1
lda >kflags
bmi yes
lb1 lda >keyboard wait for keypress
bpl lb1
sta >strobe
and #$7F
cmp #'.' quit if is an open apple .
bne no
lda >kflags
bmi yes
no long I,M
yes long I,M quit
lda #15
jmp TermError
* PrintHex - print a hex number
* Inputs:
* val - hex value
* digits - number of digits to print
* errout - error out flag
PrintHex start
temp equ 1 temp work value
sub (4:val,2:digits,2:errout),4
lda digits if digits <> 1 then
cmp #1
beq lb1
move4 val,temp PrintHex(val>>4, digits-1)
lsr temp+2
ror temp
lsr temp+2
ror temp
lsr temp+2
ror temp
lsr temp+2
ror temp
ph4 temp
lda digits
dec A
ph2 errout
jsr PrintHex
lb1 lda val print a hex digit
and #$000F
ora #'0'
cmp #'9'+1
blt lb2
adc #6
lb2 sta temp
lda errout
bne lb3
putc temp
bra lb4
lb3 putc temp,errout=t
lb4 anop
* PrintOSString - print an os string
* Inputs:
* ptr - pointer to the string
* errout - error output flag
PrintOSString start
loop equ 1 loop counter
char equ 3 character to write
sub (4:ptr,2:errout),4
lda ptr
ora ptr+2
beq lb4
lda [ptr]
beq lb4
sta loop
add4 ptr,#2
lb1 lda [ptr]
sta char
lda errout
bne lb2
putc char
bra lb3
lb2 putc char,errout=t
lb3 inc4 ptr
dec loop
bne lb1
lb4 ret
* TermError - handle a terminal error
* Inputs:
* A - error number
* fname - file name (used for file errors)
* 1: Could not open file <fname>
* 2: Must be an object file: <fname>
* 3: Linker version mismatch
* 4: Illegal header value in <fname>
* 5: Out of memory
* 6: File read error: <fname>
* 7: Could not overwrite existing file: <fname>
* 8: Undefined opcode in <file>
* 9: Expression too complex in <file>
* 10: Could not find library header in <file>
* 11: Invalid dictionary in <file>
* 12: File write error
* 13: Only one script file is allowed
* 14: Script error: link aborted
* 15: Stopped by open-apple .
TermError start
using Common
pha print the message leader
puts #'Terminal error: ',errout=t
lda dpReg restore the default DP register
lda 1,S print the message
asl A
lda #^msg
lda msg-2,X
ph2 #1
jsr PrintOSString
plx if needed, print the file name
lda needFname-1,X
and #$00FF
beq lb1
ph4 fname
ph2 #1
jsr PrintOSString
lb1 putcr errout=t
stz lops set lops to 0
lda #127 set max error found to 127
sta merrf
lda Sreg restore the original stack reg
jmp exit exit
; Local data
msg dc a'e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8,e9,e10,e11,e12,e13,e14,e15'
e1 dos 'Could not open file '
e2 dos 'Must be an object file: '
e3 dos 'Linker version mismatch'
e4 dos 'Illegal header value in '
e5 dos 'Out of memory'
e6 dos 'File read error: '
e7 dos 'Could not overwrite existing file'
e8 dos 'Undefined opcode in '
e9 dos 'Expression too complex in '
e10 dos 'Could not find library header in '
e11 dos 'Invalid dictionary in '
e12 dos 'File write error'
e13 dos 'Only one script file is allowed'
e14 dos 'Script error: link aborted'
e15 dos 'Stopped by open-apple .'
needFname dc i1'1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0'
* ToUpper - Convert to Upper-case
* Inputs:
* A - character to shift
* Outputs:
* A - upper-case character
* Notes:
* This subroutine can be called in long or short mode.
ToUpper start
long M
and #$00FF
cmp #'a'
blt rts
cmp #'z'+1
bge rts
adc #'A'-'a'
rts plp
* Wait - Wait for a keypress
* Notes:
* Quits if the user presses open-apple .
Wait start
using Common
short I,M
wa1 lda >keyboard wait for keypress
bpl wa1
sta >strobe
and #$7F
cmp #'.' quit if is an open apple .
bne wa2
lda >kflags
bmi abort
wa2 long I,M
abort long I,M
lda #15
jmp TermError