using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text; using VSMerlin32.Coloring.Data; namespace VSMerlin32.Coloring { internal class Merlin32CodeHelper { const string COMMENT_REG = @"((\u003B)|(\u002A))(.*)"; // ; const string TEXT_REG = @"(""|')[^']*(""|')"; // OPCODE_REG is initialized dynamically below. static string OPCODE_REG = ""; static string DIRECTIVE_REG = ""; static string DATADEFINE_REG = ""; public static IEnumerable GetTokens(SnapshotSpan span) { string strTempRegex; // temp var string ITextSnapshotLine containingLine = span.Start.GetContainingLine(); int curLoc = containingLine.Start.Position; string formattedLine = containingLine.GetText(); int commentMatch = int.MaxValue; Regex reg = new Regex(COMMENT_REG); foreach (Match match in reg.Matches(formattedLine)) { commentMatch = match.Index < commentMatch ? match.Index : commentMatch; yield return new SnapshotHelper(new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(span.Snapshot, match.Index + curLoc), match.Length), Merlin32TokenTypes.Merlin32Comment); } reg = new Regex(TEXT_REG); foreach (Match match in reg.Matches(formattedLine)) { if (match.Index < commentMatch) yield return new SnapshotHelper(new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(span.Snapshot, match.Index + curLoc), match.Length), Merlin32TokenTypes.Merlin32Text); } // OG NEW // OPCODES strTempRegex = ""; foreach (Merlin32Opcodes token in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Merlin32Opcodes))) { strTempRegex += (token.ToString() + ("|")); } // we remove the last "|" added strTempRegex = strTempRegex.Remove(strTempRegex.LastIndexOf("|")); OPCODE_REG = string.Format(@"\b({0})\b", strTempRegex); reg = new Regex(OPCODE_REG,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match in reg.Matches(formattedLine)) { if (match.Index < commentMatch) yield return new SnapshotHelper(new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(span.Snapshot, match.Index + curLoc), match.Length), Merlin32TokenTypes.Merlin32Opcode); } // OG NEW // DIRECTIVES strTempRegex = ""; foreach (Merlin32Directives token in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Merlin32Directives))) { if (token.ToString() != Resources.directives.ELUP) strTempRegex += (token.ToString() + ("|")); } DIRECTIVE_REG = string.Format(@"\b({0})\b|{1}", strTempRegex, Resources.directives.ELUPRegex); reg = new Regex(DIRECTIVE_REG, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match in reg.Matches(formattedLine)) { if (match.Index < commentMatch) yield return new SnapshotHelper(new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(span.Snapshot, match.Index + curLoc), match.Length), Merlin32TokenTypes.Merlin32Directive); } // OG NEW // DATADEFINES strTempRegex = ""; foreach (Merlin32DataDefines token in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Merlin32DataDefines))) { strTempRegex += (token.ToString() + ("|")); } // we remove the last "|" added strTempRegex = strTempRegex.Remove(strTempRegex.LastIndexOf("|")); DATADEFINE_REG = string.Format(@"\b({0})\b", strTempRegex); reg = new Regex(DATADEFINE_REG, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match in reg.Matches(formattedLine)) { if (match.Index < commentMatch) yield return new SnapshotHelper(new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(span.Snapshot, match.Index + curLoc), match.Length), Merlin32TokenTypes.Merlin32DataDefine); } } } }