string engine partially workign

This commit is contained in:
Dagen Brock 2015-02-24 15:05:03 -06:00
parent b3e1059298
commit c6500f1911
2 changed files with 143 additions and 3 deletions

src/applerom.s Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Apple Standard Memory Locations
CLRLORES equ $F832
LORES equ $C050
TXTSET equ $C051
MIXCLR equ $C052
MIXSET equ $C053
TXTPAGE1 equ $C054
TXTPAGE2 equ $C055
KEY equ $C000
C80STOREOFF equ $C000
C80STOREON equ $C001
STROBE equ $C010
SPEAKER equ $C030
VBL equ $C02E
RDVBLBAR equ $C019 ;not VBL (VBL signal low
SETAN3 equ $C05E ;Set annunciator-3 output to 0
SET80VID equ $C00D ;enable 80-column display mode (WR-only)
COUT equ $FDED ; Calls the output routine whose address is stored in CSW,
; normally COUTI
CLREOL equ $FC9C ; Clears to end of line from current cursor position
CLEOLZ equ $FC9E ; Clear to end ofline using contents of Y register as cursor
; position
CLREOP equ $FC42 ; Clears to bottom of window
CLRSCR equ $F832 ; Clears the low-resolution screen
CLRTOP equ $F836 ; Clears the top 40 lines of the low-resolution screen
COUTI equ $FDF0 ; Displays a character on the screen
CROUT equ $FD8E ; Generates a carriage return
CROUT1 equ $FD8B ; Clears to end ofline and then generates a carriage return
GETLN equ $FD6A ; Displays the prompt character; accepts a string of characters
; by means of RDKEY
HLINE equ $F819 ; Draws a horizontal line of blocks
HOME equ $FC58 ; Clears the window and puts the cursor in the upper left
; corner of the window
KEYIN equ $FD1B ; With 80-column fumware inactive, displays checkerboard
; cursor; accepts characters from keyboard
PLOT equ $F800 ; Plots a single low-resolution block on the screen
PRBL2 equ $F94A ; Sends 1 to 256 blank spaces to the output device
PRBYTE equ $FDDA ; Prints a hexadecimal byte
PRHEX equ $FDE3 ; Prints 4 bits as a hexadecimal number
PRNTAX equ $F941 ; Prints the contents of A and X in hexadecimal format
RDKEY equ $FD0C ; Displays blinking cursor; goes to standard input
; routine, nonnally KEYIN or BASICIN
SCRN equ $F871 ; Reads color of a low-resolution block
SETCOL equ $F864 ; Sets the color for plotting in low-resolution block
VTABZ equ $FC24 ; Sets the cursor vertical position
VLINE equ $F828 ; Draws a vertical line of low-resolution blocks

View File

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
* Quit8 *
* MemoryTester *
* *
* Dagen Brock <> *
* 2013-06-24 *
* 2015-02-23 *
org $2000 ; start at $2000 (all ProDOS8 system files)
typ $ff ; set P8 type ($ff = "SYS") for output file
DSK mtsystem ; tell compiler what name for output file
dsk mtsystem ; tell compiler what name for output file
put applerom
MLI equ $bf00
jsr DrawMenu
jsr WaitKey
Quit jsr MLI ; first actual command, call ProDOS vector
@ -27,3 +31,84 @@ QuitParm dfb 4 ; number of parameters
Error brk $00 ; shouldn't be here either
DrawMenu jsr HOME
lda #MenuStrs
ldy #>MenuStrs
ldx #05 ; horiz pos
jsr PrintStringsX
; lda #MenuStr1
; ldy #>MenuStr1
; jsr PrintString
PrintStringsX stx _printstringsx_horiz ; IGNORED! 4 NOW!
sta $0
sty $1
:loop lda $0 ; slower, but allows API reuse
ldy $1
jsr PrintString ; y is last val
lda ($0),y
beq :done
tya ; not done so add strlen to source ptr
adc $0
sta $0
bcc :nocarry
inc $1
:nocarry bra :loop
:done rts
_printstringsx_horiz db 00
* PrintString (A=Low Byte, Y=High Byte)
PrintString sta $0
sty $1
ldy #0
:loop lda ($0),y
beq :done
jsr COUT
bra :loop
:done rts
asc " *********************** ",$8D,$00
asc " ** **",$8D,$00
asc " ** Mini Memory Tester **",$8D,$00
asc " ** Reactive Micro **",$8D,$00
asc " ** (beta) **",$8D,$00
asc " ** **",$8D,$00
asc " *********************** ",$8D,$00
asc $8D,$8D,$8D,$00
asc " Start BANK: ",$8D,$00
asc " End BANK: ",$8D,$8D,$00
asc " Start ADDR: ",$8D,$00
asc " End ADDR: ",$8D,$8D,$8D,$00
asc " Test Byte: (Leave empty = random)",$8D,00
hex 00,00
:kloop lda KEY
bpl :kloop
StartBank db #$02
EndBank db #$7F
StartAddr dw #$0000
EndAddr dw #$FFFF