*** MENU LIBRARY sizeof_ItemStruct = #6 *MyItem hex 19,07 ;x,y positions * db MenuOption_List ;type of input (see Menu_Types) * db 11 ;max size in bytes * da MyItemOptions ;params definition & storage ** MENU USES ZP $F0-$F1 as ptr to MenuDefs Menu_InitMenu sta $F0 stx $F1 rts Menu_PrevItem dec Menu_ItemSelected bpl :noflip lda #MainMenuItems dec sta Menu_ItemSelected :noflip rts Menu_NextItem inc Menu_ItemSelected lda Menu_ItemSelected cmp #MainMenuItems bcc :noflip lda #0 sta Menu_ItemSelected :noflip rts Menu_DrawOptions stz _menuOptionPtr :drawOption ldy _menuOptionPtr lda ($F0),y beq :menuDone tax iny lda ($F0),y tay jsr GoXY ldy _menuOptionPtr iny iny lda ($F0),y asl ; *2 for table index tax pea #:nextMenuItem-1 ; push this address to return from jmp tbl, yay 65816 jmp (Menu_DrawRoutinesTbl,x) :nextMenuItem lda _menuOptionPtr clc adc #sizeof_ItemStruct ;len of "struct" sta _menuOptionPtr bra :drawOption :menuDone rts Menu_DrawRoutinesTbl da Menu_DrawOptionHex ;char da Menu_DrawOptionHex da Menu_DrawOptionAction da Menu_DrawOptionList da Menu_DrawOptionBool da Menu_DrawOptionBin da Menu_DrawOptionInt Menu_DrawOptionBin iny lda ($F0),y ;get len sta _menuOptionLen iny lda ($F0),y ;get da sta $F2 ;storez iny lda ($F0),y ;get da sta $F3 ;storez ldy #0 :prloop lda ($F2),y ; print 4 bits phy ; for safety. might not be needed asl jsr PRCARRYBIT asl jsr PRCARRYBIT asl jsr PRCARRYBIT asl jsr PRCARRYBIT pha lda #" " jsr COUT pla asl jsr PRCARRYBIT asl jsr PRCARRYBIT asl jsr PRCARRYBIT asl jsr PRCARRYBIT ply iny cpy _menuOptionLen beq :done lda #" " ;print space between octets of bits jsr COUT bra :prloop :done rts PRCARRYBIT pha bcs :is1 :is0 lda #"0" bra :out :is1 lda #"1" :out jsr COUT pla rts Menu_DrawOptionBool iny lda ($F0),y ;get len sta _menuOptionLen iny lda ($F0),y ;get da sta $F2 ;storez iny lda ($F0),y ;get da sta $F3 ;storez ldy #0 :prloop lda ($F2),y ;get our bool value bne :on :off lda #_menuBoolOffStr ldy #>_menuBoolOffStr jmp PrintString ;auto-rts :on lda #_menuBoolOnStr ldy #>_menuBoolOnStr jmp PrintString ;auto-rts _menuBoolOnStr asc " on",00 _menuBoolOffStr asc "off",00 * @todo make this more configurable Menu_DrawOptionInt rts Menu_DrawOptionHex iny lda ($F0),y ;get len sta _menuOptionLen iny lda ($F0),y ;get da sta $F2 ;storez iny lda ($F0),y ;get da sta $F3 ;storez ldy #0 :prloop lda ($F2),y jsr PRBYTE iny cpy _menuOptionLen bne :prloop rts Menu_DrawOptionAction iny iny lda ($F0),y tax iny lda ($F0),y tay txa jsr PrintString rts Menu_DrawOptionList iny ;point to da iny lda ($F0),y sta $F2 iny lda ($F0),y sta $F3 ;now ($2) points to item list structure ldy #0 lda ($F2),y ;selected index asl inc inc ;add 2 to reach table of addresses tay lda ($F2),y pha iny lda ($F2),y tay pla jsr PrintString rts _menuOptionLen dw 0 _menuOptionPtr dw 00 Menu_UndrawSelectedAll stz _stash :undrawLoop ldy _stash ;struct ptr lda ($F0),y beq :stop dec ;move left 1 space sta _menuLBracketX iny lda ($F0),y ;next param, y value sta _menuSelectedY iny lda ($F0),y ;next param, type tax iny lda ($F0),y ;next param, size (bytes) jsr Menu_GetItemScreenWidth ;get the real width inc ;add 1 clc adc _menuLBracketX ;add the left bracket position sta _menuRBracketX ;and we should be in the right place jsr Menu_UndrawBrackets lda _stash clc adc #sizeof_ItemStruct sta _stash bra :undrawLoop :stop rts * max 256 byte struct table unless i go 16 bit Menu_GetSelectedStructPtr lda #0 ldx Menu_ItemSelected :check beq :foundIdx clc adc #sizeof_ItemStruct ;"struct" size dex bra :check :foundIdx rts ** RETURN THE SCREEN WIDTH FOR VARIOUS INPUT TYPES * X= ItemType A= SizeInBytes Menu_GetItemScreenWidth cpx MenuOption_Char bne :notChar rts ;size already correct for char :notChar cpx MenuOption_Hex bne :notHex asl ;*2 for printing 2 char per byte rts :notHex cpx MenuOption_Bin bne :notBin asl ; logic for binary is a little more detailed asl ; because i add spacing for readability asl ;*8 for byte inc ; add a space so "0000 0000" cmp #9 bne :bigger rts :bigger inc inc ; add 2 more spaces. rts :notBin cpx MenuOption_Int bne :notInt rts ;input width... internally maxint = FFFF :notInt cpx MenuOption_Action bne :notAction rts ;should be defined in param from string length :notAction cpx MenuOption_List bne :notList rts ;should be defined in param from string length :notList cpx MenuOption_Bool bne :notBool lda #3 ;@todo: we'll use "off"/"on" for now.. revisit? rts ;hmm.. undefined? @TODO!!! :notBool :wtf rts Menu_HighlightSelected jsr Menu_GetSelectedStructPtr ;get ptr to selected item tay lda ($F0),y ;start parsing the struct with x value dec ;move left 1 space sta _menuLBracketX iny lda ($F0),y ;next param, y value sta _menuSelectedY iny lda ($F0),y ;next param, type tax iny lda ($F0),y ;next param, size (bytes) jsr Menu_GetItemScreenWidth ;get the real width inc ;add 1 clc adc _menuLBracketX ;add the left bracket position sta _menuRBracketX ;and we should be in the right place jsr Menu_DrawBrackets rts Menu_UndrawBrackets ldx _menuRBracketX ldy _menuSelectedY jsr GoXY lda #"]" jsr COUT ldx _menuLBracketX ldy _menuSelectedY jsr GoXY lda #"[" jsr COUT rts Menu_DrawBrackets ldx _menuRBracketX ldy _menuSelectedY jsr GoXY lda #">" jsr COUT ldx _menuLBracketX ldy _menuSelectedY jsr GoXY lda #"<" jsr COUT rts _menuLBracketX db 0 _menuRBracketX db 0 _menuSelectedX1 db 0 _menuSelectedY db 0 * THESE ARE ALL OF THE MENU INPUT TYPES Menu_Types Menu_TypeTable da Menu_TypeChar,Menu_TypeHex,Menu_TypeAction,Menu_TypeList,Menu_TypeBool,Menu_TypeBin,Menu_TypeInt MenuOption_Char equ #0 MenuOption_Hex equ #1 MenuOption_Bin equ #5 MenuOption_Int equ #6 MenuOption_Action equ #2 MenuOption_List equ #3 MenuOption_Bool equ #4 * $0 = ptr->MenuDefs Menu_HandleSelection lda #0 ldx Menu_ItemSelected ;odd choice to load again, but preps flags (z) how i likes it :check beq :foundIdx ;<- a=struct offset clc adc #sizeof_ItemStruct ;"struct" size dex bra :check :foundIdx pha tay iny ;\ iny ; \ lda ($F0),y ; > get MenuOption_Type, set up for jmp table asl ; / tax ;/ pla jmp (Menu_TypeTable,x) * A= struct index for all of these. Menu_TypeChar rts Menu_TypeBool tay iny ;skip x iny ;skip y iny ;skip length iny lda ($F0),y sta $F2 iny lda ($F0),y sta $F3 lda #1 eor ($f2) sta ($f2) rts Menu_TypeBin rts Menu_TypeInt rts Menu_TypeHex pha tay lda ($F0),y tax iny lda ($F0),y tay jsr GoXY pla clc adc #3 ; ->memory size tay lda ($F0),y asl ;*2 pha iny lda ($F0),y pha iny lda ($F0),y tay plx pla jsr GetHex rts Menu_TypeAction iny ;skip len byte iny lda ($F0),y sta :ACTION+1 iny lda ($F0),y sta :ACTION+2 lda :ACTION+1 sec sbc #2 sta :ACTION+1 bcs :copy dec :ACTION+2 :copy ldx #0 ;this is all so bad - maybe rts is better :ACTION lda $ffff,x sta :JSR+1,x inx cpx #2 bcc :ACTION :JSR jsr $ffff rts * Selecting from a List * look for key * update cursor * if up then prev item \_ draw menu options * if down then next item / * if enter, done - when it gets back to menu loop, we should handle special logic there Menu_TypeList rts *** INPUT LIBRARY FOR MENU * Pass desired length in A GetHex sta _gethex_maxlen stx _gethex_resultptr sty _gethex_resultptr+1 stz _gethex_current lda $24 sta _gethex_screenx ;stash x. gets clobbered by RDKEY :input jsr RDKEY cmp #$9B ;esc = abort bne :notesc rts :notesc cmp #$FF ;del beq :goBack cmp #$88 bne :notBack :goBack lda _gethex_current beq :badChar ; otherwise result = -1 dec _gethex_current dec _gethex_screenx GOXY _gethex_screenx;$25 bra :input :notBack cmp #"9"+1 bcs :notNum ;bge > 9 cmp #"0" bcc :badChar ; sec sbc #"0" bra :storeInput :notNum cmp #"a" bcc :notLower sec sbc #$20 ;ToUpper :notLower cmp #"A" bcc :badChar cmp #"F"+1 bcs :badChar :gotHex sec sbc #"A"-10 :storeInput pha jsr PRHEX pla ldy _gethex_current sta _gethex_buffer,y inc _gethex_screenx iny cpy #_gethex_internalmax bge :internalmax cpy _gethex_maxlen bge :passedmax sty _gethex_current bra :input :internalmax :passedmax lda _gethex_resultptr sta $0 lda _gethex_resultptr+1 sta $1 ldx #0 ldy #0 :copyBuffer lda _gethex_buffer,x asl ; move to upper nibble asl asl asl sta ($0),y ; store inx lda _gethex_buffer,x ora ($0),y sta ($0),y iny inx cpx _gethex_maxlen bcc :copyBuffer rts :badChar jmp :input _gethex_internalmax equ 8 _gethex_resultptr da 0000 _gethex_maxlen db 1 _gethex_current db 0 _gethex_buffer ds _gethex_internalmax _gethex_screenx db 0 PrHexChar jsr HexCharForByte HexCharForByte cmp #9 bcs :alpha :number clc adc #"0" rts :alpha clc adc #"A" rts