
3937 lines
141 KiB
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{$optimize 1}
{ }
{ Parser }
{ }
{ External Subroutines: }
{ }
{ DoDeclaration - process a variable or function declaration }
{ DoStatement - process a statement from a function }
{ InitParser - initialize the parser }
{ Match - insure that the next token is of the specified type }
{ TermParser - shut down the parser }
{ TypeSpecifier - handle a type specifier }
{ }
unit Parser;
{$LibPrefix '0/obj/'}
uses CCommon, Table, MM, CGI, Scanner, Header, Symbol, Expression, Asm;
{$segment 'parser'}
procedure DoDeclaration (doingPrototypes: boolean);
{ process a variable or function declaration }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ doingPrototypes - are we processing a parameter list? }
procedure DoStatement;
{ process a statement from a function }
procedure InitParser;
{ Initialize the parser }
procedure Match (kind: tokenEnum; err: integer);
{ insure that the next token is of the specified type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ kind - expected token kind }
{ err - error number if the expected token is not found }
procedure TermParser;
{ shut down the parser }
procedure TypeSpecifier (doingFieldList,isConstant: boolean);
{ handle a type specifier }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ doingFieldList - are we processing a field list? }
{ isConstant - did we already find a constsy? }
maxBitField = 32; {max # of bits in a bit field}
identList = ^identNode; {list of ids; used for initializers}
identNode = record
next: identList;
id: identPtr;
{ The switch record is used to record the values for the }
{ switch jump table. The linked list of entries is in order }
{ of increasing switch value (val). }
switchPtr = ^switchRecord; {switch label table entry}
switchRecord = record
next,last: switchPtr; {doubly linked list (for inserts)}
lab: integer; {label to branch to}
val: longint; {switch value}
{token stack}
tokenStackPtr = ^tokenStackRecord;
tokenStackRecord = record
next: tokenStackPtr;
token: tokenType;
{statement stack}
statementPtr = ^statementRecord;
{kinds of nestable statements}
statementKind = (compoundSt,ifSt,elseSt,doSt,whileSt,forSt,switchSt);
statementRecord = record {element of the statement stack}
next: statementPtr; {next element on the stack}
breakLab, continueLab: integer; {branch points for break, continue}
case kind: statementKind of
compoundSt: (
doingDeclaration: boolean; {doing declarations? (or statements)}
ifSt: (
ifLab: integer; {branch point}
elseSt: (
elseLab: integer; {branch point}
doSt: (
doLab: integer; {branch point}
whileSt: (
whileTop: integer; {label at top of while loop}
whileEnd: integer; {label at bottom of while loop}
forSt: (
forLoop: integer; {branch here to loop}
e3List: tokenStackPtr; {tokens for last expression}
switchSt: (
maxVal: longint; {max switch value}
isLong: boolean; {do long switch?}
ln: integer; {temp var number}
size: integer; {temp var size}
labelCount: integer; {# of switch labels}
switchExit: integer; {branch point}
switchLab: integer; {branch point}
switchList: switchPtr; {list of labels and values}
switchDefault: integer; {default branch point}
doingMain: boolean; {are we processing the main function?}
firstCompoundStatement: boolean; {are we doing a function level compound statement?}
fType: typePtr; {return type of the current function}
initializerList: identList; {list of initialized identifiers}
isForwardDeclared: boolean; {is the field list component }
{ referenceing a forward struct/union? }
isFunction: boolean; {is the declaration a function?}
isPascal: boolean; {has the pascal modifier been used?}
{ (set by DoDeclaration)}
returnLabel: integer; {label for exit point}
skipDeclarator: boolean; {for enum,struct,union with no declarator}
statementList: statementPtr; {list of open statements}
{parameter processing variables}
lastParameter: identPtr; {next parameter to process}
numberOfParameters: integer; {number of indeclared parameters}
pfunc: identPtr; {func. for which parms are being defined}
protoType: typePtr; {type from a parameter list}
protoVariable: identPtr; {variable from a parameter list}
{type info for the current declaration}
storageClass: tokenEnum; {storage class of the declaration}
{ typeSpec: typePtr; (in CCommon) {type specifier}
{-- Parser Utility Procedures ----------------------------------}
procedure Match {kind: tokenEnum; err: integer};
{ insure that the next token is of the specified type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ kind - expected token kind }
{ err - error number if the expected token is not found }
begin {Match}
if token.kind = kind then
end; {Match}
procedure SkipStatement;
{ Skip the remainder of the current statement }
bracketCount: integer; {for error skip}
begin {SkipStatement}
bracketCount := 0;
while (token.kind <> eofsy) and
((token.kind <> semicolonch) or (bracketCount <> 0)) do begin
if token.kind = lbrackch then
bracketCount := bracketCount+1;
if token.kind = rbrackch then
if bracketCount <> 0 then
bracketCount := bracketCount-1;
end; {while}
if token.kind = semicolonch then
end; {SkipStatement}
procedure GotoLabel (op: pcodes);
{ Find a label in the goto label list, creating one if one }
{ does not already exist. Generate the label or a jump to it }
{ based on op. }
{ }
{ paremeters: }
{ op - operation code to create }
label 1;
gt: gotoPtr; {work pointer}
begin {GotoLabel}
gt := gotoList; {try to find an existing label}
while gt <> nil do begin
if gt^.name^ = token.name^ then
goto 1;
gt := gt^.next;
end; {while}
gt := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(gotoRecord))); {no label record exists: create one}
gt^.next := gotoList;
gotoList := gt;
gt^.name := token.name;
gt^.lab := GenLabel;
gt^.defined := false;
if op = dc_lab then begin
if gt^.defined then
else begin
gt^.defined := true;
Gen1(dc_lab, gt^.lab);
end; {else}
end {if}
Gen1(pc_ujp, gt^.lab);
end; {GotoLabel}
{-- Statements -------------------------------------------------}
procedure CompoundStatement (makeSymbols: boolean);
{ handle a compound statement }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ makeSymbols - create a symbol table? (False for a }
{ function's outer wrapper, true for imbeded statements) }
stPtr: statementPtr; {for creating a compound statement record}
begin {CompoundStatement}
Match(lbracech,27); {make sure there is an opening '{'}
new(stPtr); {create a statement record}
stPtr^.next := statementList;
statementList := stPtr;
stPtr^.kind := compoundSt;
if makeSymbols then {create a symbol table}
stPtr^.doingDeclaration := true; {allow declarations}
initializerList := nil; {no initializers, yet}
end; {CompoundStatement}
procedure EndCompoundStatement;
{ finish off a compound statement }
dumpLocal: boolean; {dump the local memory pool?}
tl: tempPtr; {work pointer}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {EndCompoundStatement}
dumpLocal := false;
stPtr := statementList; {pop the statement record}
statementList := stPtr^.next;
doingFunction := statementList <> nil; {see if we're done with the function}
if not doingFunction then begin {if so, finish it off}
Gen1(dc_lab, returnLabel);
with fType^ do {generate the pc_ret instruction}
case kind of
scalarType : Gen0t(pc_ret, baseType);
arrayType : ;
structType ,
unionType ,
pointerType : Gen0t(pc_ret, cgULong);
functionType: ;
enumConst : ;
enumType : Gen0t(pc_ret, cgWord);
definedType : ;
otherwise: Error(57);
end; {case}
Gen0 (dc_enp); {finish the segment}
CheckGotoList; {make sure all labels are declared}
while tempList <> nil do begin {dump the local labels}
tl := tempList;
tempList := tl^.next;
end; {while}
dumpLocal := true; {dump the local pool}
nameFound := false; {no pc_nam for the next function (yet)}
end; {if}
PopTable; {remove this symbol table}
dispose(stPtr); {dump the record}
if dumpLocal then begin
useGlobalPool := true; {start using the global memory pool}
LInit; {dispose of the local memory pool}
end; {if}
NextToken; {remove the rbracech token}
end; {EndCompoundStatement}
procedure Statement;
{ handle a statement }
label 1;
lToken,tToken: tokenType; {for look-ahead}
lPrintMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of printMacroExpansions}
function GetSwitchRecord: statementPtr;
{ Find the enclosing switch statement }
{ }
{ Returns a pointer to the closest switch statement record, }
{ or nil if there are none. }
label 1;
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {GetSwitchRecord}
stPtr := statementList;
while stPtr <> nil do begin
if stPtr^.kind = switchSt then
goto 1;
stPtr := stPtr^.next;
end; {while}
1: GetSwitchRecord := stPtr;
end; {GetSwitchRecord}
procedure AssignmentStatement;
{ handle an asignment statement }
begin {AssignmentStatement}
if token.kind in startExpression then begin
Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]);
if expressionType^.baseType <> cgVoid then
Gen0t(pc_pop, UsualUnaryConversions);
if token.kind = semicolonch then
else begin
end; {else}
end {if}
else begin
end; {else}
end; {AssignmentStatement}
procedure BreakStatement;
{ handle a break statement }
label 1,2;
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {BreakStatement}
stPtr := statementList; {find the proper statement}
while stPtr <> nil do begin
if stPtr^.kind in [whileSt,doSt,forSt,switchSt] then
goto 1;
stPtr := stPtr^.next;
end; {while}
goto 2;
1: if stPtr^.breakLab = 0 then {if there is no break label, create one}
stPtr^.breakLab := GenLabel;
Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.breakLab); {branch to the break label}
NextToken; {skip the 'break' token}
Match(semicolonch,22); {insist on a closing ';'}
end; {BreakStatement}
procedure CaseStatement;
{ handle a case statement }
stPtr: statementPtr; {switch record for this case label}
swPtr,swPtr2: switchPtr; {work pointers for inserting new entry}
val: integer; {case label value}
begin {CaseStatement}
while token.kind = casesy do begin
NextToken; {skip the 'case' token}
stPtr := GetSwitchRecord; {get the proper switch record}
Expression(arrayExpression, [colonch]); {evaluate the branch condition}
val := long(expressionValue).lsw;
if val <> expressionValue then
if not stPtr^.isLong then
if stPtr = nil then
else begin
new(swPtr2); {create the new label table entry}
swPtr2^.lab := GenLabel;
Gen1(dc_lab, swPtr2^.lab);
swPtr2^.val := expressionValue;
swPtr := stPtr^.switchList;
if swPtr = nil then begin {enter it in the table}
swPtr2^.last := nil;
swPtr2^.next := nil;
stPtr^.switchList := swPtr2;
stPtr^.maxVal := expressionValue;
stPtr^.labelCount := 1;
end {if}
else begin
while (swPtr^.next <> nil) and (swPtr^.val < expressionValue) do
swPtr := swPtr^.next;
if swPtr^.val = expressionValue then
else if swPtr^.val > expressionValue then begin
swPtr2^.next := swPtr;
if swPtr^.last = nil then
stPtr^.switchList := swPtr2
swPtr^.last^.next := swPtr2;
swPtr2^.last := swPtr^.last;
swPtr^.last := swPtr2;
end {else if}
else begin {at end of list}
swPtr2^.next := nil;
swPtr2^.last := swPtr;
swPtr^.next := swPtr2;
stPtr^.maxVal := expressionValue;
end; {else}
stPtr^.labelCount := stPtr^.labelCount + 1;
end; {else}
end; {else}
Match(colonch,29); {get the colon}
end; {while}
Statement; {process the labeled statement}
end; {CaseStatement}
procedure ContinueStatement;
{ handle a continue statement }
label 1,2;
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {ContinueStatement}
stPtr := statementList; {find the proper statement}
while stPtr <> nil do begin
if stPtr^.kind in [whileSt,doSt,forSt] then
goto 1;
stPtr := stPtr^.next;
end; {while}
goto 2;
1: if stPtr^.continueLab = 0 then {if there is no continue label, create one}
stPtr^.continueLab := GenLabel;
Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.continueLab); {branch to the continue label}
NextToken; {skip the 'continue' token}
Match(semicolonch,22); {insist on a closing ';'}
end; {ContinueStatement}
procedure DefaultStatement;
{ handle a default statement }
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {DefaultStatement}
NextToken; {skip the 'default' token}
Match(colonch,29); {get the colon}
stPtr := GetSwitchRecord; {record the presense of a default label}
if stPtr = nil then
else if stPtr^.switchDefault <> 0 then
else begin
stPtr^.switchDefault := GenLabel;
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.switchDefault);
end; {else}
Statement; {process the labeled statement}
end; {DefaultStatement}
procedure DoStatement;
{ handle a do statement }
lab: integer; {branch label}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {DoStatement}
NextToken; {skip the 'do' token}
new(stPtr); {create a statement record}
stPtr^.next := statementList;
statementList := stPtr;
stPtr^.kind := doSt;
lab := GenLabel; {create the branch label}
Gen1(dc_lab, lab);
stPtr^.doLab := lab;
stPtr^.breakLab := 0;
stPtr^.continueLab := 0;
Statement; {process the first loop body statement}
end; {DoStatement}
procedure ForStatement;
{ handle a for statement }
errorFound: boolean; {did we find an error?}
forLoop, continueLab, breakLab: integer; {branch points}
lType: typePtr; {type of "left" expression}
parencount: integer; {number of unmatched '(' chars}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
tl,tk: tokenStackPtr; {for forming expression list}
begin {ForStatement}
NextToken; {skip the 'for' token}
new(stPtr); {create a statement record}
stPtr^.next := statementList;
statementList := stPtr;
stPtr^.kind := forSt;
forLoop := GenLabel; {create the branch labels}
continueLab := GenLabel;
breakLab := GenLabel;
stPtr^.forLoop := forLoop;
stPtr^.continueLab := continueLab;
stPtr^.breakLab := breakLab;
Match(lparench,13); {evaluate the start condition}
if token.kind <> semicolonch then begin
Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]);
Gen0t(pc_pop, UsualUnaryConversions);
end; {if}
Gen1(dc_lab, forLoop); {this label points to the condition}
if token.kind <> semicolonch then {handle the loop test}
begin {evaluate the expression}
Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]);
CompareToZero(pc_neq); {Evaluate the condition}
Gen1(pc_fjp, breakLab);
end; {if}
tl := nil; {collect the tokens for the last expression}
parencount := 0;
errorFound := false;
while (token.kind <> eofsy)
and ((token.kind <> rparench) or (parencount <> 0))
and (token.kind <> semicolonch) do begin
new(tk); {place the token in the list}
tk^.next := tl;
tl := tk;
tk^.token := token;
if token.kind = lparench then {allow parens in the expression}
parencount := parencount+1
else if token.kind = rparench then
parencount := parencount-1;
NextToken; {next token}
end; {while}
if errorFound then {if an error was found, dump the list}
while tl <> nil do begin
tk := tl;
tl := tl^.next;
end; {while}
stPtr^.e3List := tl; {save the list}
Match(rparench,12); {get the closing for loop paren}
Statement; {process the first loop body statement}
end; {ForStatement}
procedure IfStatement;
{ handle an if statement }
lab: integer; {branch label}
lType: typePtr; {type of "left" expression}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {IfStatement}
NextToken; {skip the 'if' token}
Match(lparench, 13); {evaluate the condition}
Expression(normalExpression, [rparench]);
Match(rparench, 12);
lab := GenLabel; {create the branch label}
CompareToZero(pc_neq); {evaluate the condition}
Gen1(pc_fjp, lab);
new(stPtr); {create a statement record}
stPtr^.next := statementList;
statementList := stPtr;
stPtr^.kind := ifSt;
stPtr^.ifLab := lab;
Statement; {process the 'true' statement}
end; {IfStatement}
procedure GotoStatement;
{ handle a goto statement }
begin {GotoStatement}
NextToken; {skip the 'goto' token}
if token.kind in [ident,typedef] then begin
GotoLabel(pc_ujp); {jump to the label}
NextToken; {skip the token}
end {if}
Error(9); {flag the error}
Match(semicolonch, 22); {insist on a closing ';'}
end; {GotoStatement}
procedure LabelStatement;
{ handle a labeled statement }
begin {LabelStatement}
GotoLabel(dc_lab); {define the label}
NextToken; {skip the label}
if token.kind = colonch then {if present, skip the colon}
else begin {bad statement - flag error and skip it}
end; {else}
end; {LabelStatement}
procedure ReturnStatement;
{ handle a return statement }
id: identPtr; {structure id}
size: longint; {size of the struct/union}
tk: tokenType; {structure name token}
begin {ReturnStatement}
NextToken; {skip the 'return' token}
if token.kind <> semicolonch then {if present, evaluate the return value}
if fType^.kind in [structType,unionType] then begin
tk.kind := ident;
tk.class := identifier;
tk.name := @'@struct';
tk.symbolPtr := nil;
id := FindSymbol(tk, variableSpace, false, true);
Gen1Name(pc_lao, 0, id^.name);
size := fType^.size;
end; {if}
Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]);
AssignmentConversion(fType, expressionType, lastWasConst, lastConst,
true, true);
case fType^.kind of
scalarType: Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, fType^.baseType);
enumType: Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, cgWord);
pointerType: Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, cgULong);
unionType: begin
Gen2(pc_mov, long(size).msw, long(size).lsw);
Gen0t(pc_pop, cgULong);
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
end; {if}
Gen1(pc_ujp, returnLabel); {branch to the exit point}
Match(semicolonch, 22); {insist on a closing ';'}
end; {ReturnStatement}
procedure SwitchStatement;
{ handle a switch statement }
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
tp: typePtr; {for checking type}
begin {SwitchStatement}
NextToken; {skip the 'switch' token}
new(stPtr); {create a statement record}
stPtr^.next := statementList;
statementList := stPtr;
stPtr^.kind := switchSt;
stPtr^.maxVal := -maxint4;
stPtr^.isLong := false;
stPtr^.labelCount := 0;
stPtr^.switchLab := GenLabel;
stPtr^.switchExit := GenLabel;
stPtr^.breakLab := stPtr^.switchExit;
stPtr^.switchList := nil;
stPtr^.switchDefault := 0;
Match(lparench, 13); {evaluate the condition}
Match(rparench, 12);
tp := expressionType; {make sure the expression is integral}
while tp^.kind = definedType do
tp := tp^.dType;
case tp^.kind of
if tp^.baseType in [cgLong,cgULong] then begin
stPtr^.isLong := true;
stPtr^.size := cgLongSize;
stPtr^.ln := GetTemp(cgLongSize);
Gen2t(pc_str, stPtr^.ln, 0, cgLong);
end {if}
else if tp^.baseType in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord] then begin
stPtr^.isLong := false;
stPtr^.size := cgWordSize;
stPtr^.ln := GetTemp(cgWordSize);
Gen2t(pc_str, stPtr^.ln, 0, cgWord);
end {else if}
enumType: begin
stPtr^.isLong := false;
stPtr^.size := cgWordSize;
stPtr^.ln := GetTemp(cgWordSize);
Gen2t(pc_str, stPtr^.ln, 0, cgWord);
end; {case}
Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.switchLab); {branch to the xjp instruction}
Statement; {process the loop body statement}
end; {SwitchStatement}
procedure WhileStatement;
{ handle a while statement }
lType: typePtr; {type of "left" expression}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
top, endl: integer; {branch points}
begin {WhileStatement}
NextToken; {skip the 'while' token}
new(stPtr); {create a statement record}
stPtr^.next := statementList;
statementList := stPtr;
stPtr^.kind := whileSt;
top := GenLabel; {create the branch labels}
endl := GenLabel;
stPtr^.whileTop := top;
stPtr^.whileEnd := endl;
stPtr^.breakLab := endl;
stPtr^.continueLab := top;
Gen1(dc_lab, top); {define the top label}
Match(lparench, 13); {evaluate the condition}
Expression(normalExpression, [rparench]);
Match(rparench, 12);
CompareToZero(pc_neq); {evaluate the condition}
Gen1(pc_fjp, endl);
Statement; {process the first loop body statement}
end; {WhileStatement}
begin {Statement}
{if trace names are enabled and a line # is due, generate it}
if traceBack or debugFlag then
if nameFound or debugFlag then
if lastLine <> lineNumber then begin
lastLine := lineNumber;
Gen2(pc_lnm, lineNumber, ord(debugType));
end; {if}
{handle the statement}
case token.kind of
asmsy: begin
breaksy: BreakStatement;
casesy: CaseStatement;
continuesy: ContinueStatement;
defaultsy: DefaultStatement;
dosy: DoStatement;
elsesy: begin Error(25); SkipStatement; end;
forsy: ForStatement;
gotosy: GotoStatement;
ident: begin
lPrintMacroExpansions := printMacroExpansions;
printMacroExpansions := false;
lToken := token;
tToken := token;
PutBackToken(token, true);
token := lToken;
printMacroExpansions := lPrintMacroExpansions;
if tToken.kind = colonch then begin
goto 1;
end {if}
ifsy: IfStatement;
lbracech: CompoundStatement(true);
returnsy: ReturnStatement;
semicolonch: NextToken;
switchsy: SwitchStatement;
whilesy: WhileStatement;
otherwise: AssignmentStatement;
end; {case}
end; {Statement}
procedure EndDoStatement;
{ finish off a do statement }
lType: typePtr; {type of "left" expression}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {EndDoStatement}
stPtr := statementList; {get the statement record}
if token.kind = whilesy then begin {if a while clause exists, process it}
NextToken; {skip the 'while' token}
if stPtr^.continueLab <> 0 then {create the continue label}
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.continueLab);
Match(lparench, 13); {evaluate the condition}
Expression(normalExpression, [rparench]);
Match(rparench, 12);
CompareToZero(pc_equ); {evaluate the condition}
Gen1(pc_fjp, stPtr^.doLab);
Match(semicolonch, 22); {process the closing ';'}
end {if}
Error(30); {'while' expected}
if stPtr^.breakLab <> 0 then {create the break label}
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.breakLab);
statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record}
end; {EndDoStatement}
procedure EndIfStatement;
{ finish off an if statement }
lab1,lab2: integer; {branch labels}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {EndIfStatement}
stPtr := statementList; {get the label to branch to}
lab1 := stPtr^.ifLab;
statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record}
if token.kind = elsesy then begin {if an else clause exists, process it}
NextToken; {skip 'else'}
lab2 := GenLabel; {create the branch label}
Gen1(pc_ujp, lab2); {branch past the else clause}
Gen1(dc_lab, lab1); {create label for if to branch to}
new(stPtr); {create a statement record}
stPtr^.next := statementList;
statementList := stPtr;
stPtr^.kind := elseSt;
stPtr^.elseLab := lab2;
Statement; {evaluate the else clause}
end {if}
Gen1(dc_lab, lab1); {create label for if to branch to}
end; {EndIfStatement}
procedure EndElseStatement;
{ finish off an else clause }
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {EndElseStatement}
stPtr := statementList; {create the label to branch to}
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.elseLab);
statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record}
end; {EndElseStatement}
procedure EndForStatement;
{ finish off a for statement }
ltoken: tokenType; {for putting ; on stack}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
tl,tk: tokenStackPtr; {for forming expression list}
lPrintMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of printMacroExpansions}
begin {EndForStatement}
stPtr := statementList;
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.continueLab); {define the continue label}
tl := stPtr^.e3List; {place the expression back in the list}
if tl <> nil then begin
PutBackToken(token, false);
ltoken.kind := semicolonch;
ltoken.class := reservedSymbol;
PutBackToken(ltoken, false);
while tl <> nil do begin
PutBackToken(tl^.token, false);
tk := tl;
tl := tl^.next;
end; {while}
lPrintMacroExpansions := printMacroExpansions; {inhibit token echo}
printMacroExpansions := false;
NextToken; {evaluate the expression}
Expression(normalExpression, [semicolonch]);
Gen0t(pc_pop, UsualUnaryConversions);
NextToken; {skip the seminolon}
printMacroExpansions := lPrintMacroExpansions;
end; {if}
Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.forLoop); {loop to the test}
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.breakLab); {create the exit label}
statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record}
end; {EndForStatement}
procedure EndSwitchStatement;
{ finish off a switch statement }
sparse = 5; {label to tableSize ratio for sparse table}
default: integer; {default label}
ltp: baseTypeEnum; {base type}
minVal: integer; {min switch value}
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
{copies of vars (for efficiency)}
exitLab: integer; {label at the end of the jump table}
isLong: boolean; {is the case expression long?}
swPtr,swPtr2: switchPtr; {switch label table list}
begin {EndSwitchStatement}
stPtr := statementList; {get the statement record}
exitLab := stPtr^.switchExit; {get the exit label}
isLong := stPtr^.isLong; {get the long flag}
swPtr := stPtr^.switchList; {Skip further generation if there were}
if swPtr <> nil then begin { no labels. }
default := stPtr^.switchDefault; {get a default label}
if default = 0 then
default := exitLab;
Gen1(pc_ujp, exitLab); {branch past the indexed jump}
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.switchLab); {create the label for the xjp table}
if isLong then {decide on a base type}
ltp := cgLong
ltp := cgWord;
if stPtr^.isLong
or (((stPtr^.maxVal-swPtr^.val) div stPtr^.labelCount) > sparse) then
{Long expressions and sparse switch statements are handled as a }
{series of if-goto tests. }
while swPtr <> nil do begin {generate the compares}
if isLong then
Gen1t(pc_ldc, long(swPtr^.val).lsw, cgWord);
Gen2t(pc_lod, stPtr^.ln, 0, ltp);
Gen0t(pc_equ, ltp);
Gen1(pc_tjp, swPtr^.lab);
swPtr2 := swPtr;
swPtr := swPtr^.next;
end; {while}
Gen1(pc_ujp, default); {anything else goes to default}
end {if}
else begin
{compact word switch statements are handled with xjp}
minVal := long(swPtr^.val).lsw; {record the min label value}
Gen2t(pc_lod, stPtr^.ln, 0, ltp); {get the value}
Gen1t(pc_dec, minVal, cgWord); {adjust the range}
Gen1(pc_xjp, ord(stPtr^.maxVal-minVal+1)); {do the indexed jump}
while swPtr <> nil do begin {generate the jump table}
while minVal < swPtr^.val do begin
Gen1(pc_add, default);
minVal := minVal+1;
end; {while}
minVal := minVal+1;
Gen1(pc_add, swPtr^.lab);
swPtr2 := swPtr;
swPtr := swPtr^.next;
end; {while}
Gen1(pc_add, default);
end; {if}
Gen1(dc_lab, exitLab); {generate the default label}
end {if}
else begin
Gen1(pc_ujp, exitLab); {branch past the indexed jump}
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.switchLab); {create the label for the xjp table}
default := stPtr^.switchDefault; {if there is one, jump to the default label}
if default <> 0 then
Gen1(pc_ujp, default);
Gen1(dc_lab, exitLab); {generate the default label}
end; {else}
FreeTemp(stPtr^.ln, stPtr^.size); {release temp variable}
statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record}
end; {EndSwitchStatement}
procedure EndWhileStatement;
{ finish off a while statement }
stPtr: statementPtr; {work pointer}
begin {EndWhileStatement}
stPtr := statementList; {loop to the test}
Gen1(pc_ujp, stPtr^.whileTop);
Gen1(dc_lab, stPtr^.whileEnd); {create the exit label}
statementList := stPtr^.next; {pop the statement record}
end; {EndWhileStatement}
{-- Type declarations ------------------------------------------}
procedure Declarator(tPtr: typePtr; var variable: identPtr; space: spaceType;
doingPrototypes: boolean);
{ handle a declarator }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tPtr - pointer to the type to use }
{ variable - pointer to variable being defined }
{ space - variable space to use }
{ doingPrototypes - are we compiling prototype parameter }
{ declarations? }
label 1;
typeDefPtr = ^typeDefRecord; {for stacking type records}
typeDefRecord = record
next: typeDefPtr;
typeDef: typePtr;
pointerListPtr = ^pointerList; {for stacking pointer types}
pointerList = record
next: pointerListPtr;
isConstant: boolean;
i: integer; {loop variable}
lastWasIdentifier: boolean; {for deciding if the declarator is a fuction}
lastWasPointer: boolean; {was the last type a pointer?}
newName: stringPtr; {new symbol name}
parameterStorage: boolean; {is the new symbol in a parm list?}
state: stateKind; {declaration state of the variable}
tPtr2: typePtr; {work pointer}
tsPtr: typeDefPtr; {work pointer}
typeStack: typeDefPtr; {stack of type definitions}
varParmList: boolean; {did we prototype a variable?}
{for checking function compatibility}
checkParms: boolean; {do we need to do type checking on the parm?}
compatible: boolean; {are the parameters compatible?}
ftoken: tokenType; {for checking extern functions}
p1,p2,p3: parameterPtr; {used to trace parameter lists}<