2017-10-21 18:40:19 -05:00
* MIDI Synth Tool Set
* Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1991
* All Rights Reserved
* Copyright 1992, Byte Works, Inc
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <TYPES.h>
#ifndef __MIDISYNTH__
#define __MIDISYNTH__
/* Error Codes */
#define msAlreadyStarted 0x2301 /* MidiSynth already started */
#define msNotStarted 0x2302 /* MidiSynth never started */
#define msNoDPMem 0x2303 /* Can't get direct page memory */
#define msNoMemBlock 0x2304 /* Can't get memory block */
#define msNoMiscTool 0x2305 /* Misc Tools not started */
#define msNoSoundTool 0x2306 /* Sound Tools not started */
#define msGenInUse 0x2307 /* Ensoniq generator in use */
#define msBadPortNum 0x2308 /* Illegal port number */
#define msPortBusy 0x2309 /* Port is busy */
#define msParamRangeErr 0x230a /* Parameter range error */
#define msMsgQueueFull 0x230b /* Message queue full */
#define msRecBufFull 0x230c /* Rec buffer is full */
#define msOutputDisabled 0x230d /* MIDI output disabled */
#define msMessageError 0x230e /* Message error */
#define msOutputBufFull 0x230f /* MIDI output buffer is full */
#define msDriverNotStarted 0x2310 /* Driver not started */
#define msDriverAlreadySet 0x2311 /* Driver already set */
#define msDevNotAvail 0x2380 /* the requested device is not available */
#define msDevSlotBusy 0x2381 /* requested slot is already in use */
#define msDevBusy 0x2382 /* the requested device is already in use */
#define msDevOverrun 0x2383 /* device overrun by incoming MIDI data */
#define msDevNoConnect 0x2384 /* no connection to MIDI */
#define msDevReadErr 0x2385 /* framing error in received MIDI data */
#define msDevVersion 0x2386 /* ROM version is incompatible with device driver */
#define msDevIntHndlr 0x2387 /* conflicting interrupt handler is installed */
/* structure definitions */
typedef struct {
byte reserved1[0x0c];
word MpacketStat;
word MpacketData1;
word MpacketData2;
byte SeqClockFrac;
long SeqClockInt;
byte reserved2[0x31-0x16];
byte SeqItemStat;
byte SeqItemData1;
byte SeqItemData2;
byte reserved3[0x3f-0x33];
byte MetroVol;
byte reserved4[0xe4-0x3f];
word MetroFreq;
byte reserved5[0xea-0xe5];
byte SeqItemTrack;
byte reserved6;
byte PacketBytes;
byte reserved7[0x100-0xec];
} msDirectPage, *msDirectPagePtr, **msDirectPageHndl;
typedef struct {
msDirectPagePtr directPage;
long reserved;
} GetMSDataOutputRec, *GetMSDataOutputRecPtr, **GetMSDataOutputRecHndl;
typedef struct {
word measureNumber;
word beatNumber;
word msRemainder;
} MeasureRec, *MeasureRecPtr, **MeasureRecHndl;
typedef struct {
ProcPtr EndSeq;
ProcPtr UserMeter;
ProcPtr Mstart;
ProcPtr Mstop;
ProcPtr PacketIn;
ProcPtr SeqEvent;
ProcPtr SysEx;
ProcPtr PacketOut;
ProcPtr PgmChange;
ProcPtr Mcontinue;
ProcPtr SMarker;
ProcPtr RecBufFull;
ProcPtr Reserved1;
ProcPtr Reserved2;
} CallBackRec, *CallBackRecPtr, **CallBackRecHndl;
typedef struct {
pointer PbufStart;
long Reserved;
pointer RbufStart;
pointer RbufEnd;
word SeqFlags;
long theClock;
} SeqPlayRec, *SeqPlayRecPtr, **SeqPlayRecHndl;
typedef struct {
byte AttackLevel;
byte AttackRate;
byte Decay1Level;
byte Decay1Rate;
byte Decay2Level;
byte Decay2Rate;
byte SustainLevel;
byte Decay3Rate;
byte Release1Level;
byte Release1Rate;
byte Release2Level;
byte Release2Rate;
byte Release3Rate;
byte DecayGain;
byte VelocityGain;
byte PitchBendRange;
} EnvelopeRec, *EnvelopeRecPtr, **EnvelopeRecHndl;
typedef struct {
byte TopKey;
byte OscConfig;
byte Stereo;
byte Detune;
byte WaveAddrA;
byte WaveSizeA;
byte VolumeA;
byte OctaveA;
byte SemitoneA;
byte FineTuneA;
byte WaveAddrB;
byte WaveSizeB;
byte VolumeB;
byte OctaveB;
byte SemitoneB;
byte FineTuneB;
} WavelistRec, *WavelistRecPtr, **WavelistRecHndl;
typedef struct {
EnvelopeRec gen1EnvRec;
WavelistRec gen1WaveRecs[8];
EnvelopeRec gen2EnvRec;
WavelistRec gen2WaveRecs[8];
} InstrumentRec, *InstrumentRecPtr, **InstrumentRecHndl;
typedef struct {
byte TrackNum;
byte TimeStampHigh;
byte TimeStampLow;
byte TimeStampMid;
byte DataByteCount;
byte MIDIStat;
byte DataByte1;
byte DataByte2;
} SeqItemRec, *SeqItemRecPtr, **SeqItemRecHndl;
/* available calls */
extern pascal void MSBootInit(void) inline(0x0123,dispatcher);
extern pascal void MSStartUp(void) inline(0x0223,dispatcher);
extern pascal void MSShutDown(void) inline(0x0323,dispatcher);
extern pascal word MSVersion(void) inline(0x0423,dispatcher);
extern pascal void MSReset(void) inline(0x0523,dispatcher);
extern pascal word MSStatus(void) inline(0x0623,dispatcher);
extern pascal MeasureRec ConvertToMeasure(Word, Word, Long);
extern pascal long ConvertToTime(Word, Word, Word, Word) inline(0x2023,dispatcher);
extern pascal void DeleteTrack(Word, Ptr) inline(0x1d23,dispatcher);
extern void GetMSData(long *reserved, long *DP);
extern pascal void GetTuningTable(Ptr) inline(0x2523,dispatcher);
extern pascal void InitMIDIDriver(Word, Word, Word, ProcPtr) inline(0x2723,dispatcher);
extern pascal void KillAllNotes(void) inline(0x0d23,dispatcher);
extern pascal SeqItemRecPtr Locate(Long, Ptr) inline(0x1123,dispatcher);
extern pascal pointer LocateEnd(Ptr) inline(0x1b23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void Merge(Ptr, Ptr) inline(0x1c23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void MIDIMessage(Word, Word, Word, Word, Word) inline(0x1a23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void MSResume(void) inline(0x2323,dispatcher);
extern pascal void MSSuspend(void) inline(0x2223,dispatcher);
extern pascal void PlayNote(Word, Word, Word) inline(0x0b23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void RemoveMIDIDriver(void) inline(0x2823,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SeqPlayer(SeqPlayRecPtr) inline(0x1523,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetBasicChan(Word) inline(0x0923,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetBasicChannel(Word) inline(0x0923,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetBeat(Word) inline(0x1923,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetCallBack(CallBackRecPtr) inline(0x1723,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetInstrument(InstrumentRecPtr, Word) inline(0x1423,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetMetro(Word, Word, Ptr) inline(0x1e23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetMIDIMode(Word) inline(0x0a23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetMIDIPort(Boolean, Boolean) inline(0x1323,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetPlayTrack(Word, Boolean) inline(0x0f23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetRecTrack(Word) inline(0x0e23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetTempo(Word) inline(0x1623,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetTrackOut(Word, Word) inline(0x2623,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetTuningTable(Ptr) inline(0x2423,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SetVelComp(Word) inline(0x1223,dispatcher);
extern pascal void StopNote(Word, Word) inline(0x0c23,dispatcher);
extern pascal void SysExOut(Ptr, Word, ProcPtr) inline(0x1823,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TrackToChannel(Word, Word) inline(0x1023,dispatcher);